What's the weirdest movie you have ever seen?
Hardmode: No foreign movies, specifically Asian movies
What's the weirdest movie you have ever seen?
Hardmode: No foreign movies, specifically Asian movies
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Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
that being said, everyone needs to see it at least once
I saw this fucked up film about egyptian gods on modern day earth years ago. I don't remember the story but I do remember half of the characters being ps1 tier cgi, even some of the human ones.
it explores the human condition and evil and to an extent whether or not god exists, seriously go watch it now if you've never seen it
human centipede
It's uncomfortable torture porn that teenagers watch as some statement about their taste.
It's a misersble, pretentious slog but if you lap up cinematic diarrhea like The Holy Mountain I'm sure you can squeeze some enjoyment out of it.
I just looked it up. It's called Immortal. One of the characters is called Nikopol though. Maybe it went by that title in other regions. Turns out it's french.