Is Creme a vaild English spelling ?

Is Creme a vaild English spelling ?


not at all

in british english

like centre

what do americans call creme?

british english is archaic and not appropriate for modern use

Crême ?



Depends, 'creme de la creme' has virtually become a journalistic colliqualism within English


doesn't it sound the same?
why change it

that's because that's in french not english lmao

Its a loan word term like maitre d or aide de camp

bae is now formal english


They don't count as English if they're in Merriam-Webster/Oxford?


Because in English its cream.

Why dont you use the Lithuanian word for cream? Because its not spanish

because english phonetics don't make any fucking sense and the same word can be spelt hundreds of ways.

>labor vs labour
>center vs centre
>pedophile vs pædophile

Since English phonetics aren't consistent, it really just goes down to what became more common in certain regions. For the most part, most other languages don't deal with this issue as much because their phonetics are usually quite consistent.

Those aren't idioms, those are terms. An idiom is a term like "in worn out" or "She's done for"

'creme de la creme' is an idiom
and those are also idioms,

No one would consider it proper Spanish but the term is actually used when talking liquors, an area in which it's pretty much an international standard.

*I meant English

Americans don't even speak english.