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International #779
I have a friend who doesn't like and refuses to try beer
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are we so smart?
Tfw mediterranean master race
How is your penis, Sup Forums?
Friends forever
Who was in the wrong here?
United States "Education"
What is the language that is closest to your native?
Is this the 2nd most influential country in pop-culture?
Mugabe is the new president of your country, how fucked you are?
1. Your cunt
/cum/ - can us mex
72 years ago today
UN Peacekeepers
Is West Africa the shittiest part of Africa?
Post a typical looking girl from your cunt
How do we encourage more men to become MGTOW?
/lat/ - hilo latino
/balt/ Anime:
Why are Western and North Europeans so afraid of Slavs?
/410/ ehemals /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Does Mexico take in immigrants? What's it like being a gringo in that country? Is it safe...
/fr/ - le francofil
5th of August 2017
ITT: countries with great people but awful governments
This redpilled man is fitter than 99% of Sup Forums
/ita/ il filo
Post music from this region of the world
His language assigns imaginary genders to inanimate objects
User you know so much from different cultures and countries maybe we could hangout together!
Why are Japanese so racist?
/cum/ + /d/ Canada USA Mexico + Denmark
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
Which one gotta go, Sup Forums?
How common are these words/phrases in their countries?
ITT guess the country
Why do Americans hate Mexican sosmuch? I thought they worked hard!
Is it true Europe doesn't have root beer?
Why are Americans so utterly stupid?
Do French girls like black guys?
How would be the world if they still exist?
Fucking Eastern Europeans are racist
Kurva anyátok
Fill in every country you've been to and post back here
Visting England
HIV Positive Refugee Infects 20 Women in Iceland
How can a country that literally runs the world be destroyed? how it would be a world without America?
Why haven't you picked up a faithful black waifu yet?
Dear Africans
Two most worthless countries on earth, who decided we must exist?
Sverigetråden - anti2Duppluggan
Are you white?
What thoughts do you have for polish women?
Who /i1/ here?
Reply to a European
Every summer ayrab shitskins bring their dick waving mobiles to London and park wherever they want...
/axis/ general
Black people hate
Rich history and culture
Culturepals /cp/
What's the most important physical trait for you in a girl?
Is Istanbul the best and most magnificent city of the whole middle east ?
Why are black people so sociable and extroverted?
Noses of Sup Forums
What's the worst thing the USA had done to your country?
/hilo latino/
Why are they so rich ?
Where do you rank September 11 in terms of cataclysmic human events? Top 5? Top 10?
Would you rather be:
Say good things about this country
/cum/ - China USA Mexico
What do you think about African paganism?
What happened to european techno?
Post you are favorite building from you are cunt
Sverigetråden - 3dupplagan
Itt: let's make a better flag for canada
Non-Native English speakers, what was the hardest part of learning English?
Say something nice about sicilia
Can we take a moment and appreciate the US and what it has offered to the world?
His country never had an empire
/deutsch/ selten /Volk/
Hi I have some questions for the Italians on this board
What's going on in Spain?
How do we stop India?
Latin name
Americans actually believe they are the good guys
The last time each European country was occupied
These four countries will become superpowers of the future
The reason to hate France
31 years old
It feels good to know terrorists won't ever run us over with trucks
You have landed in Singapore
Post your results, Sup Forumsernationals!
Typical Italian man
What do europeans think of americans?
Is this allowed in your country?
How did communism work out for your cunt?
Remove Fish n chips
11cm glorious my yamato dick is allowed to enter whitu grills pussy??
My ancestor :)
Why were Canadians so cowardly during WWII?
Reminder that Finns don't have a single drop of Germanic blood
/balt/ Anime:
ITT: women who are literally perfect across all cultures
British television
1. You are a your country
Indonesia are you okay
*ruins europe*
Why should we use English?It is not fair,isn't it...
Why are Koreans the best looking Asians?
What is wrong with these retards?
Why didn't any European Empires conquer these micro states?
Only Portuguese people deserve to populate Earth
Is it possible to teach English illegally in Japan if you work part-time?
Sverigetråden - Japanupplagan
Do muslims ever question why Western non believers live in luxury, while they themselves live in filth and poverty?
In your country, can you walk along the street in national traditional costumes without being seen oddly?
Are Jews White?
Be me
Why are the only attractive whites the ones that look non-white?
How well-known is the Wild West in other countries...
/schwoaba/ ehemals /deutsch/, öfters amol /österreich/
European countries by hourly minimum wage
This is how my ideal bf looks like. Your thoughts?
How are you guys dealing the heat wave in europe lads? Here it's getting very warm...
Do you love Russia?
Be system admin(aka sysadmin)
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ME/ - ex /MENA/
Paintbucket your opinions about European languages
Guess her nationality/race
France share a common border with Brazil
Varg is right. Christians should be thrown back to the middle east together with mudslimes...
Is it common to talk with stranger in you country?
What advantage do I have of being russian instead of somalian, syrian or paki? Not a single one
I'm currently studying in Bangkok and looking for some weed...
/ita/ il filo
Go to youtube
Israeli soccer team attacked by Polish skinheads after game
You know what? Fuck France. Your whole country is conformist. Any thought they may offend is shot down...
Stop liking Asian women
/deutsch/ auch bekannt als /frühschicht/
Dear Europeans
Asian women are literally the least harmful demographic group in the world
Show me street food in your country
/ex-USSR/ General
Do people from New Zealand just tell foreigners they meet irl that they're from Australia if I was kiwi I wouldn't tell...
This is it guys, im about to taste the full Australian experience
Kurva anyátok
International Webm Roulette
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What's the most French thing you've done today?
Man's """""""""""""""" Best Friend """"""""""""""""
Why is Italy so homo and xenophobic? Is Italy even western Europe??
How should I kill myself?
International Music
Why Don't You Like Japanese Girls?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Guess this boy's ethnicity
1. you are cunt
Yfw you will never live like your forefathers
Note to self: DO NOT cut your fingernails too short
Is there any country capable of doing a Singapore and going from third world to first world in just three decades?
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
Could I be accepted in your country?
Post your country's presidential palace, and r8
Why do Brazilians like Japan so much?
There are places in this glorious republic where it is illegal to buy alcohol
This country has the highest success in historical laundering
Japan is going better
Brown reggaeton shithole
Baltic states should pay tribute to Poland...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
I wish there were Mexicans in my city. Instead, we have Arab and African subhumans
Is there any reason to learn Russian anymore?
If your language is agglutinating or polysynthetic; post the longest word you can make yourself
/lat/ - hilo latino
Wh*Te population: 500 million
Texas man shoots armadillo, bullet ricochets and hits him in the face
One country away from North Korea
Why doesn't spain like its colonies? It makes me sad. :(
Do you play video games, Sup Forums? What's a popular vidya in your country?
What are some examples of fine Dutch cuisine? Like he delicacies and shit
Does your cunt have fidget spinners?
Why are south americans fascist bootlickers? Is it the monkey brains?
Post cars from ur cunt
It is insane to think that the largest animal to ever exist, the blue whale...
Why don't white people use spices?
/cum/ Canadia Estados Unidos Mejico
Why do people find the Japanese language more appealing than Korean or Chinese
Black music:
I really hate my countrymen that go on about their heritage. it's embarrassing
Why is finland generally seen as a shithole by int...
Tfw no Italian gf
The state of finland
Hilo latino /lat/
English women are ug-
Why is Hollywood so fuckin degenerate?
WE DID IT Sup Forums!!!
Can he considered as a local in your country?
Does your country have any known diasporafags posting under other flags on Sup Forums?
Colombian girls are for:
when a cute russian boy looks in your general direction
Allah hate thread
Sup Forumsernational music thread
Yurocucks are destroying their medieval cathedrals to make place to build mosques
Sverigetråden - Fredagsnattupplagan
How do Moroccans and Spaniards feel about each other?
Shit county
Living in the South
Faces of Sup Forums
What do you call rabbits in your country
If you want a good woman who isn't a self centered ass whore, get a kindergarten teacher
One of these threads- not arsed to provide a template- just edit mine
Nazis considered this as "untermenschen"
Southern Europeans > Northern Europeans
What did she mean by this? Are the importing Russian kids for cheap labor in the oil platforms?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Is Creme a vaild English spelling ?
Lithuanians are the whitest yet their average IQ is only 94
I'd be more scared if I had to visit someone by train in UK or Germany than in Poland
Denmark hate thread
Only white people allowed ITT
I unironically believe China is trying to make friends with the west with the only purpose of destroy it and rule the...
/v4/ + friends
Tfw I laugh with people above out my social anxieties
If i'm honest
/lang/ - Language Learning
Rider and writer are pronounced the same
Which countries would Nazi Germany be able to defeat today?
Tfw I will never fuck a Finnish trap in his tight boipucci while he is calling me names and says how much he hates...
Kurva anyátok
International MBTI
/balt/ /ausnz/
Sup Forums Summer Cup
Waiting my suicidal thoughts to be gone
D*nmark hate thread
My cousin keeps raping me, how do I stop her?
/ita/ il filo
How do you call this of your country???
Can you name 5 (five) cities from the country above you?
Why are med girls so fucking perfect
France's GDP is the same as California's
Are mixed kids treated well in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You have no excuses why don't you have a girlfriend?
Russians will assassinate this
Feeling bored waiting around at work. international picture thread?
Pic is a next Russian president
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Culture Pals - /cp/
Tfw being paki
Why Spanish people didn't kill all the native americans like England did?
The mayor of my city is
The fuck is up with this place
Does your country eat Scrambled eggs
Why do people who post on this website have such retarded opinions about South Africa?
This is what the average brazilian woman looks like
Hello you imbecile retards
Here are modern populations that are the most similar to ancient greeks genetically
It's another french hate post
Tfw the average french speaker can't make a single sentence without a fucking anglicism so you spend your lifetime on...
Having conversation
Should a penis be this thin I know I'm small (4 inches erect) but it being this thin just seems unnatural is it just...
My VIRGINITY THRESHOLD is at its LIMIT i need to FUCK a FEMALE i need to IMPREGNATE a WOMAN she shall bear my SEED and...
/Sino/ -国 thread
Why are we so inferior to southern Europe?
How true is this?
Why Japanese so small and weak when korean tall?
Friday, August 4th, 2017
If Turks were Christian, would we consider them white?
Sup Forums, I need help
Would you rather receive a blowjob from a British, French, or Canadian slut?
Tfw nobody wants me to come to Brazil
Post pics of glorious mother Russia
Why is Spain so hot?
If you had a threesome with a guy and a girl and could choose their nationalities which would they be?
Friendly banter an american
Why japanese man weak?
98 years ago, the Romanian army marched into Budapest, saving Hungary from communism
So what's up with this hate against Turks on this site?
I am a very strange man and few people understand me. I wonder if this is a failure on my part...
Ask an Israeli who doesn't want to be an Israeli anything
America will NEVER EVER be as progressive and tolerant as mighty Canada
Black people
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/deutsch/ und /antihellvetia/
Who's you're favorite Sup Forums poster and why is it me?
Go to Spain
Favourite Brit Thread
Inmigration problem in Spain
ITT post countries with cucked borders
How can goyim compete?
Why europeans hate science?
Germanics lived in mud hou-
Sverigetråden - knullauppluggan
Tfw find white girls attractive but too scared to talk to them because of their eye color
Why is this a meme country?
How can you not own a car? Fucking man up
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Does she look japanese, chinese or korean?
Russians are not Slavs
Heh....look at those germanic barbarians
Tfw literally autistic
Are Anglos the ultimate good guys of history? Basically everything we touch gets better in some way
Tfw have harem of tsundere cousins
This HAPA made a thread on twitter that got really popular...
Euros would rather take in niggers and arabs than this
How do we solve this problem?
Austria has avoided the banter far too long
Dutch girls are _____
How would your family feel if you brought home a latina gf?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Wh*te "people"
Typical day in the Philippines
Is there a more iconic duo than this?
/ita/ il filo
Would you poo in here?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Come home white man
Why turkey?
If Australia has our own monarch this would be our princess thoughts?
Why do white peoples always say "nigger" when they lose an argument?
1. Your country
Sino-Russian military alliance in 2-3 years
Why do Australians like this shitty beer so much?
Mwf Finnish women fantasizes over Aussie men
"I'm from Japa-... I mean Poland"
Really made me think
Is this real Finnbros?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - Sosseupplagan
/Wochenende, Depression und Langeweile/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Based Sylvi Listhaug and Prime minister Erna calls for ordinary norwegians to inform on "refugees" going on holiday to...
Turkish boys belong to Italian cocks
Anyone here took a DNA genetic test before to find out ancestry...
Just saw an Australian sex tourist that looked like Chris Hemsworth get thrown out of a Subway sandwich shop for being...
/éire/ - /eire/
I wanna be a westerner
Is this right?
When people online can see what country you're in
You wake up one morning to find this girl lying in your bed covered in shit and sperm
I have a fucking serius problem, i'm from merida, Mex, and presidential elections are approaching...
My favourite, pizza with chips!
/ex-USSR/ general
How's your room? Post picture
User tries his hand at powerlifting
What is the average Americans opinion on us?
Kurva anyátok
It is the fact that many Koreans considered themselves as Japanese before 1945
Russian girls are made for BKC (big khan cocks)
Why do you hate capitalism?
Why…are americans fat and stupid?
Which country has the best women and why is it India?
What are stereotypes in your cunt that are actually true?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
WTF i hate American history now!!11
>ywn be lithuanian
The last thread was comfy
Name 8 European countries without looking them up
What's this called in your cunt?
Why is it immoral to want to preserve your country's identity from an invading host?
I have a few question to Kazakhs:
This is why trump wants to deports mexicans
What happens here?
/lat/ - hilo latino
You wake up in Spain
Dad is being racist again
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity
How common are these in your country?
I NEED to have sex with Japanese Yamato girls
Are LatAm cunts close? Are they closer in unity than Yuropeans?
Is Britain even a real country?
Which one is superior
Guess the Country
Why are European sandwiches so boring?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
There are people that find Asians attractive
Why does Sweden have such a good reputation irl?
Are there any Vietnamese here...
US carrier group joins UK’s HMS Queen Elizabeth for "Saxon Warrior 17" exercise
Ask an Israeli who doesn't want to be an Israeli anything
Any Japs answer me these questions
Edição cheira cu
/afr/ AFRICA general
Hilo latino /lat/
I asked my family to fill out a blank map of Europe and then compiled the results
White friend got mestiza wife
/eire/ - /éire/
/deutsch/ und /antihellvetia/
Do people in your country do "night bowling" (or night balling)?
Despacito Edition
ITT Countries you fucking HATE
Your country
/ex-yu/ - zasto ovakvih nema kod nas izdanje
So user we heard you hate England and the English people is this true?
Post your cumrag
/fr/ - Le francofunkofil
Brown hair brown eyes straight caucasian male is basically the only natural thing in this world
Tfw born paki
/deutsch/ und /antihellvetia/
How happy is your country?
Prove you're not a jew
/balt/ Anime:
Accents that cannot be heard without laughing
On a scale of 7-10, how accurate is this illustration?
Which one is superior
How popular is anime in MENA
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
When you realise that black Americans literally control Americas mainstream culture and decides what is cool
If it hadn't been for the BLACK masterrace...
Why didn't these faggots ever unite?
When will Japan finally apologize and pay reparations?
Languages that wait till the end of the sentence to put information that changes the entire meaning of that sentence
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
How strong is anti-German sentiment in your country?
Portugal Love Thread
Where are the black people in your country?
/balk/ - balkan thread
I want to look like this, but I look like
/v4/ + friends
You have to live the rest of your life in a country with lower PPP than 5,000 (red and dark red countries)
Danish prince refuses to be buried with his wife, the queen
/ita/ - il Filo
Americans can't make justice against illegal immigrants selling street food in front of your house
How would Mexico look like today if it had stayed like this? What would be the global implications?
Visiting another country
Why are northern euroepans so inferior to southern europeans?
Does your country have a version of Texas where people are highly nationalistic...
Europe needs to take a seat over there
Sverigetråden - Saara
Could he pass as a local in your country?
Was the Frankish Empire the height of German control in Europe?
Do your country have a degenerated army?
/cammi/ /cum/+/mämmi/
Hey int
Catholic countries are either poor shitholes or filled with niggers
/fr/ - Le francofil culinaire
Say good things about this country
Italian women are _____
WTF Italy?!?
Be american
France is now the first soft power in the world
Kurva anyátok
Visit United States
American education
Why did the French banish Napoleon to a remote island in Africa instead of beheading him like the French royal family?
Guatemala is going to resive, in concept of remittances, about NINE BILLON dolars...
Tell me about the gun laws of your country
Visit England
Just a little reminder
Post what race you think these countries are
Sverigetråden - Fönsterupplaga
/Russian General/
Turkkilaiset on veljiä-painos
Post the three worse enemies of your country by order of importance in history
NUKE-A-COUNTRY game thread 4 -TOP 5
/ex-yu/ - dlakavi crni andjeli izdanje
How would your family react if you brought home a Chinese gf?
Why won't poles just move on?
Do Americans even have something resembling culture?
Show me what fast food hamburger means in your country
Hey, russians and other slavs, why do you speak almost the same lang as indians...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...