Hi I have some questions for the Italians on this board

Hi I have some questions for the Italians on this board

1. What do normies in your country think of Mussolini? Does he have the same stigma Hitler has in Germany?

2. What is your personal opinion of Mussolini?

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not italian, but i saw this once on my vaccation in italy.


how does that taste /:c

like wine? i guess?

Not Italian, but here everyone loves Mussolini

1 He did well but ruined everything when he allied whit shitler
2 too autistic for an opinion

I always confuse Mussolini with Berlusconi
Wonder why

Why the fuck is there always a Sup Forumstard behind every french flag on this board?

Probably because the country is filled with niggers, just a suggestion

That's why Petain was crucified?


Like perfection. But you gotta burn that Jew money for a sample.

Normie here. To be honest is pretty popular among at least 50% of our youth

Normie here, I donno know me bout my genitors always speak "when there was he trains where on time and you sleeped with doors open"

but we dont care many about past


In Germany he is seen as a Hitler-light


saluta andonio

My Italian grandparents like and supported him. Mostly because he gave people people public works jobs.

he gave publc land with houses to countrymen, he lauched pensions for old ppl he made trains run on time and stuff

I wish i was alive in the '20s


From what I have seen he is not too well liked, but it's not outright hated like Hitler is in Germany either, unless you talk to commies. I think we can also discuss his legacy a lot more openly and objectively than Hitler's legacy. Perhaps it helps that he never did any truly horrible shit like the Holocaust or Nanking

Personally, I.wouldn't choose to live under fascism, but I kinda like Benito. His only real mistake as a leader was trusting Germans imo.

We all do

Love seeing foreigners make cognate-based mistakes 2bh.

Should have stayed out of the war and jumped on Germany after America did. Italy could be on the UNSC and have nukes today.

america betrayed italy after ww1.

And fascism would be cool

You sperged out about a worthless strip of land with one city of Italians that you could have just taken without allying Hitler. Or did you need the Germans to help you bully some dumb slavs?

Our army was totally unprepared and untrained with bad weapons because of the 1936 embargo. I agree with you ... with our neutrality, Fascism would have ruled the country until the '70s or even later

Are you talking about Fiume/Rijeka? It was conquered by D'Annunzio volunteers in 1920.

Or Trieste? It was annexed by us after the Treaty of Villa Giusti with austrian defeat.

The Carcano wasn't that bad.
Also Mussolini was autistic and made Italian divisions small so he could say there were more of them and he could convince himself he was more powerful than he really was.
Should have made Balbo the Duce he was way less retarded and hated G*rmans

I'm talking about Dalmatia.

Dalmazia was granted us by british for your Entente joining but Wilson gave the regions to the Slavs after Versailles. I've mixed feeling about this topic ... dalmatian and venetians were almost disappeared as language in the region (except Zara/Zadar and Spalato/Split and Ragusa, so slavs maybe had more right than us ... but in the cities ''italian'' presences was strong

>Pact of london 1915
>italy joins ww1 just to take these territories

murrican president denies dalmatia because muh principles

never trust burgers

Haha wonderful

Balbo was so popular that his ''accidental death'' in Lybia wasn't an accident, probabily ... he was also liked by americans in the '30s: he made a spectacular flight over Chicago and New York City.

*our not your

Britain and France were never going to give you it anyway desu

There's a street in Chicago still named fate Balbo. He was pretty based. Only fascist I actually like.

Zara was the only Italian majority city IIRC, it was a decidedly Croatian region.

Mi piace vedere i 15 del cazzo che parlano di mussolini e delle poche cose positive del ventennio fascista, idolatrare mussolini per quella roba è come dire che mao è un grande perché ha tenuto unita una nazione come la cina senza citare tutto lo schifo che c'era dietro.
E comunque Continuate a postare i meme cancro giusto per provare il vostro ritardo mentale mi raccomando

Unfortunately the eternal Anglo decided that keeping up the League of Nation masquerade and ""protecting"" the independence of niggers was more important than preserving a reliable ally against the Germans.

Dude i think you used the wrong image, here's the actual one

Parla il 20enne ritardato che pensa che il ''cuminismo'' sia ''muh ee megrounteeh, petaloso, i diritti dei gerbillih e il phenneneezmoh''

Il tutto ovviamente dal suo smartphone koreano assemblato da operai cinesi con materie prime africane e latinoamericane, in Germania. Con internet pagato dai genitori. Però merda la globalizzazione, allerta il presidio 11!!1!!

ihihi kerridereh i meme del duce appeso!1!! Fine umorismo che Vergassola può accompagnare solo

Chi cazzo ti ha detto che io sia comunista, ho detto che voi quindicenni postate senza parlare. E comunque caro coglione nel mio post ho detto che mao(in caso tu non lo sappia era comunista) ha fatto un sacco di schifo in cina quindi hai di nuovo provato di essere un bambino ritardato. Ma forse lo sono io , infatti quando i treni arrivavamo in oriario per deportarci si stava molto meglio

Già scusa meglio saluta andonio e martin garrix, quelli sono i veri meme

>1. What do normies in your country think of Mussolini? Does he have the same stigma Hitler has in Germany?
No, quite a lot of people are nostalgic and he has a small but dedicated fanbase. In general, the opinion of non-commies is that he dindu nuffin wrong except allying with H*tler
>2. What is your personal opinion of Mussolini?
English puppet gone awry and generally a big dunce

Arridaje co sta storia del 15 enne, chessei er veggente de Tor Pagnotta che leggi attraverso il web?

''ihihi sono un loHacker''

Tu invece provi di essere il solito ciccione metallaro unto e brufoloso coi capelli pidocchiosi che, rancoroso come la merda, passa le sue giornate a fare le sue guettette da tastiera. Meglio se spendi la paghetta in escort di lusso, ti faresti meno fegato marcio invece di spararti le pose online.

Però siete divertenti, animate i miei intermezzi noioso ed immaginarvi incazzati e biliari dietro il monitor non ha presso.

That was his original plan before the Eternal Anglo decided that siding with niggers was more important than avoiding a new world war

>non ha presso
El veneziANO, senores

Non sapresti nemmeno prendere in mano un fucile, caricarlo e sparare ad una gallina, figuriamoci ''uccidere i fascisti''.

E' sabato sera, fai come i tuoi coetanei, esci e vai vestito da trapper della DPG a comprare giunti dai magreba e a rimorchiare 15enni in shorts dai.

Domanda seria: ma sono tanti gli italiani che vanno su Sup Forums? Vado in italia solo una volta all'anno per vedere i parenti, e tutti i giovani (17-30 anni) italiani che ho conosciuto sono dei ritardati finocchietti senza ambizioni che parlano solo di figa ed erba e vivono ancora nella stessa stanzo dove vivevano a 5 anni con la mammina che gli prepara da mangiare. Qui in Belgio sono presi per il culo i quelli cosí.

Fareste meglio a cacciare le magrebmerde che controllano buona parte dei vostri quartieri invece che perculare i mamaboys, che già si perculano da soli.

Però c'è da dire che le belghe qui in Costiera la danno via come il pane, quindi benvengano.


>ma sono tanti gli italiani che vanno su Sup Forums?
No, siamo sempre i soliti 5 stronzi
>Qui in Belgio sono presi per il culo i quelli cosí.
Buon per voi, c'è da dire che il numero di debosciati dipende dagli ambienti che frequenti. Data la mancanza di prospettive, qui è naturalmente alto, fra una decina d'anni saremo nella merda

Ok allora riformulo
Chi cazzo ti ha detto che io sia comunista, ho detto che voi coglioni postate senza pensare. E comunque caro coglione nel mio post ho detto che mao(in caso tu non lo sappia era comunista) ha fatto un sacco di schifo in cina quindi hai di nuovo provato di essere un bambino ritardato. Ma forse lo sono io , infatti quando i treni arrivavamo in oriario per deportarci si stava molto meglio

>per deportarci

soffro di autismo: il post

Non lui, ma lo Zoloft e il Seroquel li hai già presi? Ti rilasserebbero un po', stai sereno si vede che non lo sei.

Va meglio cosi? Ora ti va di rispondere al resto del post?

Reminder that it's Mussolini's fault that the monarchy ended and that Vittoria is not our princess.

Hahaha pensa che le poche volte in cui sono riuscito a fottermi delle ragazze in serata erano delle italiane (specialmente genovesi) comunque vieni in belgio e vedrai che gli arabi sono piú civili dei vostri rom schifosi

Aaaaaa allora il deportare andava bene perché pensi fossero tutti mafiosi, infatti non c'erano oppositori al regime di nessun tipo

sorry about that italbro. we shed serb blood for traitorous croats, fought for dalmazia for them for twenty years so they could stab us in the back and genoicide serb women and children. fuck them.
we should have stuck to the treaty of london.
evviva Dalmazia, Istria, Fiume italiana

Ma infatti se ci si organizza bene si scopa tutti.
Le italiane, specie quelle del nord (sono terrone) se la tirano e fanno le preziosi in patria ma all'estero sono troie assurde. Idem le mie conterranee eh, anzi peggio ancora perchè qui al Sud ''in casa'' avere la fama della troia è culturalmente la morte sociale. Troppo retaggio cattolico.

>esiliati su isole del golfo di Napoli
Cazzo che sfiga, meglio stare nella democratica Francia dove ti mandavano alla Cayenna se eri sospettato di filogermanismo

Minchia futtinn di Mao oh, continui su sto punto come un mantra, da buon asperger che sei.

>specialmente genovesi
Che cazzo di problemi hai che ti scopi volonatriamente dei ranteghi come le genovesi?

Ma che cazzo? Prima lo uso per un paragone e poi lo uso per spiegarti il tuo livello di ritardo mentale e sono fissato su di lui? Vabbe compa buonaserata

what's happening my squadristi brothers

Listen and see this


Maybe in Latina, he has lots of aficionados among the youths, but not that many
Spergs sperging out. After all, it's saturday night, only autists are on Sup Forums at this time

Can confirm

I always confuse Berlusconi with Naomi Cambell.
You pathetic idiot.

Calm down, Italo

Quindi ti dai dell'asperger da solo?

Certo, sennò che ci farei qui?

Italian here, not a normalfag but not a shut in either:
Mussolini is liked because he made things work. Italians don't care for democracy much, in fact most I speak to loathe it and think it's just a herd control method. Mussolini making everything relatively transparent and putting the power in the hands of a guy who was overt and therefore open about who took the decisions was seen as a very good thing by Italians.

The thing you need to understand about Italians is that the majority of us are extremely conspiracy minded to the point of making Sup Forums look like nothing.

>Zara was the only Italian majority city IIRC, it was a decidedly Croatian region.
There are plenty of Mexican-majority cities in your south-west, don't think you'd be too happy to give them to Mexico, would you?

The sensible solution would have been an independent Dalmatian state where both Italians and Croatians could coexist, but nationalism had to ruin everything as usual

>swedish flag
>"Italian here"
hello marizia

If Mexico joined a war against the United States with the promise by its allies to annex those cities in case of victory, it would only be fair for it to have them.

>my genitors

50% loves him, 50% hates him
I personally thinks he's the best boy

Greeks defeated him easily

Ma chi cazzo s'incula sta regazzina demmerda