It is insane to think that the largest animal to ever exist, the blue whale...

It is insane to think that the largest animal to ever exist, the blue whale, is still alive TODAY and you're sitting here posting about countries? Boggles the mind.


i really dont care kutmof

the t rex looks pretty small

Ok here's my Sup Forums thread:

1. ur cunt
2. What is the largest animal in ur cunt?

1. Flag
2. Don't know but it's orders of magnitude smaller than the majestic blue whale.

there;s way way bigger animals to have existed, remains sitting at the bottom of the oceans ready to be discovered

It make that animal more fascinating because you will never see it on an aquarium, you need to move into the ocean to hope seeing one of them.

How is that insane?

>pedator x
No just a fucking blue whale

Other than whales moose is the tallest but bison is the heaviest. Polar bear is the biggest carnivore.

>What is the largest animal in ur cunt?
i would reply "ur mom" or some shit but i like surveys
the biggest animal we've got is Maia the asiatic elephant

>tfw when the Sperm Whale is larger than the Jurassic Pliosaurs like Liopleurodon you seen on documentary when you were young with an exaggerate size.

How could whitey compete with the dinosaur race if it existed?

> Leviathan melvillei
that's a fucking cool name

We get blue whales, whale sharks, manta rays, etc.
Largest land animals remaining is the black bear for mammals, boa constrictor for reptiles, swan for birds, the axolotl for amphibians

Oh wait, we've got bison, think that one os larger than the bear

>cant get profit from it
>then it's irrelevant

typical jew

the largest one is godzilla, still alive


How is it surprising that Americans are still alive?

Largest animal is OP's mum, lol

Actually, there are much larger animals (and by larger I mean around +30 times larger) than blue whales in the bottom of the sea, their sounds have been recorder with radars.

I like gigantic underwater monster but we're so out of luck. Given the size of ocean you'd assume there are predators that snack on sissy blue whale out there. It's even worse on land, all the big ass murder lizard just decided to become chicken.

Yeah but it had a lot of teeth, so.

I love these cryptozoology tales, do please elaborate friend

Wat da faq what if those behemoths decide to walk on land?

You know t rex isnt that more bigger than an elephant?
A group of humans with spears could kill the t rex.

I saw it in one of dross' videos

They'd need hundreds of millions of years of evolution to develop limbs to walk and shit.

kek, been a while since I've seen one of those, that guy is good at over the top narration, will check it out

Get back to your Monster Hunter games m8.

That guy in the bottom left can't be a real animal lol look at that cunt, just me out for a stroll with my beak and wings

Maybe shark whales