Watched the Matrix again

>there are literally zero likeable white male characters

>No, Keanu Reeves is not white

sorry op but you're not unplugged

Steak guy is white. And I think every agent guy is as well.

The agents are the antagonists

Cypher is fucking great you unwashed peasant.

Neo was supposed to be a boring generic male who had a generic life so most of the fans could imagine themselves within the plot.

Dumb niggers like yourself would rather have him be some supercool 250 lb underground DJ with dreads, or some 120 lb asian chick that can throw 300 lb men across the room, so I understand.

Keanu might not be white but he is white appearing

Trinity should have been asian.

Keanu is eternal, he transcends race.

That doesn't automatically make them unlikable.

TIL Keanu Reeves is not white

Why can't autistics into subjective terms?

they would've found a way to fuck it up

If Keanu is white passing, does he have white privilege?


Why do they all have colored hair?

his dad is part white and his mom is full white, he's like primarily white.


all asians have colored hair

If Keanu Reeves is white, then so is Obama

>origin of the term "redpill" is an action movie made by two trans-women
really churns the brain-butter

obamas dad is full black

What color is Obama's skin?

What color is Keanu Reeve's?

Except Agent Smith is the best character.

the main character is a white male. you need glasses mister man.

The Wachowskis are trans and siblings. Does that mean they are transistors?

Funny I never thought about race in the Matrix, till the shitshow the was 3.

Nope Keanu Reeves is Asian-Hawaiian


>Matrix thread, Sup Forumstard edition
You're the new SJW, congrats

if neo is the one, who is the zero?

Non white people can be white too you bigot

In America maybe

you're so above it all, are you neo?

he's mostly white dummy, his dad was mixed race.


then why do I want to fuck trinity

No it makes them mentally ill brothers. t. Sup Forums

How is Keanu Reeves not white?
What the fuck does white mean according to Sup Forums?

Only 100% anglo.

Did anyone ask Keanu if he identifies as white first before assuming?

White passing = white. It's not that complicated guys.

Not if I can prove you have nigger blood. I don't think american miscegenation laws ever really cared that much about non-blacks though.

Caucasion is a skull type pure and simple. fuck what Sup Forums says.

if you can prove your ancestry yeah you can get scholarships and things like that and you can choose to identify whichever way you want, but most people will treat you by the race you most look like even if you have an asian grandma and identify with your asianness.

No but he looks white that's all that matters

>tfw The Matrix is now older than Star Wars was the first time I saw it.

Jesus Christ, where does time go?

No idea but if you're in your 30s on here that's probably where your time is going.

The great question Is Keanu white?

Point well taken.

Never understood that scene. Like Tank or Doeser or who ever the operator was is always looking in on people who are plugged in. Wouldn't having pretend steak dinner with an agent be a "Better go get Morphious" moment?

I believe that scene is immediately preceded by a scene of him alone in the operator's seat, so I'm guessing they all took turns watching the Matrix?

So I if that's true he probably just went when it was his turn to keep watch.

Holy shit, how racist do you have to be to think White Guy there isn't white?

But if you're alone how do you get out? You need an operator to "call you" or whatever.

eh i always thought he set up the exitline before he entered or something. since he didnt have to fear that the agents would destroy the line.

Great question, I have no idea.

Cypher was shown capable of reading the monitors in a suspicious manner.
Also we saw tank reading the real matrix while not being plugged.
He could just sent a message that the movie characterize it as a matrix hack.

Otherwise that's a fair plot hole as he was needed to get back by being released outside.

Unless Cypher was the real One. Think about it.

This is a place where IRISH people are not considered white.


>Dumb niggers like yourself would rather have him be some supercool 250 lb underground DJ with dreads, or some 120 lb asian chick that can throw 300 lb men across the room, so I understand.

So Snow Crash?

This is why the aliens, if they show up, would be well served to bomb us with asteroids rather than trust us for one second. Tribalism is the curse of mankind.

I think everyone is able to read the matrix at some point. When Neo and Trinity rescue Morphious from the matrix and the two escape, they watch the monitors and see neo run and fight agent smith, eventually becoming the one

irish are literally worse than niggers

no they aren't just cause they are an opposing force to the hero doesn't mean they are the bad ones its all about perspective the agents were just that agents they did what they were told to do

neo is the one, the one is the most likely person to stop the rise of the machines but he didnt even do that it was smith that fucked shit up beyond believe the only thing neo did was believe he was the one and that was enough to make smith become the ONE

What is snow crash

The lead of the matrix is Asian. Asians are not white

cyber punk novel with an anime vibe

Is there a movie?

snow crash movie when?

The reason The Matrix exists.

Steak Guy is Italian.

hopefully never

what said, a miniseries could be good though

Lmao you're a pathetic loser

I guess you forgot that part where nobody gave a fuck back then.

Like, if they made Blade nowadays people would have gone batshit over the black protagonist. We weren't as fucking stupid back then.

Wow a right wing pro capitalism sci Fi novel... Hollywood is totally making that movie kek


Fucking hell, they literally did this:
>Humans wiped out by their own stupidity
>100 years after that the first One went to fight the ruler of all the machines and the process was done 6 times
>Last Neo finally stopped the war
>Peace lasted 7 years
>Now thanks to retarded humans that wanted to expand to another city without telling the machines what were they doing the war became a thing AGAIN
>The fucking trap brothers leave the story at that even after all these years




The lead for snow crash is white

When did the last part happen?

Yes they are. It's coming out in 2017