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Television and Film
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Television and Film #781
Television and Film
What do you think of Alexandria Daddario's acting skills?
Women can't be clever and funn
What up white boi im here to pick up yo daughter
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Is getting your hair cut shorter impact your ability to get roles?
Is Assassin's Creed kino?
Nicely done you dumb bitch. Throw away your life's work, ruin your reputation...
Golden Globe Discussion
Why was Man of Steel bad again?
You see rapists, thieves and murderers. I see Harry Potter, The Terminator, Katniss Evergreen and Chev Chelios...
Your Name
Based Mel Thread?
It's a Roseanne yells at Dan episode
Le white people can't cook meme
Major award ceremony night for film and television
ITT: Shows that trigger Sup Forums
*stands in your way*
Is """Television & Film""" the shittest board on this site?
What was his problem?
"You and all of us in this room really belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now...
Why do only retards who can't think for themselves watch fox news?
Just marathoned Rogue One. Could someone redpill me on similar movies?
Stop being racist
Why is this the only good anime?
A celebrity said something I don't like at an awards ceremony
Mary Sue
What the fuck
Every teenage boys fantasy: The film
Can anyone explain this?
20 minutes into seeing this for the first time
Why Would They Cut Hair With Scissors On The Enterprise?
Watching movie
How do you go from this
What's their endgame, guys?
It's a Sup Forums invades Sup Forums after conservashits are triggered episode
Celebs are a cancer
Hannity has a point
Is there anything on this shithole worth watching?
Why didn't it win?
Welcome to the Golden Globes. may i offer you a cheeseburger?
"I'll never see a Streep film ever again"
*sips tea*
Why did they film from this angle?
Why are white men so racist?
New photo of Dylan O'Brien
OBI-wan Kenobi..? That's a name I haven't for... less than even a decade
Tastiest Cinegrids
I missed the GGs tonight. Can someone sum them up?
"with a runtime of 82 minutes, this movie felt like it was 4 fucking hours long. Jay what did you think"
What are they thinking? best caption wins a prize
Is she gonna be alright bros?
Underrated MST3k
Literally the only guy who didn't shit on Trump in his awards speech and kept things classy
Your Name
Legend of the Seeker
A six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, on the the middle toe. He doesn't bother to bite your jugular like a lion...
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic movie?
Who here /hyped/?
Is this the best horror trilogy ever? It's already the best slasher trilogy
No best director
Prepare for an Oscar sweep
/got/ general
Holy fuck these people are good looking
24 Legacy
I don't know how anyone could dislike Rick and Morty
Where are you on this chart, Sup Forums?
In case you don't know, this is going to be dominating entertainment media right up to the Oscars was supposed to be US Hollywood...
Why do SJWs always make this exact same "commentary" on every award show...
Discuss Taboo on BBC One/FX
What are some good titcow kinos?
Mel did i ever tell you about SJW Liberal cucks?
What emotion(s) are these faces trying to convey?
I thought this was supposed to be a nuanced conflict or something
Tfw all of you're favorite celebrities think your evil and retarded for voting trumpf
Golden Globe contained comfy thread
What are some movie or TV monsters that made you shit your pants in terror?
Creature Feature thread: The Rebirth
Hey, I don't frequent Sup Forums, but what do you guys think of "The Expanse"?
How come Vegeta's gloves don't disintegrate when he shoots laser beams from his hand?
Why hasn't there been a blu ray release for the full trilogy yet?
Replace the Ewoks with something else for the final battle
Is despecialized star wars just weapons grade nostalgic autism?
Got to my grandparents house to watch a movie and my dumbass grandfather is using a big screen tv to play crosswords wtf
What is Sup Forums's brutally honest opinion of Marky Mark?
Golden Globe for Best Animated Movie
What the hell was his problem?
Why do Men desire power above all else?
Should i watch this?
The first infant in 20 years just so happens to be a nigger
Twin peaks thread? I just finished S2. Loved it, best thing I've seen in a while...
Other shows may be more objectively better, but Fringe is still my favorite show of all time
Why doesn't Disney just release this with a disclaimer saying it's a product of it's time?
How did she become a movie star?
Entire theater starts whispering when baby Moana comes out on screen
Golden Globes comfy thread
Always Sunny
Sci fi done right
Jesus what the fuck did I just watch?
Tfw you look up the favorite movies of your childchood and they are all considered shit
Outside of animated kids shows, anime, and several HBO shows like Carnivale I've barely watched any fantasy TV shows
Cringy dialogue
Childhood is idolizing Walt, adulthood is realizing Hank was right
Why did Darth Vader rely on torture droids and truth serums when the Sith are capable of simply probing someone's mind?
Golden Globes thread 6
Your highness. The transmission we received. What is it they've sent us?
Trippy/psychedelic movies
You are now in the same universe as "It follows"
This film has no pop cultural legacy
Golden Globes thread 5
Normies on Twitter and Tumblr all thinking that The Young Pope is going to be a comedy about a young guy trying to make...
What the fuck is his problem?
Is this movie any good?
Would you bang her?
What did they mean by this retweet?
How the fuck did they not know a Sith was the head of the republic?
Do people actually think this guy is handsome? He looks like a fucking Picasso painting
Golden Globes thread 4
Did anyone else after starting to bald totally begin to relook male actors in films...
Golden Globes thread 4, the actual show starts
Troi's purpose
Movie Reviews
Make the audience sympathize with Hitler AND Himmler
I rebel
Just saw Rogue One. What does vaporized rabbit taste like?
Daily reminder that Ben Kenobi vs Darth Maul just one (1) year before the events of A New Hope is now canon
Why have you forgotten me Sup Forums?
Golden Globes thread 3 almost showtime
What was going through his mind?
W-why are you making me wear a tube top, Master Skyguy? I'm only 14!
Everyone looks like an actual demigod/superhero with perfect proportions and unique personality
Admit it. When it came out you liked it
How dos the autist jew still get fucking views. all he does is meme his autism and jew humor
This is the best episode
People still think the extended canon isn't important
Lines used on screen that you never hear in real life
This is why Assassin's Creed flopped
Golden Globes part two
Out of all the female office characters, who was the hottest?
Are RLM, dare I say it, finished?
I sense a plot to destroy the jedi
Did any movie make you question god's existence?
Why did everyone make a big deal about Force Ghosting when Aasif Mandvi and others were using it casually to attend...
Chronicle sequel poster got leaked, FOX apparently was gonna release this next month and release it in the summer
Mean Girls remake when?
DCucks and Capekinofags BTFO
What the fuck was that?
I, uh, I'm of course very happy for Tom and- (awkward pause) and the rest the cast and I'm...
Why makes him a good villain?
Luke, did I ever tell you that all Jedi used to dress like homeless moisture farmers the same as I do...
Holy fuck my eyes
Daily reminder that Octavian did nothing wrong
Roll and get some taste
Ever gone to a movie by yourself Sup Forums?
Its a Reese episode
They literally made Hitler and Himmler the good guys
ITT: directors traits you like vs the ones you dislike
This entire scene
How would DC have handled this scene?
Sherlock General
What was wrong with this movie?
Fix the Star Wars prequels
Thats a big shield
Luke, the harvest is looking great this year, we've got more than enough hands to help on the farm...
This is a 45 year old man
Why tho?
Paul Thomas Anderson & Daniel Day Lewis
The best Joker is animated
My name is Gladiator
Americans still haven't seen the best Kino
How can one man be so funny?
V > IV > VI > III > II > I > RO > VII
Finding Bigfoot season premire tonight
Why couldn't the Empire survive without the Sith and just rely on their officers?
If you could erase one film from existence, which one would it be? Pic related
So there's a 100% chance they're fucking, right?
Just marathoned this today. Can someone explain to me what it's about?
Master Skywalker, there's too many of them
Comedians are television related
Anyone know what film this is?
So theyre space jews?
Sherlock - The Lying Detective
/lit/ has Ulysses
What is the worst TV series that you watched through to the end?
Stop being racist
Why isn't Casino as well revered as Goodfellas?
Find a film
Will it be good?
She'll never get herself a major role if she continues to act like this
Let's write a movie, Sup Forums
ITT: Characters that embody Sup Forums
Is it good?
Get invited to a Roland Emmerich/Bryan Singer co-hosted party
Why is he promoted as a good actor?
Will you watch it?
You're allowed to delete one(1) movie forever. What is it?
Paul F. Tompkins
Why did the hobbit series not get the same reception rogue one is? It has all the same bullshit...
Funnyman Jim Carrey got very embarrassed on the set of his new movie - because he had to be breast fed by Shannon...
ITT: Celebs that are confirmed roasties
Tfw this show tricked you into going to law school because you thought it would be cool
Uses a death spell that doesn't work against the baby Harry
What accounts for this disparity?
Wolf 359: A Star Trek story
I'd bet on Roger. How about you?
DB vs DBZ is the ultimate pleb filter
How long could doug last while fucking carrie?
ITT: Films that should be added to the Criterion Collection
The Aurora Borealis?
Alright Sup Forums, first time poster here...
New webm thread?
Let's say you're standing outside of a theater right when Rogue One is finished playing...
Stop killing black youths
I've come to see Tarantino's movies in a new light since I've started watching anime (not that I recommend it)...
The accountant
ITT: Sup Forums makes a movie theatre, one design choice at a time
How come Jackson never got any flak for turning the only dwarf character into retarded comic relief?
ITT: 11/10 casting choices
If you don't like rocky 4, i would love to know what the heck is wrong with you
RIP Adult Swim
Why was there blood when Obi Wan killed the weird guy in the Cantina? Wouldn't the lightsaber cauterize the wound?
So was this any good...
What the fuck were tusken raiders doing with Anakin's mom for an entire month?
Are we gonna watch the Golden Globes together again, Sup Forums?
What kind of endgame is this facial expression meant to convey
Uh... R-Rogue... .... Rogue One™: A Star Wars® Story
Come up with an episode of TWD in one sentence
Star Trek Beyond
I still like it
Why do lightsabers automatically turn off every time a Jedi dies?
Someone explain this
Character is hiding from the police
/Joe Rogan General/
Haha this!
Did based Tim end Sam's career?
Power Rangers
Learn the difference
When are Americucks going to pay reperations to the rest of the world for fucking up this series?
Should Disney remake the prequels?
Golden Globes
Would you agree?
This is the greatest acting and directing in the history of film. Rather than short-circuit the immersion of cinema...
Refute this. You can't
(((Hollywood))) Nepotism
Is he literally /ourguy/?
What is the Operation Barbarossa of film and television?
Blatant 'give us white guilt awards' movies
Rogue One
What franchise will Disney buy next?
Luke, did I ever tell you during the clone wars your father...
The CW Announces Early Renewals
I enjoy every other wes anderson movie. But this, I just can't seem to finish along with bottle rocket
Why would you refer to your own mother by her first name?
Hottest scene in television history?
Whats the /tv consensus on January Jones?
How can a movie be this cancerous?!
Who's the Jordyn Jones of Sup Forums?
Way of the road Bub's
Should have been Wonder Woman
Please recommend movies where a group of characters have to travel a distance to complete some objective
[laughs hysterically]
Movies only you remember
Any predictions for the Globes tonight?
How do we stop Disney?
Any kino about the positive side of pedosexuality?
Trump is racist
Why he didnt tell anything to his parents about what happened? I dont get this
"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy...
Hahahahahah you lost your whole career because you're a whore
Why is it so underrated?
When he cries during a movie
Disney Live Action
My Evie is so underrated
Is her career over now that Elle has stolen the spotlight from her?
Sniff it user
Celeb Morphing Thread
What are some movies like this
What the fuck did i just watch?
Does Lia have any chance at a career in TV/film?
Who was in the wrong here?
Your top 5 Sci-fi movies
Should people that prefer the US version be shot?
What is this dance move called
Sherlock is today
Doesn't like gays
I've been trained in your Jedi arts by count Dooku
*rubs exposed brain*
So Deckard was a replicant but now that there is a sequel and Ford has obviously aged he's not a replicant anymore?
Wake up
I'm a monster because I can't have kids
Proud Single Mom January Jones: Father Figure Would Be Toxic For My Son
Lena Dunham: Eating Sushi Is ‘Cultural Appropriation’
Doctor Pavel, I'm CIA
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Dominates Razzie Nominations Shortlist
What did she mean by these gang signs?
What happened to Kevin Smith?
Trans lesbian makes a post
Name the actress on the left
Star Trek
New £400m Marvel blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War to be shot in Glasgow and Edinburgh
Watching Narcos on Netflix
Why is pic related the only actor that got a tangible carreer after Harry Potter...
What the FUCK happened?
Watching this because my gf dragged me to see it
Mel will star in a movie about the writing of the Oxford English Dictionary...
If trannies looked like Carmen even I would fuck them
Why is he such an insecure manlet?
Now we can CGI anything we like, what is the point of actors?
Carrie Fisher's urn looks like a big prozac pill
One beam cannon
Whats next for Katheryn Winnick?
Sup Forums actually uses pic related aka the worst video player to ruin their kino viewing experience
Spartacus thread
I just went the cinema alone for the first time, I couldn't enjoy it...
Holy fuck
Why do they keep trying to retcon the Bond series so that it's always taking place in modern times...
Rankin/Bass Hobbit = kino
So what's your excuse for not watching the greatest animated masterpiece since Spirited Away?
Perfect Wonder Woman
Isn't this illegal in the USA?
Johnny Depp
Never heard of this. will it be good?
ITT: Movies women unironically will NEVER understand
Hi, I'm Negan
Why have there literally been ZERO movies about young boys seducing older women?
Why does every sitcom have to push some shitty agenda now? Just make me laugh for fuck sake
R.I.P in peace
You always say you could do better
Ctrl + f no taboo thread
*teleports out of woods*
ITT : Post a picture of you're self and have user guess you're favorite kinography
Someone explain to me how a subscription to HBO is more expensive than a subscription to Netflix or Amazon Prime
How do you feel about this actual 10/10 being the villain in the next Tomb Raider movie?
A man's attitude …a man's attitude goes some ways, the way his life will be, Is that something you might agree with?
ITT: Objectively worst character of a TV show
What is the best anime movie lads?
ITT: complex cinematography
Did you say "coupons to Burger King"?
Season 7 ends with the night's king killing one of the dragons, making it a wight and riding it into battle
I just rewatched Drive for the 9th time, AMA
Name a better actor
Any kino about the positive side of pedosexuality?
Advice good films to redpill little sister about relationships. She's kinda naive, so i'm afraid some chad can use her
Best franchise ever. A perfect mixture of adventure, horror, comedy, thrills, drama, politics, gothic nature...
What can be done?
Are there any examples of tv or film misrepresenting the real looks of a actor or actress?
Littlefinger is killed by arya
In 2014, Bilzerian sued the producers of the film Lone Survivor...
This is now your gf
They didn't trust Americans to understand what Philosopher meant
Trump BTFO
Have they jumped the shark?
Has the modern day pussy liberal or social justice warrior been portrayed in any films yet?
Okay Sup Forums, time for the ultimate question
Post your collection, let others rate
When cgi works
*tips fedora*
Why does this board constantly go out of its way to defend whitewashing in all movies?
I leik mobies
Name a better Sitcom
On screen hags
When did you drop Sherlock?
Scorsese's new Hollywood kino "Silence" is pro Christianity
ITT: your Peakfus
Will her nude scenes outdo Daddario in True Detective?
Buffy the vampire slayer
Is there anyone in DC or Marvel that could stop him?
Post your true mask when browsing Sup Forums
The highest grossing film of all time
Tfw depressed
Ywn own a dolores bot
Can we talk about Kevin Smith and his shirt?
Leave Blackedkino to us
*stands in your way*
Seemingly-cool movie attracts my attention
How will they write off her death?
Upcoming 2017 movies:
ITT: over-skilled characters you wish you wanted to be like
Cast her
Would she have made a better Hermione Granger?
Cast Clementine for a live-action TV adaptation of Telltale's The Walking Dead
Tell me how Rogue One was good without comparing it to The Force Awakens
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
Will this be the future of movie trailers, Anons? Advertising the movie without actually showing what's in the movie??
Audio: 0/10
Daily reminder that Ben Kenobi vs Darth Maul 1 (one) year before A New Hope is now canon thanks to Rebels
What the fuck does a director even do?
Stargate Blues
This guy slaps your GFs ass and says we're watching Doctor Zhivago, A Brief Encounter and the Bridge on the River Kwai
GoT Questions
What's worse; the Thing or Xenomorphs?
There's no such thing as a perfect female protagon-
What are the essential trumpcore movies?
Female Director
What is it about this guy that triggers redditors so much?
What's next for her career?
Top 10
What's next for her career?
TIL that there are manchildren on here autistic enough to actually defend this
What's a good movie to watch before you kill yourself?
Well which should i watch Sup Forums
What's next for her career?
Be me
92% of Rotten Tomatoes
How do you stop him?
Just marathoned this on pay-per-view
Why is this never discussed here?
Where would you live and why? This show is the ultimate redpill
How did he get away with it?
Give up, boy. You have no hope to defeat me. My powers are far in advance of your own...
It's been 20 years now. When will the world admit that The Cable Guy is Jim Carrey's best movie?
[theme song and background music]
I didn't know until like a week ago that this was being released in theaters. I thought it was a made for tv movie...
What went wrong?
How would DC handle this scene?
What does teevee think about paparazzi? Are they going extinct anytime soon
When did battsposting become a thing?
Why did they drop the romance between Frodo and Sam in the movies...
This film was fucking incredible
RO is already at 1 Billion worldwide after just a few weeks
So. How come when he opens the airplane door everyone doesn't get sucked out like how people warn you?
Fucking everywhere in the advertising and merchandise
Childhood is when you idolize ketchup
Who wins?
I proclaim this /sexiestmovie/
What are some movies about love based on physical pleasure?
Stop being racist
Is her career finished yet? If not, how long does she have left?
Make pretentious movie about youths living a degenerate and "muh millenial freedom" lifestyle
Cast him
You will never be a wizard at hogwarts
Normies are in for a surprise
Remember, Peter: with white power comes white responsibility!
Cast it
Is anyone else here excited to see King Arthur: Legend of the Sword?
Star Trek
Will it bomb?
Any films with this aesthetic?
Wtf is going on with Bruce Campbell?
The Emoji Movie is the death of film
Best nerd girls
Girl wants to copy Kino from me
Hipster Jew York Core
What a fucking good movie. For once something that's just pure fun
Are we happy that Sup Forums memes are influencing Degrassi?
ITT: Modern Films which restore your faith in Cinema
What's the movie you lost your virginity to?
Stuck in traffic
One of These Threads
Seriously, what about the fucking Wookiees? Am I the only one who cares about those cunts?
I just finished this. Can someone please explain to me what the fuck it was about?
What does Sup Forums think about her body of work?
When will it be socially acceptable to make a movie about him?
What was this guy's fucking problem?
Can we stop with this "the prequels were always hated" meme?
Horror movie with weird looking monster or alien
Why did she stop getting roles?
Why the fuck was Jar Jar Binks in the Clone Wars cartoon?
Name a hotter actress right now. I'll wait
Why was he a human supremacist?
Tfw to intelligent to be the Beauty
So is Loki gonna become Muslim?
As as scifi fan, is Star Trek worth watching or is it old man tier?
Ever since this episode aired this line has stuck with me. What does it really mean?
ITT: We badly describe films, and other anons have to guess what they are
Just marathoned this, thoughts?
What the fuck is this shit?
Has anyone seen Newsradio? Is it good? Since nobody talks about it I am guessing it is terrible
ITT: we post images and get movie recomendations
What's your favorite rape scene?
"this is no time to panic"
I just watched this episode of Blackmirror (Shut Up And Play)
*Blocks your path into cinema*
Why, just why
What would you say... you do here?
Can you do this?
Peter, have I ever told you about Adolf Hitler...
"Well Charlie, it goes without saying that, yeah, Black Lives Matter. I mean, why wouldn't they!? In fact...
The years start coming and they don't stop coming
Is Sup Forums ready for JoJokino?
Revenge of the sith - Chinese cut
Come. Sing me a song, master Sup Forums
What's the first movie you would show to an alien?
Natalie P-man is actually a pretty good actress in V for Vendetta. Also Black Swan etc
ITT: Remakes that are miles superior to the originals
Was this scene critical to the development of the plot?
What was the point of this character?
Why is this better than any lightsaber fight in any of the films...
Requiem For a Dream
Doctor Who General - /who/
What's your favorite romance Sup Forums?
What do you think their final thoughts were when they saw the Sheev spin?
What are some of your favorite gay kinos?
Did no one else see the most important film of the year?
Find a film
Really good. Whats with the kind of mixed reviews?
Dude I hate capitalism, lets just delete all debt with our super hacking powers
Is this the best scene in the entire series?
What's wrong with me?
She hasn't had a decent role in years lads. We need to help her
When is the next Rogue One video coming out?
Tfw you find out your daughter burns coal
Who is Rey?
How did Reddit beat us at our own game?
Is this shit or not?
Is "The Young Pope" KINO?
/wwhpg/ - Wizarding World of Harry Potter General
Which Emma is the best actress?
WTF is dis BULL_SH1T
Why did Sheev's face get disfigured? Was it literally just "he used Force Lighting so hard it turned him spooky"...
Sith Lords are our Speciality
What's the best movie snack? I usually get an order of pic related
Haven't seen friend in 6 years bc he was in jail for a crime you did
Chanel Awesome Movies General
Go the the cinema
How badly does he regret signing on to play Batman? At this point id care more about my reputation than the money
Name a bigger hack
RIVERDALE Character Portraits
And you guys still don't rate her as an actress. Let's see Scar Jo do this
If Emily Blunt smoked weed, she'd be Emily Blunt
Essential stonercore
Don't you dread the fact that there will be a Star Wars movie every year forever?
Finn and Poe knew each other for five minutes and exchanged a dozen lines of dialogue
ITT: Where in an alternate timeline where Star Wars never got sequels and is now an obscure movie that can only be...
This is the state of Sup Forums
Top Always Sunny opening quotes
My God. Why was this episode so terrifying?
Pressha cookuh fuckin shits
Belarusian Psycho
Literally the only person in the theater
You're up McNulty
Sup Forums BTFO
Wake up
Just finished watching this. Great film...
I do not like samantha bee
Haven't seen one of these threads in a while
Name ONE good Horror Film Since 2010
What did he mean by this?
What the fuck happened?
What is the most boring film you've seen?
It was actually pretty good!
PREVIOUSLY ON ________________
Good old Simpsons thread?
Sup Forums I haven't been entirely truthful with you
Middle-Earth: Fall of Gondolin
Is Leia the great portrayal of a fictional character ever?
I don't get it
Why couldn't they just make a Man of Steel trilogy? The first one was a rocky start...
Memes aside, why is are the first two Raimi movies miles better than any other modern capeshit?
What did he mean by this?
Is this streaming any place?
ITT: times you walked out of the fucking theater
Underrated kino you just remembered
First words that come to mind
What do you think his final thoughts were?
AT&T will move CNN to Dallas when merger closes
How can you defend this man
Whats the /tv consensus on Elizabeth Banks?
Why didnt he fight the studios to make hobbit better? he made them billions did he really have no clout?
Marlon Brando used to give Michael Jackson acting lessons...
Taylor Swift Now tv episodes
Life under the Empire
How embarrassing was it for Fassbender to be in this shit?
First female villain in Star Wars
Why is Japan so depressed?
Was this kino?
What watching Taboo tonight for some Hardy hardman kino?
No country for old men
Cinema Food Etiquette
Name one movie in the 2010s that hasn't used CGI for car chase sequences
What exactly was the point of captain Phasma? She does fuckall in the movie
Transformers 5 General
First Look At Duncan Jones' 'Moon' Sequel 'Mute'
Movie about British people
Seriously WTF
I dare you
ITT, we put Rey into iconic scenes from other Star Wars films and write up how they would have gone differently
What is that documentary called about this aspie fa/tv/irgin weirdo that was obsessed with some small time mall...
Razzie Shortlists Revealed for 2016 - the 37th Golden Raspberry Awards
Which movies will flop in 2017?
Non-meme best film of 2016
Martin Scorsese recreated 19th-century New
Hey Sup Forums. I am an onset worker for AMC's The Walking Dead. I do mostly makeup. The job, quite frankly...
Why did George make Anakin into a rogue Jedi/pretty much evil fucker right from the beginning of episode 2?
How do we fix Sup Forums culture?
Daisy Ridley
One of these threads
What went wrong? This is an absolutely disgusting new look for Britain's number one channel. No creativity whatsoever
Are there any movies in wich the villain is a jew?
Lord of the Rings
This fucking movie is laughable. So forced
What the hell was that?
What did people think happened before the events of Star Wars in the years before the prequels were released...
Am I the only one here who is unironically hyped for Logan?
Will this be kino?
Show grandma picture of Bane
Holy shit
How come his hands didn't catch on fire?
250 million budget
Batman is gay
/wwhpg/ - Wizarding World of Harry Potter General
10 Cloverfield Lane
Orson Welles
ITT: underrated television actors
This will be DC's biggest blunder
Holy shit this movie was fucking beautiful
ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you to watch
Tfw you realise that we patrician film watchers are much smarter than plebeians that play video games
This is the best actor under 40, try prove me wrong (tip: you contrarians literally can't)
Cast them
Ep. VIII opens
10 years ago espousing racist views in public effectively destroyed your career...
Cinematic tricks that give you a boner
Come one, lads
Tfw we don't live in a world where Tolkien died at the Somme and modern fantasy trash literature/cinema was never...
Did the writers of this show assume people would think the Nazis are the bad guys solely because of "muh racism"...
This was a great episode...
Why type of stance is this called?
The new Queen of Sup Forums is almost here!
Director makes a cameo in his own movie
ITT: virtually unknown actresses with great body of work potentials
Why did Walken Phoenix put on a British accent when portraying a Roman emperor?
ITT: different times
What happened to MTV?
Character eats shrooms
Am I supposed to hate this guy?
What was his fucking problem?
This is what RLM drones actually believe
Name a more evil person
One popular argument against DCEU is that many characters don't have separate movies to establish them prior to the big...
Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2016
Primer (2004)
What are some things normies always say about movies?
These are some of the worst alien designs I've ever seen and they expected us to eat it up because PRACTICAL EFFECTS
ITT: Failed Netflix originals
Who are the smartest celebrities?
Streaming/downloading fags BTFO!
Why is she never on TV anymore?
It's always progressive in Philidelphia
Is it possible to discuss the merits of this movie without devolving into Sup Forums bullshit
Is Alien the best horror movie ever made?
What does Sup Forums think?
Clone Wars is a good fucking show
This was good...
US theatrical release coming to an end
Star Wars 3.5
Battlestar Galactic
This is a list of essential hacks in all mediums
Is Sam Hyde's show coming back?
You will never direct a movie
Tom Hardy (all but) Confirmed for Star Wars Ep 8
Webm thread lads
Why do people think he didn't get killed in the finale?
Was Yoga Hosers The Best Movie of 2016?
Now that the dust has settled
Female fight scenes
Do films ever make you cry?
The Mandarin - History Lesson America Scenes
Please tell me the engies are in this one
Reviewbrah cries on his podcast
How does this kid get so much ass?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with commercialized garbage now?
Old guy gets murdered in front of him
MiB literally did nothing wrong
Do americans really do this?
Thoughts on this hiney?
What did he mean by this?
I'm just here to fuck your wife, marty
Mfw they made a dark and gritty Ghostbusters
Why did they make her so hot when morty is so plain?
/got/ general
Someone from 1983 inexplicably materializes in the lobby of a present-day theater
What is next for her career, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on this hiney?
How much longer will bunnyfu posters tolerated and all other waifu posters viciously shut down? No offense to bunnyfu
Who would cast in a Lolita remake?
Parody movies, why don't they make them like they used to?
Apparently a lot of people pretend to like this piece of shit, fucking why?
Why did the movie version make him look like shit?
Adult Swim is testing the waters of a classic/nostalgia block
How was she in Star Wars?
"At last, you have truly become the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."
One protects you, the others are trying to rape you
Is there any chance that we will ever get to see the movie before the re-shoots?
ITT: We suggest replacements for Megyn Kelly
Wasn't there talk of Emma Watson doing her first nude scene last year?
Is it possible to be a starring actor/actress if you have bad teeth?
Looking to get back into Neighbours. Can anyone sum up the last 14 years?
Name a better show
Spends 4 seasons killing christians everywhere
Post you're feels when you have no "peregrine falcon" to tuck you in at night
Just finished watching School of Rock and Tenacious D
Patrician tv shows only
So, Sup Forums what was it about 2016 that made the UK more of cucks by 94%?
Underworld Thread since the other one got saged
Are the kikes gonna let him get best director at the oscars?
Why do all of his films take place in these sterile, sexless worlds? Dude's got some issues
Why is this scene a meme?
*Record scratch and freeze frame*
Drive releases, normies love it
Would you watch a movie biography about Moot's life?
Assigned the Jedi Watchman of the Cerean sector...
Walking along the beach minding your own business
Which VPN is the most reliable one when it comes to dealing with Netflix' proxy blocking?
Thoughts on this kino?
CRUNCH crunch crunch... CRUNCH crunch crunch crunch
Do we know his favorite movies?
Is this kino?
Good ol' fashioned /bane/ general
Tfw this will be better than Blade runner
Why do so few actresses seem able to pull off short hair?
Character in a movie says: "I'll do that thing you like"
Why Mark Hamill looks like a different person in the SW Christmas special? That's something really odd in his face
Feldman posting. What's his obsession with creating music?
What were orders 65 and 67?
What is the gayest scene you have ever seen?
Underworld Thread
Kyle Katarn at your service
What´s next for her career?
Is this kino?
George totally planned everything, right guys?
Is watching pedos get busted by amateur, mentally unhinged vigilantes on YouTube kino?
So how is it?
Cast her
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...