Why is this better than any lightsaber fight in any of the films...

Why is this better than any lightsaber fight in any of the films? Seriously why the fuck can't something like this be in the movies.


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Best saber fights outside of Eps 4 and 7 have always been flashy, visceral, and brutal affairs. Seriously look at the fights in ESB and ROTJ, there's a brutality behind them and in the sequels it become more toned down but replaced instead with superhuman exploits. And it was only the case in ep 4 because of budgetary/acting/visionary restraints.

Of course Disney took saber fights back a giant step in ep 7 on its insistence to copy ep 4 at every turn.

>Of course Disney took saber fights back a giant step in ep 7 on its insistence to copy ep 4 at every turn.

user, are you taking the piss right now?

The saber fight from Episode 7 was better than anything in the prequels. It just seemed much more believable and didn't have any ridiculous shit like Sheev's spin move.

>when anakin uses the red lightsaber

whew lad

>That part where it flashes to obi wan, qui gon and yoda
But why the hell didn't the Jedi put him on probation or under surveillance after this?

how could they know desu

I dunno, I always felt that the crazy spin shit honestly makes more sense for jedi. They use the force to sense everything and often augment their reflexes and abilities with it as well. So, it makes sense to focus on a sort of acrobatic mindgame in a force user vs force user situation.

That show was fucking kino