Is HBO finished? What went wrong?
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>losing to AMAZON VIDEO
>the literal shanty town of HBO
they will still win all the emmys because they have the most voters after the rule changes and game of shit will be best drama again and veep will be best comedy
HBO is done for
HBO hasn't had a good show in like 8 to 10 years
Could this be that HBO is currently garbage sans Silicon Valley, and even that is losing some steam.
Give me my fucking season 9 of Curb and I'm done.
>What went wrong?
The Leftovers is great.
>Donald Glover wins best actor: tv for Atlanta
Golden Globes are a joke.
Cold show that I lost interest in the first season. Maybe after it's all done I'll give it another shot.
Westworld also sucks. Overrated show that people are treating like it's the best thing HBO has given us.
Dear Millenials, the good shows ended already. It's over. Rewatch Sopranos, wire, Deadwood or Rome and compare that to what HBO shits out now. The current lineup is garbage.
golden globes mean nothing to HBO
check the emmys and the ratings
Season 2 is much better than Season 1 in my opinion (Although I think S1 is great)
Because all HBO is known for now is muh violence, muh sex, muh shock value
which aren't inherently bad things, but having only violence and sex gets boring after awhile
Shouldn't have cancelled based Vinyl. Hope there muh more awards then other networks streak ends. Fuck em.
>Six Feet Under
>Big Love
Why can't HBO return to doing great shows like these?
Pandering to plebs with GoT is really profitable
Westworld was absolute shit. Just return to some good modern day drama stories
Well I'll give it a shot. It's nice that it's not out staying it's welcome and finding a conclusion. Only issue is Lindelof is a tool and a hack writer.
Umm, all it has to do is beat Amazon and make more Marvel shit and its really good. Stock is probably heading to 140 after tonight. I remember the post GG's bounce of 2014 it went up like 70 bucks a share.
Exactly. Its gotten a seedy reputation, like if you see someone with HBO "you...just...know."
Just finished watching deadwood yesterday. Can confirm HBO was looking to crash their network with no survivors but accidentally Game of teleportation and random stabbings.
And it's terrible that Enlightened only got two seasons yet they allowed the filth that is Lena Dunham make 6 seasons of Girls.
>Season 2 is much better than Season 1
The amount of times normies have said this in order to get someone to watch their show
If you're going to compare everything on tv to those three shows, you're asking to be dissapointed.
Used to be HBO was the only place offering creatively unrestricted content like Sopranos and Deadwood. Literally everyone is following their footsteps and there is way more competition.
>we will never get an OZ Season reunion
Well at least we are getting a new Curb Your Enthusiasm season
is the "GoT is good" meme finally over?
>if you're going to compare shows to entertaining and well written ones, you're going to be disappointed
No shit
They use to be so good. But other networks came along and stole their thunder. FX became king of comedies. And AMC stole the dramatic thunder.
They are a shell of what they use to be, only afloat because of trash that appeals to the masses on the most basic levels of entertainment. And their ability to take risks is gone.
And yeah, I hear Young Pope is amazing. But that doesn't count. it's not an full HBO show.
Normies don't watch The Leftovers. Season 1 being better than Season 2 is true in this case.
>Literally everyone is following their footsteps and there is way more competition.
I think Breaking Bad became a new era of non HBO shows doing so well and now HBO has lost its greatness and uniqueness
more like
>if you're going to compare shows to three shows in the top 5 shows of all television...
4 shows, but yeah I know what you mean. But some shows have came close or even been just as good. Mad Men was fantastic for 5 seasons there. And the early stuff of BrBa wasn't bad.
And I stand by The Knick. That is the best show that no one watches yet should. Fucking brilliant.
>is the "GoT is good" meme finally over?
Season 6 of GoT is one of the most disappointing season ever.
Anyone who claims this is an absolute moron.
>Sansa decides to kill a man who raped her and cut off a guy's dick by just getting dogs to eat him up
SERIOUSLY? She could have tortured him in so many other ways or simply kept him alive for some other surprise she thinks of in the future. I hated how they killed him.
Arya's storyline in Season 6 was so shit and the way she was stabbed as the knife twisted in her stomach should have ruptured her organs but no she survives... I was waiting for a plot twist to why she got so brutally stabbed as it could have turned out that wasn't really Arya but nope it was... pathetic writing.
GoT has become so predictable anyway and I have no idea how anyone can call this a "good" show anymore.
Leftovers is garbage. Period. As for the other shows, Westworld started off okay but quickly went down the tubes. GoT is the only show worth anything on their network.
Actually upset about The Night Of. It was really well made.
You are a moron. Fuck off back to Plebville.
Fact: D&D know shit all.
>season 6 of GOT is one of the most disappointing seasons ever
IMO, series stop being good once they reach 4 or 5 seasons anyway.
>What went wrong?
They have nothing to fall back on except GoT, which despite finally featuring one (1) battle scene was a disappointment.
The Night Of was pretty good for a while.
>people are defending D&D's Season 6 of GoT
Has the world turned man?
the only tv show that was ever worth a shit was the sopranos. it was the greatest television could ever be and it already happened. who seriously gives a fuck about tv in current year
And Westworld will win prizes too despite being an overrated pile of shit.
That's what happens when you're too cheap to hire good writers.
>not liking Westworld
>not liking Oz, Six Feet Under, Rome, Deadwood, The Wire
FX paid more.
>six feet under
>the office US (up to season 5)
>peep show
>GoT and Veep have far overstayed their welcome
>Silicon Valley went to shit after Gregory's death
>Westworld trying to be the next Lost and only winning over the 2deep4u audience
>John Oliver
Just look back on the good times
The only people who like Westworld are cucks who still pay for HBO in non-GoT months and have to justify it.
If you had a pussy, you'd be whining about Girls.
forgot about Carnivale. Really wish there was more of it. HBO were morons an didn't even give it, Rome or Deadwood the endings they deserved.
Hbo has the leftovers and young Pope
Also Westworld
Only good shows on there. It's alright but they're getting blown out
the wire is poorly written liberal trash that's highly overrated due to the misconception that it's based on real people and actual events. also, i'd much rather read about rome than watch a show about it since the actual history is much more interesting and entertaining than some faggy tv show could ever be
curb and seinfeld are a bowl of cheetos
>paying for media that can be streamed online
>highly overrated due to the misconception that it's based on real people and actual events
I like that it portrays niggers and cops accurately.
GoT is literally the only show that's keeping them alive at this point since every other show only averages 2 or 3 million views
it doesn't because it blames socioeconomic issues and culture as the root causes when that's only a small factor. until they start addressing the fact that niggers are mentally inferior due to genetics then it's just pointless
>not getting the free month trial every month
kek, Sup Forums whats going on with you lately?
>Basing whether a show is good or not on political grounds
You're no better than a SJW.
Use different info.
Sorry user spoiled it for you user but it's a great show in season 1 and it's going to have a third season airing sometime this year I think. I think it was originally based off a book, and they did the whole book in the first season or some shit and then just went with it in the second season. Really worth watching.
Vinyl was a piece of shit show and you're just shitposting fuck
it's better if you don't think about lost
HBO hasn't been relevant since Rome.
>pay for HBO
yes. fucking brilliant show about white women cheating on their bigot husbands with black men in early 1900's
>being this triggered
literal retard detected
yes i am triggered that something like that is eve being depicted on tv and then praised as "the greatust shuw evur11" . now what?
Golden Globes is all about who bribed them the most, HBO needs to up their payouts next year to the voters.