Why did this bomb in China?
Fucking TMNT 2 did better there
Why did this bomb in China?
Fucking TMNT 2 did better there
star wars relies on you being forced to watch it as a kid and buying all the toys. it is entirely nostalgia based. china didn't have star wars.
The nostalgia pandering TFA ruined Star Wars in the minds of china
Gooks are still traumatized about that ape looking chimp nigger the disney jews forced upon them, not even two shoehorned chinks could change their minds
this there is no nostalgia there. also without the old trilogy all the new episodes would have been shit.
SW isn't popular outside the US. The original trilogy was never even released in China. Sup Forums will always make other excuses to shill their agenda
Star Wars has no cultural currency in China because the chink government is no fun allowed central and didn't let western kinos be shown until fairly recently, so no one cares about it all that much.
Their first taste of star wars was TFA and it had a black as the main character. China hates blacks
>SW isn't popular outside of the US
Star Wars is pretty big in the UK, its the second largest market now it's bombed in China
The Chinese probably saw that it was a side story and didn't have a Asian lead so they didn't give a fuck
How stupid would you have to be to go see a movie about an underground resistance fighting a totalitarian empire when you yourself live in a totalitarian empire?
You'll end up on a watchlist, and if you're already on a watchlist they'll send you and your family to a concentration camp to assemble iPhones.
>feminism propaganda movie
>feminism propaganda movie in China
>also black people
Chinese aren't as brainwashed and just don't accept women being powerlords as western people do.
this is objectively correct. even casting chinese actors as your main characters won't completely win an audience. star wars is a mythos at this point in the United States, and the title sells it.
Disney spent a fuckton of money on advertising on both movies in China and both flopped.
This is just an excuse there have been other movies that did amazingly well in China.
TMNT 2 is pure kino
The uk is just the americas asshole though, pretty much just another state of america.
China loves
>Marvel movies
>Jurassic World
>Fast & Furious shit
There really is no excuse for this not doing well there when Jurassic World did
Omoshiroi, I wonder what other nostalgia filtered media we can observe the reception of.
How many things considered cult classics, iconic and so on are really just a product of the opportunity of their time?
Star Wars is pretty ubiquitous. Even in China.
More likely that they just don't see movies if the last one they saw was bad and they didn't seem to care much for TFA
China doesn't give a shit about the OT, after TFA they probably just didn't even bother.
The last 2 star wars movies were female power leads, feminism is not a thing in China.
Western propaganda isn't allowed there so they can't brainwash people as they do here, imagine releasing rogue one in the US 20 years ago and imagine how it would perform.
It's not hard to see why they flopped.
the chinese don't give a shit about asian leads outside of tumblr and western countries. In China, ever single bit of advertisement and tv show has asians on it. There is no forced diversity. So them seeing white people be white people is actually a treat for them.
Because it was shit. Just like The Force Awakens.
> imagine releasing rogue one in the US 20 years ago and imagine how it would perform.
Didn't all the prequel movies make a profit
I'm pretty sure there's no way for a star wars movie to have ever fucked up barring them releasing one that was just two hours of a still frame of george lucas' ass
>chin chon what is force
>chan chin who is that guy that breathes heavily
>chen chun what is deaf star
Why would they even care about R1
>Chinese aren't as brainwashed
You do realize the Chinese government, despite being treated as somewhat normal by people in the west, is a literal communist country where the authorities meticulously censor everything they don't like? The Chinese people have no choice but to consume what their government tells them to consume.
The only reason that shitshow of a country isn't on everyone's shit list is because their population is gigantic and they make everyone's garbage for peanuts.
>imagine releasing rogue one in the US 20 years ago and imagine how it would perform.
>tfw Rogue One or TLA would do worse than Phantom Menace if they were released at the same time
Wasn't The Clone Wars a fuck up?
Aren't as brainwashed in regards feminism and that a little woman can beat up the entire empire.
All of this features macho white men doing macho white things. Gee I wonder what was different here
they got tricked into watching the previous one and unlike americans have a memory that spans a year+.
>a woman and bunch of minorities as leads
>doing well in China
This. China is a place where
>They like seeing other races doing whacky crazy stunts
>They like big machines and explosions.
>Women are still 2nd class citizens.
They see a female lead and think western bullshit and don't go. They love big strong male actors because its a power fantasy for them.
>Fast & Furious
>White men
To a normal chinese male they are white as fuck.
Has there been any news about how they'll handle Leia now? On a scale of 1-10, how tasteless do you think they'll be?
Would they like it if a gook was the lead?
You forgot Warcraft. Those chinks love their vidya.
China likes white men as leads.
Any answer ITT that involves "China is smarter/more enlightened" is fucking wrong. They constantly consume trash, figuratively and literally.
China just doesn't care about Star Wars.
>China just doesn't care about Star Wars.
Didn't they eat up the prequels?
That was pretty macho too actually. Maybe that's how masculinity returns to Hollywood, on the back of a yellow monkey
Blown up whilst onboard StarKiller base 2
You do realize Vin Diesel is white to an Asian, right?
Chinese men are very macho type characters, they just don't accept women being the hilariously OP characters they are shown as in the new star wars movies.
lol no
Prequels didn't rely on you caring about OT. They don't care about OT.
Yeah this. All the Sup Forums and tumblr excuses are just whackos being crazy as fuck.
>pretty macho
Oh yeah for sure
>This is what Journey to the West was meant to mean all along.
Well, they have some measure of quality then, at least.
yes lol
TMNT 2 is kino.
This movie sucked.
Stop caring about China.
they pretty much panned and laughed at Great Wall to oblivion
Hollywood hates Trump, so they're going to start pandering to China.
This was Trump's plan to return us to a golden age of kino.
Maybe now Hollywood will stop trying to pander to these stupid fucks I am so fucking tired of Chinese influence on our movies. This is literally the only reason I voted for Trump. Fuck jobs, fuck border security, all I want is someone to stop the fucking Chinese from ruining our stupid action movies.
Fuck China, they are a nation of one and a half billion mindless plebs that make our trailer trash look like Roger Ebert
This. When the OT was released in China they thought it was mediocre and the actors were unattractive. They just don't give a fuck about Star Wars or any American movies outside of Bayformers and Capeshit.
BASED China.
Thanks to them the nigger will turn into Jar Jar and we'll be seeing less and less of him as the movies go on. We're stuck with Rey but hopefully they'll do something to drop her Mary Sueness.
anyone who says China is BASED or cool has never been
they're retards that piss in the streets. they're barely a step above India
Star Wars is irrelevant outside the US and a few parts in Western Europe
I'm hoping in a stunning reversal, Rey becomes twisted by the force and by the end of Ep8 she's the bad guy
There are blacks in Marvel capeshit that chinks eat up.
I'd rather have the Pathos of the Prequels then the Nostalgios of the Sequels.
Hayden Christiansen was better than that fetal alcohol syndrome Jon Snow faggot.
I love how Rey makes Mara Jade look underpowered. Maybe by Episode IX she'll make Jacen Solo look weak.
>We're stuck with Rey but hopefully they'll do something to drop her Mary Sueness.
she's either related to Sheev or some weird force ghost reincarnation/evil experiment
do they censor the force ghoasts in chinese star wars? I know they are really sensitive about ghosts stuff
>Vin Diesel
She's Luke's kid, I liked it better when Luke's kid was bland and took a back seat to the Solo's.
>She's Luke's kid
no chance in hell
The Chinese think that he's white. Or at least some kind of trained shaved ape.
>Meticulously censor everything they dont like
Yeah the media does that job for governments in the west
Female leads are very common in Chinese action movies. You have no idea what you're talking about
I would rather have Finn desu
Disney poisoned the well with the dindu in Ep VII. China hates black people and now doesn't want much to do with Star Wars.
Either you're retarded or the chinks are. Half the fucking cast is black.
I want Ewan and Sheev back.
>all these guys that don't know that Finn hangs out with a chinese chick for most of Episode 8
>a black man and a chinese woman
>possible romance
They don't give a rat fuck about China.
Fast and furious is the biggest thing ever in China and has a more diverse main cast than Star Wars
Star Wars is insanely popular in Japan. You don't know what you're talking about.
Yuro here, Vin Diesel isn't considered white in the US? He doesn't look hispanic at all.
and the other half has mixed blacks like Vin diesel and the rock
Google him, it doesn't take long to figure out that he's just a waxed gorilla.
Not a big enough market.
This. Pols infatuation with a third world non white communist shithole is so bizarre
He's like Jason Kidd
I honestly don't know what the fuck Vin is but it sure is fuck isn't white.
imagine having a culture so shitty that you project yourselves onto whitey
I honestly forgot that one existed
>Jiang Wen in which a giant gun loaded with deep neuropathy
Yeah and they're all macho. Maybe that's what Star Wars need, some roids
>cult classics
Choose one.
You really don't know what you are talking about.
Went and saw it with friends who didn't watch Star Wars growing up (it's not big here). They didn't get why people would like this movie.
Think about it: what if China brought in the eighth installment of a movie series that was popular there but you'd never heard of? And it was a prequel to the first movie, but not the actual first movie in the story, but the first movie they made (which was the fourth movie in the story), and it wasn't a part of the main story but rather a side story, but was full of all this winking references to other movies in the series you never saw, and you needed to know all the basics to the story were (like there's some kind of magic in the movie that's never really explained by this movie because it was explained in other ones you never saw, so the bad guy winds up doing magical shit out of nowhere and you have no clue why). Does that sound like something you'd enjoy or something confusing to you? Also, the movie ends with the good guys all dying and the bad guys sort of not really defeated, but they will be defeated in a movie that was made decades ago that you never saw and probably never will see.
Star Wars is like a big in-joke and if you aren't a part of the in-joke, it's not funny to you.
rogue one accounted for more than 60% of the entire chinese box office upon its opening
stay delusional crazy haters
>rogue one accounted for more than 60% of the entire chinese box office upon its opening
so like 50 dollars?
It had zero competition in China is why, and still didn't make that much money.
$10.5 milion of the $15.9m total
yes people in china are protesting box office prices and the industry in general.
>they're retards that piss in the streets
This happens in most major cities in the west (we actually have sign telling people not to piss/shit)
>some people steal plans for a thing and all die