The Mandarin - History Lesson America Scenes

>Some people call me a terrorist. I consider myself a teacher. America, ready for another lesson?

> Atrue story about fortune cookies. They look Chinese. They sound... Chinese. But they're actually an American invention. Which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth.

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Could have been up there with Heath Ledger as best comic book villain but they turned him into a joke at the end.

Marvel pussyed out.

I enjoyed Iron Man 3. The only MCU capeshit I enjoyed actually. It felt unique and different from the rest that all rely on the same script.

I wish they had stuck to the moral relativist Nixon soundalike that the trailers conveyed.

Iron Man 3 is forgettable dogshit because of that dumb bullshit with that other guy (forgot his name) saying "do you know who is the real Mandarin? You're looking at him!"

Only redeemable part of the movie is seeing a very sweaty Gwyneth Paltrow

>hollywood is so racist against Asian men they get a british guy to yellowface then turn mandarin into some white guy with a dragon tatt

>I like shit because it's different
You're pathetic.

>"Marvel saw so many negative things they made a whole other movie just to apologize called [sic] Hail to the King," Black told Uproxx's Mike Ryan when the topic of negative online comments regarding Iron Man 3 came up. "In which they said, 'No, no, the Mandarin is still alive. That wasn't him. There's a real Mandarin." The only reason it was made, he added, was to apologize to angry fans.

What the fuck? Why are these fanboys so dense all the time?

Da fuck,

He clearly is modeled after Osama bin Ladin and his Ten rings cult is basically ISIS.

Obviously marvel can't have any seriousness in films so scrapped the idea.

I think marvel today they would have made mandarin real and not a cop-out. And made Killian his right hand man so they still have that fight.

It's not a particularly good movie, and it's kind of shit in the context of the other Iron Man movies, but at least it had a real director and didn't feel like some shit made by studio executives and a focus group.

>I like to eat the same shit, days on end, with no remorse, simply because Marvel changed the names of the characters
Bet you liked Dr Strange you fucking pleb

IM3 could've been fucking kino.

Closest thing to Kino they ever had in their movies, yet the director decided to pull a shitty twist and meme out to please the reddit crowd. I safely say that there are forces inside the Marvel Studios trying to make good movies, yet they are shut down by a nefarious group.

The Americans invaded Iraq after the attack of a terrorist organization that was created by a Saudi in Afghanistan.

Mandarin was probably worst thing about Iron Man movies, holy shit I swear Iron Man solo movies villains and everything else is like a B-tier movie.

>dude your prototype armor is better than your new mark lmao i will fuck you up
>dude i have lashes and im also very dangerous!
>dude i am not the real villain i am just idiot in costume also this guy lmao the nerd you met haha he can spit flames!

a billion times this

he is the only Marvel villain that I was like Woah this guy is awesome....then they shit the bed with him

What meme and twist?

I thought it was a pretty nice twist. Instead of a cliché boss battle, the man in front of the camera is revealed as an actor and puppet while the real menace was lurking right in front of Stark.

Haven't we had enough Marvel capeshit ending in boss battles?

Did you finish the movie? It ended with a boss battle.

Yeah but atleast from an unexpected direction.

>I like shit because it's different

Sup Forums in a nutshell. Just look at people here defending the horrid BvS and SS just because they are perceived as underdogs against Marvel juggernauts.

It's always the Marvel shills defending the copypaste Marvel concept.

Shane Black was the last director of MCU. Enjoy Kevin Feige's progressive feces.

>I like shit
>implying Iron Man 3 was shit
lmaoing at your life, it's easily the best Iron Man movie.

>Just look at people here defending the horrid BvS and SS
Nobody defended SS, also SS most Marvel DC film ever

BvS fantastic film


>>dude your prototype armor is better than your new mark
But this isn't the case in Iron Man 1.
The Iron Monger wasn't Stark's Iron Man Mark I, it's only modeled after it.

How did I not know this existed? Are there more of these?

He was a generic Bane ripoff. It was a relief to not have some retarded poorly written trailer dialogue reciting bad guy be what he seemed. Guy Pierce sucked though.

Youre acting like Bane is in any way an origi-

Oh wait. Memes

like 5 or 6, look up mcu one shots.

But that's the best one.

He is Asian. His real name's Krishna Bhenji, or something.

>breh these marvel movies are all so formulaic
>wahhh iron man 3 did something different

hahahahaha fucking moronic plebs

A popular bit my friends would do is quote other movies and shows with the Mandarin's inflection. You know, for the let's play channel we never created?

>And soooooooo.....we gonna hang oursellllves a. negro.
>You can call meeeeee.... The mighty...Monarch