God how awkward is this interview. You can just see how annoyed Stephen is that Kevin came onto the show stoned as fuck and just wouldn't stop talking. Stephen even talks over Kev at the end to cut the interview off.
Holy shit
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Why was he even there?
No it was actually a very normal interview. Are you retarded?
>thats the joke
why is he wearing a kfc jersey?
Because he's a fucking idiot.
KFS. Kevin Smith is an uncouth degenerate, so I assume it stands for Kevin Fucking Smith.
Stephen won't be on air for to much longer. He can't even come close to Kimmel and Fallon.
I mean he is fucking booking Kevin Smith. Guy has lost it.
Normal interview? Guess I've missed it when the guest talks straight for 10 mins as the hosts fumbles to get a word in.
Colbert is way too unpleasant a person to host a real talk show
>OP claims stephen was annoyed and doesn't agree with people who think otherwise
>youtube comments are filled with people who liked the interview and was glad colbert let kevin smith talk
OP I think you just don't like Smith in general
This. I've been saying this since that interview with Scarlett Johansson. Colbert is a terrible fucking interviewer when he's out of his character. Almost all his interviews are uncomfortable and forced.
Kevin Smith is the definition of wasted potential and it makes me so fucking angry that he wasted what he was given.
He wanted to be famous filmmaker and was able to make a small budget indie film of the sweat of my back without the indie scene bullshit that somehow miraculously made it big, finally got a foot in the door in a cutthroat industry where I can learn from the greats and all these amazing connections.
Just a few years later, he's squandered it all by pandering to the fifteen year olds in my fanbase, never evolving as a director and instead lashing out at those who would dare suggest he actually attempt to evolve as a filmmaker by saying "It's for the fans, critics don't get it!" like some preteen getting flamed on DeviantArt.
Kevin Smith should be ashamed of what he is, considering what he could have been.
>I could be talking about how much I hate trump but instead I have to interview this fat buffoon
You can tell he regrets leaving the colbert report, since now he doesn't have a quirky persona to hide behind he's doomed to fall victim to the scrutiny of his political opponents and become another laughing stock.
To be fair Kevin Smith is a well-known blowhard and chatterbox. Watch any interview he's ever given. The dude has diarrhea of the mouth. Stephen should have known this.
how young were you when you outgrew Kevin Smith? I think I was 11.
Wears a shirt with his own face on the front, heh what a douche.
>normal interview
>the interviewee almost cries out of joy because he gets stoned and watches Colbert in the morning.
i don't know how old i was when i gave up on kevin smith, but i think it was when i saw clerks 2. it cemented the fact i'd been trying to hide from, the fact that he had not grown at all as a filmmaker.
Yeah Clerks 2 sounds about right. I actually liked most of Dogma. I won't even waste my time on a Kevin Smith film these days.
what the fuck is up with steves face?
I was 14 when I stopped watchcing his stuff. Really sad actually. I wish he would stop doing podcasts that are shit and movies that are shit and just go around doing Q&A's. Those are the best.
kevin smith is everything wrong with nerd culture
Kevin Fucking Sucks
Let me help you, your post should have looked like this
>wears a shirt with his face on it
what a douche
Thanks for visiting and have a safe trip back to r*ddit
Zack and Mirri was good based off the performances by the actors alone, but it kind of fell apart at the end.
Red State was ass, and so was Tusk, though Michael Parks was great in both.
Not watching his daughter flick, though...
Hate both of these faggots but this was actually the first funny thing I've seen on this show
Hate both of these faggots and couldn't stand more than one minute
>clit brown taint area