Assigned the Jedi Watchman of the Cerean sector...

>Assigned the Jedi Watchman of the Cerean sector, Mundi was granted a rare exception to the Jedi Order's ban on marriage due to his species' low birth rate and had a polygamous family of five wives and seven children, although he tried to avoid developing emotional attachments to them.

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Yoda had a girlfriend too, and so did all the Ithorian Jedi.

Basically all the masters just come up with excuses so they can get their dick wet and laugh at the dumb humans who they're cockblocking

>tfw jedi dad loves Wookies more than you

Who writes this shit? Are there rules for the expanded universe that you can't change what some other moron wrote?

>tfw mom loves wookies more than you


Christ the extended universe is garbage.. I'm glad Disney declared it non canon to trigger the autists

Implying thats what eu people care.
Sith golden age, hyperspace war, fredon nadd uprising, dark lords of the sith, kotor... Those are the real EU and there was no reason to decanonize that

god damn, i remember that
it was made by those nerdbitches, right?
and there are two or three of this short movies

Sup Forums, we have beaten around the bush too long. Lets get to what's important here.

How did he sit in the chair?

The dawn of Mundiposting

We've covered this extensively.

He was sitting in an identical chair



If it's just emotional attachment then fucking some whores is fair game?

How did you find out this information?
It would appear to be a secret, one closely guarded by the republic; where could you possibly buy those?

This is the single dumbet thing I've ever seen in star wars.

How the fuck can photons produce lift in that way.

... what the fuck is this.

>Avoid developing emotional attachments to your wife and children
Who wrote this creepy shit?

But what about the fucking droid attack on the fucking Wookies!?

Han, why don't you tell Luke about your chair? I'll tell him for you, the most comfortable chair ever designed, or that had yet been designed as of the Trioculus affair in 5 ABY, was described as a sort of gigantic floating pillow. Han Solo owned one such chair, and it featured prominently among the furnishings of his sky house.

A type of large pillow, this chair was, as of 5 ABY, the most comfortable one that had ever been designed. It floated, and was capable of rocking in a gentle motion that Leia Organa found relaxing.[1]

Han Solo owned one example of this type of chair, and used it as the centerpiece of the furnishings in the main room of his sky house on Bespin. The chair was reserved for Leia Organa as the guest of honor at Solo's housewarming party around the time of the Trioculus affair in 5 ABY.[1]

Is this the same guy who survived the encounter vs. cartoon Grievous?

So what are some of the most ridiculous minor characters that really had HUGE impact behind the scenes thanks to retarded cannon?

I know that IG88 was supposedly about to take control of the death star and every droid in the universe and genocide everyone literally minutes before the 2nd deathstar blew up.

Do you think Yoda tapped that sweet Yaddle ass?

Literally copied straight from victory gundam
Lucas truly is a hack

Seems unfair for Obi Wan to lure Luke into the whole being a Jedi thing, without first disclosing the fact that he's not allowed to fuck or love anymore.

Goddamn, I hate the prequels so much. George Lucas is a goddamn moron.

This guy was such a dick. God damn


the black dude that flees Bespin while carrying some device in the background

>Are there rules for the expanded universe
Of course not. This shit contradicted itself constantly.

The webm is from the latest Disney cartoon.

Never forget.

>How the fuck can photons produce lift in that way.
Have you ever seen a solar sail?

It's from the disney show. Lucas had nothing to do with it. He also had very little input in most EU shit anyway.

Quinlan Vos

anybody has the high ground copypasta ?

>same actor as Nute Gunray
I feel like we need more Gunrayposting anyway, hopefully the two will foster one another.

Luuuke, did I ever tell you about the Netherworld of the Force?
The Netherworld of the Force was the place the souls of Force-sensitives were thought to ascend to after their physical bodies died. The Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn went to this realm after he was killed[1] by Darth Maul,[2] but, thanks to the help of the Force Priestesses,[3] he managed to return from it back to the physical universe as a Force spirit.[1]
It was a good friend.

Willrow Hood was a Human male miner who lived and worked on Cloud City, a floating station located above the gas giant Bespin. He worked for A'roFilter, a mining company sympathetic to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, as the head of the department responsible for dealing with the Rebel Alliance, supplying discounted Tibanna gas. Eventually, though, the Galactic Empire invaded and conquered the planet; in order to protect the Rebellion contacts Hood was responsible for, the miner took A'roFilter's main computer's memory core, as it contained the encrypted information on Rebel contacts. After finding the nearest disposal unit, Hood dumped the entire core, rather than risk it falling into the wrong hands; thus, Willrow Hood was able to save the Alliance's interests. Hood remained on Cloud City throughout the Imperial occupation, suffering imprisonment and torture but revealing nothing.

Eventually, he joined together with Tian Chyler, a former Imperial Security Bureau agent disenfranchised with the Empire who had defected, transmitting information on Cloud City's Imperial-run defense systems. Utilizing this information, the Alliance was able to liberate the planet from the Empire's control. After the Rebels' victory, Hood decided to take it easy.

Jizz was an upbeat, swinging genre of music, most notably performed by Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes and the Max Rebo Band. Other notable jizz bands included Bobolo Baker's All-Bith Band, Evar Orbus and His Galactic Jizz-Wailers, Hutt, Figrin D'an II and the New Modal Nodes, and The Sozzenels.

Subgenres of jizz included jizz-wail, aubade, and glitz. Also, the music form jatz was reminiscent of, or in some ways similar to, jizz.

that was canon in the original trilogy too

Luke, did I ever tell you about jizz?




I hate Star Wars autism more than anything on this planet

every background characters and misspelled names have their own lore.

Star wars autism is absolutely world class

where's it said? genuinely curious







>lure someone into an organization that doesnt exist.

he didnt ask how can it be real





I know user, I was being obtuse, because your response was silly.

Imagine if, half way through the movie, Luke exploded spontaneously. The explosion killed all the bad guys and saved the day. Then, Luke imploded back into a physical being.

It'd be pretty silly, since the universe hasn't established itself breaking the laws of physics in that way yet. It'd seem contrived and look ridiculous.

That's kind of what happens when people start using lightsabers to helicopter around.

I said in that way. As a propeller.

its plasma u retard

Idc, he's still a hack

>Midchlorians nigga i ain't gotta explain shit.

forget about the damn wookies for a moment
what about the bonus situation?

You can suspend disbelief enough to believe in Lightsabers, the force, hyperspace travel, humanoid aliens that happen to speak english, but helicoptor plasma blades makes no sense?

Shut up, dummy. It's a kids series.

>Star wars autism is absolutely world class
a challenger appears

>This is the single dumbet thing I've ever seen in star wars

you sure?

There's a difference between fantasy and breaking the laws of physics.

whats wrong with this?

There's already sound in space you fucking idiot, this series doesn't give a shit

You seem to have missed where I said Lightsabers and the force, both of which break physics laws, stupid

You'll have to actually explain what's happening dude, that still isn't particularly stupid without context.

I don't know what that is.

what is the point of having that base hanging over the abyss?
what is the point of having a fucklong footbridge extending from said base to a huge platform from which everyone and everything is in constant danger of falling to its death?
why the fuck would there be a single ATST walking in circles on said platform (again, the pilot is in constant danger of falling to his death) when there is a bigass field above the pointless base that he can't observe let alone shoot at?

It's clearly the fact they use a walking tank to patrol that tiny platform with nothing on it.

Rule of Cool bro

i can't stop laughing

Looks like a landing pad with a guard, its really not that bad, especially not by star wars standards.

>same actor as nute gunray
What, for real?

Like the light sabers somehow stopping at a certain length? How's that work physics wise?

Yeah. Both were played by Silas Carson

Don't they project some kind of forcefield tube or something?

>perpetrate the droid attacks on the wookies
Must have been hard to manage.

Luke, did I ever tell you about water? Water was a liquid necessary for many lifeforms. Many planets were covered in it and many species, including the Mon Calamari, Quarren and Gungans, evolved in it. On arid worlds like Tatooine, moisture farmers used vaporators to collect water from the atmosphere.

The Tusken Raiders of Tatooine believed that all water was sacred and promised to them, resulting in them raiding local moisture farms set up by colonists.[1] Frozen water was known as ice. The Tuskens kidnapped and raped your grandmother. They were good friends and so was she.