Why would you need a special one of those for transport?
What is going on inside the regular ones, does this one have reduced ability?


i haven't seen the movie, but i would guess this one has more trooper capacity with a special door and rappel equipment to enable rapid deployment.

The one thing Ellen Paige can't do for $300

new toy?

What are the functional benefits of a slow moving walker for cargo transportation in a universe where flying cargo shuttles exist?

>those names

holy shit did those convicts make up that shit on the spot?

>rapid deployment.

too bad the walker is slow as hit

the point of the walker is to breach heavy defenses while keeping the troops alive. once they're past perimeter defenses, troops can deploy.


To sell toys. Everyone knows that the Galactic Empire's GDP is 50% reliant on the sale of toys on some backwater shithole in the Sol system.


is that the most laciest "new" design Disney has come up with?

So are literally all of the new vehicle designs just an OT design with a different-colored wing or some shit?


gotta get those nostalgibux

Concerning the TIE you posted it has been heavily upgraded since the OT, now sporting a two-man design similar to the TIE bomber and now loaded with it's own hyper-drive like Vader's TIE advanced, meaning it's no longer tethered to a Star Destroyer and can be deployed more like an X-wing.


They're Aboriginal names you thick cunt

Still looks almost identical though dunnit


Disney has made totally different vehicles.
You don't judge a book by its cover, even though everything looks the same as in the OG trilogy apart from a few tweaks underneath the hood, the engine, all the mechanics are totally revamped.
Don't you care about such fine details you fucking nerd?
Isn't that what you obsess about, Darth Vader was polished by Woodoo hide remember.
Fucking geeks, if no-one made this shit up for you your lives be EMPTY, EMPTEEEEE.
t. Disney marketing employee

Why does it need a head with cannons or need to be so tall if it's just for ferrying shit around a military base?

It shouldn't even need a pilot, really.

It'a a common thing, look at a Porsche 911.

>that friend of your that used to call them "tigers" for no reason other than they had 4 legs

plus he called the kid home alone instead of kevin, if he didnt have the biggest collection of toys known to man at the time I wouldn't have gone near the fucker

But the cockpit isn't any bigger, what fucking asshole decided to shove 2 into the same space as 1?

Tfw your lego obsession funds galactic expansion

>a long time ago


Shitty toy. On clearance for $150 at Target. Smaller than the Big AT-AT from a few years ago. Has smart phone controls to make it poorly move

then why is it so fragile? the rebels only had to focus fire on its joints for short periods and they would fall

All of the empire's weaponry is retarded

Did I just Saw Canberra in there?

>TIE was too small for hyperdrive, deflector shields and more firepower
>TIEfo, exactly same size as TIE, has hyperdrive, deflector shields and more firepower

The AT-AT are shielded, you can't really shoot at them like that. Or at least that's how it was in ESB, no idea if the walkers in Rogue One (haven't seen it yet) are actually unshielded and can be taken down.

They aren't but starfighters have weaponry to pierce ship hulls. Hoth's weather conditions didn't allow rebels to use x/y wings in atmosphere. Snowspeeders had to resort to tie cables and praying.

Rogue One the few rebels that get through take out a couple then get absolutely demolished once Imperial CAP is established.

>He's dedicated his life to explaining retarded non-existent weapons made by a deranged autistic man who hates his own franchise now

Star Wars fans are the dumbest human beings on Earth.

That halo around the explosion was added in the special edition.

Uh? Who is this "he" you speak of? What I said isn't some obscure fact taken from technical manual, it's something from the actual movie. If I was such a fan, then I would have watched Rogue One, so your accusation makes no sense.

Did you just assume xir gender?

There isn't a single vehicle in the Star Wars universe that makes any sense or has any functional advantages over real life technology. Walkers are particularly stupid.

But it doesn't matter because it's fantasy