How will they write off her death?

How will they write off her death?

My idea
>Snoke sends Kylo on a mission
>the mission is to destroy a spaceship that she is in
>Kylo destroys it, not knowing his mother is in there
>Realizing what he has done, he falls in deep anger and seeks vengeance on Snoke, inheriting his unlimited power

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying the actor has to be alive to use its character
did you even see rogue one

>kylo is still having trouble commiting to the dark side
>instead delving deeper into the spiral of darkness after killing his father he is only filled with regret, remorse and sadness
>the first order remnants attack the republic and take leia hostage to negotiate "peace" terms
>kylo finds out where she is being held and goes rogue to rescue her and try to redeem himself
>gets there as she is dying just as anakin did with his mother
>rampages through the first order's new base like anakin did to the sand people
>ep9 is about kylo attempting to return to the light

>not letting General Leia die peacefully in-between VIII and IX

She does a line of Snoke. :^)

>goes peacefully and off-screen
>there will then be some sort of adventure set in space for 2 more movies
>carrie fisher will then be cgi'd in as a force ghost, standing next to jake lloyd and redeemed-sheev for the final shot of the 9th movie, smiling over rey as she celebrates blowing up a hollowed-out black hole that was turned into a super weapon


>dies of a broken heart

Just cgi my shit up pham

they'll kill her off in the opening crawl

>jake lloyd

They won't kill Leia, but they will make a farewell scene like Paul Walker in Furious 7. Leia retired from her General position and live peacefully in some planet.

>Treat your body like shit and abuse it for like 30+ years
>Keep on tickin'
>Quit drugs, drinking, lose weight and start living healthy

>Underrated post

Apparently she relapsed before kicking the bucket

Didn't they finish shooting ep 8 before she passed away?

Apparently they had already finished shooting all her scenes for 8. I don't know how much she was supposed to be involved in 9. It's kind of disappointing no brother sister team up though for the last battle. But to be honest on repeat viewings 7 really isn't as good as i though it was so i dont care that much.

I'll believe that considering the weird crazy tweets she was making the past months

>CGI Leia for the entire EP 9
>Studios realise they don't even need actors anymore
>Enter the next age of cinema wherein studios use only CGI characters plastered over real world scenes

Isn't this literally
>Princess Leia died on her way back to her home planet

You paid to watch that abomination? Faggot.

How do you know it's an abomination if you haven't seen it?

>live peacefully in some planet.
That's never going to happen

cancel star wars cause it sucks anyway. Then you don't have to worry about her death.

Yeah, all her stuff was already done.

Because faggots like you paid to go see it.

I could tell from the first trailer and after having seen the parts that have been posted on here i'm glad I dropped disney wars after tfa.

that makes no sense

Its simple. Youre a faggot. Therefor the movie you paid to watch must only be fit for faggots.

You're a fucking faggot, kill yourself.

>she dies of a cocaine induced heart attack in the middle of a space battle

>samefag 6 minutes later

>That boy is our last hope
>No, there is another
>Does nothing
>Never learns anything about the force
>Can sense when someone dies but doesn't even emote, just kind of sits down or whatever because she's not a good actress
>Dies off screen
>Is a racist
What a SHIT character Leia is.

>leia orgasma

Her picture makes me want to fuck

she has all her scenes done for this one so that'll be like 3 years from now to perfect her CGI for episode 9.

Everyone thinks you're a faggot user.

Off-screen deaths are such bullshit. And I want Leia to have a proper ending, so use the whatever CGI you have in episode 9 and let her go out with a bang.

>Episode VIII
>empire builds a fourth death star
>Kylo Ren sits aboard ultimate death star, hanging out with Snoke
>Leia goes to death star to confront Kylo
>rebellion detonates bomb in her snatch, takes out empire in one blow
>coke party to celebrate

Bipolar disorder has a very high risk of relapse. The fact that she was using ECTs to treat her symptoms indicates that she has a pretty severe form of the illness. People with bipolar disorder tend to have shorter life expectancy than the general population.

Yeah, my mother died in her 50s

id hit cgi leia

You could buy a mannequin and fuck it user

The problem is apparently she was gonna have a significant role in episode 9.

She was going to ha e a confrontation with Kylo and a reunion with Luke.

>That boy is our last hope
>No, there is another

>it's Rey

Maybe they should start working on it now so it doesn't look like complete shit.

Hopefully she od's before the trilogy finishes.

>she died of heartbreak

hold on there, captain edgy.