Make the audience sympathize with Hitler AND Himmler

>Make the audience sympathize with Hitler AND Himmler
>Portray nazi occupied usa as a lawful prosper place without crime
>Portray the "Resistance" as the bad guys and general despicable
>The most charismatic character is a nazi general
>The most unlikable character is a literal jew

How did they get away with it?

making it satire, silly

The writers haven't changed user, we've changed.

>The most unlikable character is a literal jew
Frank is based af in the Second season. The most unlikable character is Juliana

Because it's the truth and people know it. It just can't be said without society judging you

>they show real life 60s San Francisco
>think to myself "jesus, everyone is so loud, brutish and degenerate"

Sup Forums is satire too

Jews as a group are good people

Time travel
2 seasons and they don't explained nothing about time travels and other dimensions

>How did they get away with it?
Raimi uh... um....




finds a way.

I hate the gook scenes

Smith wife is so hot, her nudes from previous movies dayum

100% mommy material

not going for "reich finds a way"

I watched like 6 episodes and nowhere near you sympathize with nazism, it's not even explored aside from "Nazism saved the US!"

There are no political or ideological conversations, the first time someone speaks about pre occupation they said "my dad told me we all had freedom" which is classic bullshit and never mentions the apartheid the US had, the concentration camps during the war and all the shit they did.

We barely got some blacks in the neutral zone being said some racial things by a white dude and some bullshit ash rain from mass cremation of undesired population without proper discussion on how that shit got normalized

It's a shit show

>How did they get away with it?
because the world isn't controlled by a big dystopian tyrannical jewish/sjw/pc organization like the whiny 15 years old wannabe rebels on here want you to believe.

never go full retard

Jewliana has a massive nose

So you haven't watched it all and decide that means you can comment on the whole thing?

because its "alternative history"

Season 1 is mediocre, season 2 is more redpilled.

Power through the first season. It's shit until about the final 2 eps, then next season picks up

In s2 we have puzzling moment where a girl from US consecration camp fights against the jap gov because when japs liberated the camps they "did not see the captives as brothers" and stared name calling them