"with a runtime of 82 minutes, this movie felt like it was 4 fucking hours long. Jay what did you think"

>"with a runtime of 82 minutes, this movie felt like it was 4 fucking hours long. Jay what did you think"

Why are these two so fucking based?

Because they're youtube critics who stick to their own opinions and don't suck off the hivemind

Kind of like how they pissed off Rogue One fanboys as of late

is this shillkino?

I'm sure they love you doing all this free advertising for them on Sup Forums. You do realize that they make money off this shit right? As long as you're cool being an advertiser and not getting any compensation for that, have fun.

What review was this?

I love how the redditors try and spin making three videos in response to youtube comments as them not being sensitive babies who can't handle people disagreeing with them.

to be fair RLM gained a lot of their fanbase out of discussing Star Wars. The people who are whining and crying about their opinion about Rogue One are just newfags who can't handle their precious childrens franchise getting criticized.

Making you mad is a reward in itself.

I am loving all this Sup Forums butthurt these RLM videos have caused!

hahahahaah! the same joke they've been making for 3 years now! hahaahahHAHAAHAAH


I respect RLM's opinion greatly even if I think it's blatantly retarded every now and then, but making response videos to defend their opinion is fucking stupid.

They made their point. Now move on and churn out another BotW I can jack off to.


Sup Forums btfo

Them making a video to cherry pickup tube comments to make themselves the voice of reason really made me respect them. To be honest their strength is comedy, only idiots believe they're anything beyond normal youtubers\vbloggers.

Because a movie needs to make back its money on the first weekend the advertisers flood social media, reddit and even Sup Forums with fake messages, they create a sea of disinformation where people who give valid criticism on something are being made out to look like "haterz" and "lunatics"

Since they pay for official reviews online communities and word to mouth advertisement in the virtual world is their main concern during this time.

You only need to look at the traffic websites generate when a block buster hits the cinema.

>this is what deeply paranoid DC fans believe

What do you think making any thread for any film/TV show is?

>Posting threads about yourself
Do celebrities and e-celebrities really do this?

has rlm ever given a reason they don't do tv shows?

tv is way better than movies these days

Too much time investment needed, most series are 10 hours +, most movies are less than 2.

Great point. they do not have a lot of time to spare due to their work on Space Cop.

Why are you quoting such an old video?

They did stranger things

That's because Netflix gave them the appropriate amount of money.

>implying stranger things needed to be shilled from fucking redlettermedia

They made more Star Wars videos for easy cash while the topic is hot, that's all.

Netflix was that desperate for a positive review weeks after the series had already come out and already been a huge hit?

this is why you are not a multimillionaire. every little bit helps

>this is why you are not a multimillionaire
says who


says your bank accuont, comrade