New photo of Dylan O'Brien


ok? theres been million of pictures of him after you retards started your fucking retarded vanilla sky meme

>Sup Forums actually believed a troll about how he got his face degloved and was practically a head on lifesupport

what a bunch of stupid cows.

Stop being so rude

thank fucking god he ditched Teen Wolf. his agent knows what's good for him.

the beard is fucking ugly

For real though he looks as fugly as Mark Hamill after that car accident. Hope he's a good voice actor.

what is that, a scar?

whats the name of the guy on the right?


no she isn't

tyler posey

This is how he looked 2014


damn....he totally got vanilla sky'd

Put your phone away for 2 goddamn minutes, you skeezy rodent.

cocaines a hellaofa drug

>and now he has facial hair!! omg!

so he always had a droopey stroke face

He totally got vanilla sky'd

when your meme requires someone to pretend to be retarded just fucking stop

is he still with her

literally fucking who