Childhood is liking season one, adulthood is understanding season two

Childhood is liking season one, adulthood is understanding season two.

>Casper knew this.

Sometimes shit is just shit bro

It's shit. SHIT.

Let it go.

Understanding that it is shit

pls vincepost

really makes you think

I understood that it was poorly written garbage that starred Vince fucking Vaughn are you fucking kidding me

Is there gonna be season 3 or was season 2 that bad that they decided to end it all?
I've only watched season 1 though.

>They say two's company but three's a crowd. Well this orgy just got crowded, Ray, and I'm the cuck

I think I remember reading that season 2 killed it. It was that bad.

Season 2 is absolute fucking trash in comparison. It's as if another person directed it.


Only good thing that came out of it was vinceposting, sadly it required some creativity and it soon died with the show.

(Flawed, but still rare) pearls before swine.

HBO said they were up for season 3 and then that was the end of it. My hope is that Nic Pizzolato is taking a couple years to write a great season two like he should have done for season 2.
Such a shame, season 2 had seeds of genius buried in it. It just needed another draft or two to bring them out. It could have been properly Gnostic pulling from PKD, Pyncon and McCarthy just like s1 pulled from Chambers and Blackwood and Ligotti.

People that cry about Vince Vaughn are 100% wrong, it's just that they're underage redditors that only think of him as Fred Claus. Shame they cried the loudest though and refused to give the character and the show a chance.

It wasn't meant to have Gnostic overtones. It was about Persona v. Character, the raw machinations of corruption, and the petty lies that we spread without thinking that feed that machine. There was definitely genius there, but it lacked the unity of vision that the first season had--to it's thematic benefit, I think, but it makes the whole thing harder to take in on its own merits and simply as a show/piece of entertainment.

>Season one
contained story about two interesting characters mixed with a bit of lovecraftian horror references
>Season two
overcomplicated tryhard quagmire

jeez, I wonder which season the contrarians laugh at as normie shit and which one they hail as kino

Season One was about trying to maintain a sense of moral purpose in an environment so corrupted that the only spiritual outlet available has become a grotesque inversion of itself--where literal monsters crawl out from the swamp to feed on children--and with the knowledge or at least suspicion that it's all for naught anyway.

>Season One
>good all the way through

>Season 2
>shit but occasionally a god-tier scene

There are individual scenes in Season 2 that surpass what they did in Season 1 (Ray's bar dream, Frank's walk in the desert), but it's just not as consistently good. Casper knew this.




Understanding that it's fucking garbage?