ITT: over-skilled characters you wish you wanted to be like

ITT: over-skilled characters you wish you wanted to be like

Bourne is such a horrible franchise.

>you wish you wanted to be like

you wanted to be like* god fuck me

it's Bond for liberals

>using the word, "franchise" to describe a series of films, however well or poorly made those films are

You are the cancer that destroyed this place and is now proceeding to destroy humanity. Everything you touch, is shit. YOU are shit. Everything you will ever amount to, everybody you will ever know and everything you will ever do, will be shit.

You rob everything of its integrity and you spew your "buzzwords" as though they're gospel. You brag about accomplishments that aren't yours to what passes for your "friends" and they reward you with empty applause. Empty. Like everything else in your life. You have never possessed one ounce of dignity, honor or self-respect. Others do not respect you. In all likelihood they will NEVER respect you.

I do not wish death upon the likes of you. I do not wish for you to end your vapid, hollow existence. Instead, I revel in the knowledge that, with each year that passes, you will descend more and more into the despair and depression that will inevitably follow your teenagehood. I wish I could be there to see the look on your face as the revelation hit you. The revelation that you are nothing and always have BEEN nothing. I wish I could be there to tell you, "I told you so" with a wry smile on my face.

That this will never happen, is my only regret. Enjoy what passes for your life, child, because in a few years when adulthood hits you with full-force, you will not even be REMOTELY prepared for it.


>I prefer people to use buzzwords instead of the precise terms
I didn't read any of that pasta

As a teen I wanted to be Richard B. Riddick

Riddick series is criminally overlooked around these parts

best film trilogy tbqh

only the first two are good, Pitch Black is GOAT, Chronicles is good albeit a bit convoluted.

Other two are garbage (the next one will be shit, admit it)

ever since the spinoff it's a franchise, don't kid yourself.

Yeah the last 2 were crap but the next one could be good if they get back to basics instead of trying to do too much again.


only the first one was good.

rest are shaky can trash.


Casino Royale Bond

Was Bourne a mary-sue?


Any kind of incarnation of Sherlock Holmes

just imagine being that intelligent, jesus fuck, I am a literal retard in comparison

Take your crap back to Sup Forums, scum.