Uh... R-Rogue... .... Rogue One™: A Star Wars® Story

>Uh... R-Rogue... .... Rogue One™: A Star Wars® Story

i fucking walked out of the theater

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bravo hbo

>no opening crawl set to John Williams

fucking walked out of the theatre and enjoyed Star Wars: The Force Awakens on my netflix at home while drinking a Pepsi Cola

It pretty bad mate. Is there a more hamfisted expamle of a movie saying their title then this?

>Uh... Ro.....Roooo.... guhhhhhhh...

Fellowship of the Ring, although you can probably blame Hugo Weaving and not the script for that one

>end credits begin
I fucking walked out of the theater

>huh... so uhm... I guess we're... we are some kinda... Fellowship of the Ring?

Haha, I wonder if this catches on.

>"end" credits
They're just "credits". There are no "opening" credits. Those are titles.

so all those texts giving "credit" to the director, screenwriter, producer etc that usually accompany the opening scene of a movie is somehow not "credits"



I fucking walked out of the theatre

I still don't know why they do "opening credits," especially since they usually play them over plot-related scenes. Do you want me to be focusing on your masturbatory credits, or watching this scene? Either put all of the credits at the start like they used to do back in the day or keep them all to the end

I enjoyed the movie but there is no denying that this scene was atrocious.

Rogue one is the type of movie you watch once or twice and leave it be, because the more you think about it, the worse it gets

>lights turned off
i fucking walked out of the theater

I was actually kind of surprised how this guy died. A random trooper just tosses a grenade in there, and he gets obliterated

It was the last line so I don't blame you.

Okay, so does this mean Rogue Squadron was named after Rogue One?

some films have opening credits you retard

>walk into the theater

i walked out of the fucking theater


Rubber Dinghy Rapids Bruv

Rogue Squadron is non-canon

its so poorly done.