What the fuck
Who thought this was a good idea?
What the fuck
Who thought this was a good idea?
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No one had the balls to tell him how retarded that is?
>g-gee mr. lucas this sure does sound like a stupid idea
>gets fired
>Surrounds himself by Yes men so he can butcher his own movies
It's not even fucking pottery at this point
> Hey Yoda. It's Qui Gon. Listen, you know how you sent me on an important but supposedly fairly simple mission to Naboo? Anyway, I'm on a completely different planet and Naboo is being taken over as we speak. Yep, I've fucked up pretty bad. But, I've met some kid who I think should become a Jedi. Um, no, he's past that age. Um, no, he's not free to go, he's actually property of someone else. Don't worry though, I'm going to risk the entire mission as well as the safety of the Queen of Naboo in a convoluted bet to win his freedom.
> What scientific evidence to I have to back up my claim he should be a Jedi? Absolutely none. None whatsoever. Um, I think he's like strong in the Force n sheiit. Yeah, I know, it would be useful if in the thousands of years Jedi have existed if we had found some method of measuring someone's Force potential. But we don't want to trigger autists in a galaxy far far away a long time from now.
The OG made a lot of fans turn to religion and well the jews in charge of hollywood couldn't allow that again so forced George to shit all over it.
Explain in five words or less why midichlorians are bad.
You can't.
How many Midichlorians does she have?
Lucas is a fucking nigger