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Television and Film #785
Television and Film
Literally says the name of the movie
Plane Scene Final Exam
Cast these dead spic kids
Modern Family feels like a bizarre nightmare written by a 13 year old girl. Dad is always wrong, mom is a tyrant...
Male fappening
Do you think her mom dissaproves of her doing nudity?
The Alien Franchise is Racist
How long until they make the inevitable Trump and Hillary biopic?
This is the new Mummy for the 2017 remake
First Netflix and now the writers at Jimmy Kimmel Live, what's Hollywood's obsession with us?
I miss this so much
Itt post your favorite comedian
Downloading the entire series, can you tell me what i'm in for Sup Forums?
Colossal is a 2016 internationally co-produced science fiction action-thriller film directed and written by Nacho...
Angel/Buffy threads
Was Steve Harvey the man to the put the final nail in Asian Masculinity's coffin...
Who was in the wrong here?
Favorite episode?
The good place
Come home from work to your qt gf
Tfw it's just you, your pizza, and your 2liter of Fanta in the theater
Why does Sup Forums seem to have the highest concentration of shitposters?
You can't protect her rick
Tfw they still give you nightmares to this day
I'm about to eat this on my own
Peter, make sure to wear gloves when working with poisonous animals, especially spiders and women...
Fuck / Marry / Kill thread?
Ocean's Eight
And here's our son's room. We never see him using our TV...
*blocks your path*
Did anybody else get the feeling Dennis wanted to fuck this girl?
List your top 5 favourite movies, make fun of other user's shitty taste
WebM Thread
Flying the ring to Mordor would not have been viable because there was no reason for it...
What was going though his minds during this exact moment?
Tfw fapped to Emily Browning countless times since Sucker Punch came out I now feel irrevocably dirty watching her...
Caption This
This is a blockbuster movie action scene in 2016
China is in a current spending spree in Hollywood buying studios left-and-right...
What's the last movie you saw that really fucked with your mind?
Is Prometheus racist?
ITT: Period films that made you feel totally immersed in the period
Is she /ourgirl/?
Holy fuck this shit is nearly unwatchable
DC on suicide watch! All jokes aside how can they even compete with this for real?
How many of you """atheists""" are still pretending Silence wasn't the best movie of the year?
What is the best kevin smith film?
What was your favorite incarnation of the monster?
Do you rate him as an actor?
Are you ready for the Hellboy Cinematic Universe?
What's a movie you thought you would love but didn't?
5 minutes into fuck and chill and she gives you this look
Put a new spin on the zombie genre
Will she get the Oscar?
This board will defend Pacific Rim but claim this is DOA
Is it Kino?
Most depressing movie deaths
It was a different time
Daily reminder that KOTH was canceled because of Cleveland show
Calling it. Patrick Stewart will be the next 'JUST' celebrity
Hi, I invented a time mach-
DC has the tools to beat Marvel easily yet they are failing. How do we fix them?
What's your favorite shot in all of cinema?
That girl on the train
Why is Hollywood so butthurt? They're all rich
Why did he kill Laura Palmer?
Did we ever manage to decide on what he should've done in that situation?
Thoughts on this piece of Kino?
ITT: Talentless Hack Comedians
Why does Mike wear ugly clothes?
What went wrong
Will it be Kaiju-Kino?
The most kino movie of all time
Do you think bane could crack a good sized walnut with his chest?
Just got back from Split
Adult Swim is going to the dogs
What's his problem?
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
*punches her in the face* Dumb bitch
Be kissless virgin
Thoughts on Emma Stone?
Finally got around to watching this movie. HOLY SHIT what the fuck was all that?
Post dishonest films
Anyway, how's your sex life?
Was this kino?
This was pretty good for a remake
Name a comfier reality show Sup Forums
Why do Redditors think that this is the epitome of attractiveness? She looks frumpy
New Skull Island spots. Oodako confirmed
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Gangs of new yorkishshire
Hahaha what did she fucking mean by this?
What was his fucking problem?
DGA Members Receive Threatening Email for Helping With Trump Inauguration
/swg/ - Star Wars General
What are your thoughts on the ongoing feminisation/sissification of Asian men by Hollywood?
My Collection
I am abandoning the show because i cant stand to watch this retarded ass cunt
ITT: Memes you don't understand
Uncommon/Unpopular Opinions Thread
Is there any good film with this hack?
Why do people hate Gwyneth Paltrow? Jealousy? She does nothing wrong
British '''''''''''''''humour''''''''''''''''
Alt Posters
What the fuck was his problem?
Best concert film
Best film of 2016
Jar Jar was bad and ruined TPM
Which one?
What's the Elvish word for "friend"?
It's a fetish episode of Xena
Okay students, today we'll be watching a movie!
BUILT FOR [spoiler]love[/spoiler]
Favorite film
T-they're never going to stop are they lads?
Inb4 what the fuck was his problem?
Limmy thread
So if Wonder Woman does bomb, will she be finished in Hollywood?
Who would cook the better meal?
I dont even like Trump, but they are so moronically trump-hating that i cannot use this website anymore...
Which Emma is the best actress?
Where do you watch most of your TV/Movies from?
Name a better horror movie from the past decade
What's happening, forum?
Hey Sup Forums
Good friend dies
What's the best episode of Black Mirror?
This cult/meme mentality of M. Night being a bad director has gone on far enough. Of the 10 movies I've seen of his...
The Piano
So why wasn't he allowed to be in the fast and furious "Family"
Is the dark side stronger
This year, it finally happens. Will it live up to the hype?
Why do you watch movies if they're all made by Jews and you hate them?
Character is tased
23 Years A Slave
Watching La La Land with a grill
I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten's card to mine
Is Enemy at the Gates good?
Who do normies hate this show?
Yfw you realize the zodiac killer was real
Stock Broker: "This is a stock exchange. There's no money you can steal."
La La Land's ending made me sad
Left wing hollywood movies
It's a Francis episode
Name 1 Eddy Murphy kino
Wich tank fills first?
Miguel Ferrer dead at 61
What did he say?
About to watch this for the first time. What am I in for?
Miguel Ferrer 1955-2017
I didn't expect a Power Rangers movie to be good but I at least wanted a dumb disaster to make fun of...
T2 Judgment Day
Who closed the front gate?
He didn't right?
Funhaus thread
It's a Jim stares at the camera making meme faces for every fucking episode
Lets settle this then
What's your favourite Colin Mochrie role?
What's some pirate kino?
What's your favorite youtube poop?
Well, this sucks
Torrenting this movie as of this moment. What am I in for?
Why aren't Stormtrooper melee units given lightsabers? With synthetic crystals being a thing...
Start banging your director
Why are 70s movies so fucking slow?
What does Sup Forums think of Adam Curtis?
Oh hey jedi!
BREAKING: Shazam! To Split Into Two Films: Dwayne Johnson To Star As ‘Black Adam’
Best picture discussion
Well I'll be goddamn
Explain this spoiler
Predict the viewing figures
Im confused why did she piss all over her floor
Play Salieri
Actors you could probably take in a fight
What happened with Italian cinema? 50s-80s it was pretty dank then came the 90s and it turned into rubbish
Now that the floo powder has settled, what did you think of it?
"Here's your fresh cinema pasta, sir."
Why arent there any prominent short actresses in hollywood?
Date raped Bruce
What is the evolutionary advantage of having a literal dickhead?
What happened to this actor, jonathan taylor thomas? he was in a bunch of stuff as a kid an a teenager
What are your thoughts on The Road to El Dorado?
Because we are vikings I will share you with my brother
LOGAN Director James Mangold Explains Why We WON'T See Mister Sinister In The Movie
Are there any slasherflicks where the slut survives?
/lovecraft/ general
Guy status:
QT rhonda patrick live now on JRE
Where's the fucking trailer?
Upcoming nude scenes 2017
TFW your favorite movie as a teenager has been tranny propaganda this entire time
What is next for her career, Sup Forums?
It´s Morphin´Time!
ITT: Characters and who they'd vote for
Cast her in something besides the Pacific
Joe Rogan Thread /JRT/
Thoughts on this heiny ?
Oh wow, this board is amazing, you guys, just the absolute best
Can't we just settle this over a pint?
Dennis Villeneuve
What are your thoughts on the ongoing feminisation/sissification of Asian men by Hollywood?
What did he do on the ship for 20 years?
It all started with a badly timed bald joke
Look guys, black people can do math
The young kino
Best Twin Peaks-fu
Well, hello there!
How do we fix Bollywood?
Biggest cunt ever?
Who else is looking forward to this coprokino?
Wolverine doesn't age
At least he wasn't milo and otis'd
Gone Girl
What was the point of this scene?
It's always sunny :
Aside from A Clockwork Orange and If, what good movies has this guy actually been in?
Have you guys seen Primer?
The name is terrible but I'd watch the m1ind trilogy 2bh
What was his end game?
This is the scariest scene of all time. I shit my pants every time
Train to busan
What's some good films to namedrop to hipster chicks to impress them?
Guys, I love Mason Cook, I really do, I want to kiss him so much, why can't I be with him?
The Circle (2017)
Beldorion was a Hutt Jedi Knight serving the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic roughly four hundred years before the...
I want to have a malicious AI gone rogue in my show but I made a mystery drama
When will Sup Forums realize that RLM was righrt?
Is this sneaky pete?
Why didn't he dodge that?
Wtf is his problem?
No more PBS?
What happened to your privilege?
Has it happened to you yet?
End of credits
First five minutes of the film
/got/ general
"Split is one further step for Shyamalan on the road to cinematic redemption...
Why couldn't she have just taken a second shot at the bad guy after shooting bond?
What was Fincher thinking with that shit-tier CGI?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Javert thread
If they ever made a film about The Russian Revolution who would you cast?
New Power Rangers Trailer
ITT: Post your top ten and compliment/ridicule each others' lists
Watch it Girugamesh
So is Colin still /ourguy/ or nah
Hacksaw ridge
Is this the best "original" villain since darth vader?
/asoue/ General Thread
Star Wars: Rian Johnson talks about VIII
Can we talk about how bad this movie is?
So what was the significance of Naboo to the trade federation and Sheev...
ITT: Movies that have a great first and a terrible second half
New logan trailer
So that's it huh, we some kinda suicide squad
Why didn't he just use time travel to kill Voldemort?
Contained within the original DVD release is a card titled "David Lynch's 10 Clues to Unlocking This Thriller"...
What is the essential werewolfkino?
The paedo kike has literally never made a good movie. its always the same...
What does Sup Forums think about this movie?
What did she say?
Pep Guardiola takes his Manchester City stars (Vinvent Kompany, Fernando, Pablo Zabaleta, Jesús Navas, Fabian Delph...
How difficult is it to get your screenplay accepted by a studio?
What are some movies made in the pre history (1500-1900)? I'm interested in old movies
Vikings discussion
He believes that an infinite number of monkeys could type the entire works of Shakespeare
PETA, and its supporters ARE MAD MAD MAD! REEEEEEEE
So is this film actually good or is it more Black Lives Matter propaganda?
Post your favorite movie, i'll tell you if it's shit
Help me Sup Forums
Ask a guy who just quit his job working on Star Wars Episode VIII Anything
Why was Tony Soprano so bad at Mario Kart 64?
How much of a pussy was he?
Movies you're VERY hyped for in 2017, and going to support by buying the DVD
I'm not ashamed (The Rachel Scott movie)
"Did I ever tell you about Pope Alexander VI? On Halloween night of 1501...
Place your bets on what Rey's real name is
Why is this Adam Sandler's best work?
Make depress
Who was actually in the wrong in this scene?
How do normies find the time to "binge" 10+ episodes of a show in a single day...
Woah... so that's how the stock market crashed
Scenes that made you walk out of the cinema
Why was Android 16 such a big guy??
Hurr durr witches are real
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why did Vader choose a lava planet to build his castle?
The Cat in the Hat is a kids movie
Now that the dust has settled what are your thoughts on the Spice Girls movie Spice World? Favourite Spice?
The memes are true. It was dishonest
What are some other GOAT political films?
Twin Peaks Season 3 comes out
New season of homeland began filming last summer
What are the top of all time butterfaces of tv and film?
So I'm thinking of marathoning this after watching a few clips
How is this never brought up but the airport scene always is? This is way worse
How come video games are more Kino than most modern cinema?
Be Dunston
Children of Men
I've started watching DS9. It is horrible. I love TNG, and I know this shit came out while TNG was still on air...
Do you pathetic fucks ever actually talk about television & film?
Is this the first accurate depiction of a relationship displayed on television?
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what the gold standard of beauty looks like
Thoughts on this movie?
What kind of ending shot was this?
Kys mods
Is this what being in love feels like?
Are these the objectively correct Sherlock power levels?
In what order should someone who has never seen any of the star wars watch them in?
Me on the left
What the fuck?
What is some essential black and white kino? I'm looking for classic films or serials...
Cast these dead spics
How do you rate this hiney?
Can music videos be kino?
What went right?
Any webms from films or tv that simulate a conversation and/or a relationship?
Why does Sup Forums not go on about this show?
GOAT tv qts
What the fuck was Mel thinking?
What does Sup Forums think of This Is Us?
If you could erase one movie from existence, what would it be?
Is this appropriate?
Literally no one is better than this man at making pop-kino
Remind me, who the fuck is this guy?
I just finished watching this, did I enjoy it?
H3h3 podcast w/ guest justin roiland (rick & morty)
I sense a mothafuckin' plot to destroy the Jedi
Are the 1940s Batman serials kino?
Favourite scenes from starwars
How long until there's a film about this amazing item?
/got/ general
Jackman could spend the rest of his life fucking 10/10 bitches
ITT: Sup Forums related shit you used to believe as a kid
I want to see her Hidden Figure
ITT: Post movies that just... exist. As in, they have left absolutely no impact on humanity's collective consciousness
How come Jay doesn't get older?
That will never be your child and its mother
Let's have a bit of a thought experiment, Sup Forums
So there are rumors about a secret episode of Sherlock...
Top kek, that was actually pretty good
Does she have a lisp?
Who here will be watching the inauguration live on Friday? Do you think anything crazy will go down...
This was a good film. Max Landis is a good screenwriter
Late night home alone rubbing your lamp
Is Matthew Broderick the blandest well known actor of all time?
Why are movies afraid of showing vulva?
ITT: Movie moments that made you consider leaving the theatre
Admit it, you got chills when you saw this part in theaters
The producers and distributor of the upcoming film "A Dog's Purpose" are defending their on-set practices after a video...
Where are they walking to?
What the fuck is this guy's problem?
ITT Best Picture Nominees you have no intention of ever watching (past years included)
Why do animated movies on average hold higher critical scores than movies with real people?
Films that most accurately portray a dystopian future
Why was this scene more memorable than anything in TFA?
Whatever happened to Lee Van Cleef?
More like this?
There are currently 18 threads on Sup Forums right now with a porn OP...
Do you watch films with your girlfriend?
Being gay is a minor part of Turning life
What's the first thing you see when your watching kino?
Computer, create one million self aware copies of Adolf Hitler
Films about people doing things without compensation?
How do we fix Sup Forums
What went wrong?
Post your somewhat obscure Sup Forums related waifus
What the fuck was his problem?
What was Rowling trying to imply with these conniving little needle-teeth? Why do they look as they do...
What the flying FUCK?
What are some films about marriage?
Only had an IQ of 129
RIGHT, I need 2 risotto, 4 lamb, 4 wellington, 2 salmon, and DON'T FUCK IT UP YOU WANKERS
When you slow down Kanye West it sounds like a whale
What's the most you have marathoned in one sitting?
Who will play her in her biopic ?
What did he mean by this?
I saw Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone at my local gym while they were in Los Angeles for a promotion for La La Land...
$160 million
I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease...
Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?
Which was the best?
It's finally official: Kevin O'Leary is running to become leader of the Conservative Party of Canada
Marvel numales on suicide watch
ITT: Kinomation
Rolf Harris asked a 13-year-old girl "Do you often get molested on a Saturday morning?", court hears
What a pile of shit, but not an enjoyable peice of shit like State if the Union
So, Sup Forums. I'm a spic, I wrote a script , for a friend of mine
What's the film equivalent of DBZ?
New episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia tonight at 10
I don't get it
Reminder that blacks being good at math was so unusual they made a movie about it
ITT: Movies so bad you had to walk out of the theater
It's official: Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie ever
Seagal spends the entire movie sitting down
Why does Sup Forums think this utter shit is actually good?
Vikings Live Thread
Only Really Useful Engines may post in this thread. Dumb gay little tank engines need not apply
Post actors who have admitted to browsing/tv/
What did the aliens want in arrival again?
The Young Pope
Would Elle Fanning make a good Batgirl in Affleck's Batman film?
Let's see Paul Allen's card
Robert panero?
Cast him
What are the worst films youve ever seen? Films that leave you physically feeling ill because of how bad they are
Why didn't Anakin just do this instead of trying to jump over Obi Wan?
Just saw Singin' in the Rain on the big screen at my local Century theater
It's ok to be a manlet
So what do u think Sup Forums?
What the fuck was his problem?
Could this dude play Tarkin?
Finally I've become... Meme lover 2: Dawn of Just
Is this the Twin Peaks of the 2010s?
Are we done pretending this matters?
Anyone watching Fresh off the Boat? they just showed prime constance wu foot shot
What are some films about true conspiracies?
My wife's dying words were
You will never EVER be Ryan Gosling
Film adaptation when? Who will play Holden...
Joey+Rachel was the best pairing
Luke, did I ever tell you about Darth Sidious, better known as Emperor Palpatine...
Watched this for the first time when I was 7 years old back in 2001
Why is RLM good?
Mel Gibson in charge of directing war scenes
/got/ general
Now that the dust has settled, this movie was shit
Explain to me the problem with AKIRA
How would you cast The Neon Demon supporting actress (and imo the one who clearly stole the movie) Abbey Lee?
How can someone even say turn your brain off and enjoy this movie? How do you respond to this?
Hold up, Hooooooold up
What was the point of this scene?
Hellboy 3 might actually still happen
LOTR General
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
What's a good show to watch high on weed and xanax?
Is Christian Bale the greatest actor of our time? Is there any role he can't play?
Top tier
This film is mediocre by today standards
Did the actress that played Aunt Beru just stroll on set and wear whatever she wanted? What the hell is this?
Hack or misunderstood genius?
Did he do the right thing?
What is this hairstyle called?
Thanks for the burger user it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's *swallows* really *burps* good *farts loudly*
Mfw someone says "right-wingers don't understand the arts" near me
What the fuck is wrong with her neck?
A Dog's Purpose German Shepherd Abuse
What the fuck were they expecting?
/chloe general/
Whats the dumbest fan theory you've ever heard or read?
Reminder that I liked him as an actor even before finding out he was "our guy."
What did they mean by this?
Jane Fonda
What are the most memorable NOPE moments in cinema?
What is it about this movie that causes so many arguments?
Natalie > Emma
Whats some bikinicore?
Is he the most famous virgin in film?
It's professor peterson is scared of snakes episode
What an asshole...
What are 5 movies I can watch that will make people think I have good taste?
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
Is it Happening?
Why did Gandalf give the ring to Frodo?
DUN DUN *cling*
Celebrities are forming a resistance against Drumpf
J.J. Abrams directing a movie in the Half Life/Portal universe
Luke, did I ever told you about MAXI-chlorians...
Learning a non-linear written language gives you the ability to perceive time non-linearly
Shitskin school shooting
Whats next for Katheryn Winnick?
What was his fucking problem?
Would you watch it?
Why is Selina Kyle/Catwoman so often drawn to resemble Audrey Hepburn?
WTF was his problem
Post modern day westerns
What was his fucking problem?
Star Trek Discovery delayed, no longer has a release date
What is the best Van Damme movie and why is it Chasse à l'homme?
Come to bed, user
Thoughts on this hiney?
GHOST IN THE SHELL hasn't even become a huge hit yet and Hollywood studios are already falling over themselves to...
Sherlock Episode 4 Speculation
When you use a bird to write with, it's called tweeting
What's a good film where nazis get BTFO?
Can anyone defeat prime Costanza, Sup Forums?
Is there any explanation as to why he was so bad in Rogue One? He was the worst thing about the movie
If they remade American Psycho who would you cast to be Patrick Bateman
How many emotions is he conveying here?
Can we, as human race, collectively agree to stop putting this annoying, talentless fuckface into movies?
XXXXXXXL: the return of burger cage
Need some good stoner movies
What was the last film that "wowed" you?
This is what people will see when they Google the girl from Lemony Snicket
You have 10 seconds to name kino you love where
Why didn't they just buy broomhilda?
Why are they the bad guys again?
WW2 movie
Underrated kino general
I saw Paul Dano at a grocery store in New York yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person...
What the fuck was the point of this movie?
What's your favorite Star Wars ship? Other vehicles are allowed too
What the fuck was his problem?
Actresses deserving of a comeback
Why are people hype for this guy to play Lando? Putting a familiar face in Star Wars just breaks immersion...
Do you ever go to the Cinema on your own, Sup Forums?
If you don't get dubs ITT your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Star Wars characters worse than Jar-Jar
NFLX : Yay or Nay
OT virgins will literally defend this
From Lord of the rings to Youtube Red show
Movies better than the books
Be a fucking retarded sperg about almost every movie
ITT: Post the best black actors
Orange is the new black
What have I become
Is there anyone else that would totally fuck Helena Bonham Carter? Or is it just me?
Would you watch an Emma Frost solomovie?
How do we make RLM great again?
I go to sleep with youtube on, I usually watch nostalgia critic or jontron...
Stop watching CNN
How do we save the Sup Forums?
User from The Masterpiece Screening last night, I fell asleep but I'll answer more questions
PERVERT in chief
PREDATOR 2 was almost as good as the first one
How do we fix Star Wars?
What did you think of it? I found it pretty remarkable for a neo-Western. How is it not discussed on here?
Thoughts on this hiney?
Say what you will about how crazyhot she is, but at least she makes some good fucking desserts
Yfw you realised Mac was the best Sunny character all along
This was literally LITERALLY the best rom-com I have ever seen
Tv personality and British heavyweight boxing champion Anthony Joshua announced on Twitter that he had converted to...
Guys, this is so much better than the original in every way
Is he a hack?
So you're a Sup Forums mod wow, that site is very popular you must make a lot of money
Do you wanna buy some coffee??
Sherlock ep3
Why did Jesus talk? Doesn't it go against the whole point of the story and its title?
Member when HBO was good?
You're about to enter a world of hurt
What is his fucking problem?
It's official: Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie ever
How has this not been taken down from Youtube yet? It's the full movie, not a cam RIP either.. Well...
That one show you like is cancelled
What is this stance called?
Well that was a fucking chore to sit through
ITT: First Sup Forums crushes
The next four years are gonna be great
If he was a replicant, why the fuck was he so weak?
Why did women hate JGL in this movie so much?
Memes aside: Was the actor too small for Bane?Bane is supposed to be a giant
Sad he didnt get a proper send off and just faded away
Has Sup Forums met any celebrities or actors in person?
Which show fucked up harder?
Tumblr BTFO
Best female outfit
Oh cool another show about how evil white people are! 'Member slavery? 'Member the native Americans? Don't forget...
1922 - 2017
So today, my local theater is playing "Aliens." Never seen it, despite it being a much-praised classic...
So why exactly was there an 1950s' American roadhouse diner on Coruscant again?
Does she get KONGED?
Who was actually in the wrong?
It's a Scully episode
/asoue/ General Thread
La La Land
ITT: dishonest actors
The following shows have been canceled:
Name a film more dishonest that isnt birdeyman o otro virtua de los ingnorance
Bloodborne - like films
What is the Gangnam Style of movies?
Orange is the New Black
How can anyone defend this character?
Emma Stone!!!, Natalie Portman...
Who would you cast in a leon the professional remake?
Season 1 was pretty good. There were fun detective adventures, bits of cleverly placed humour, interesting cases, etc
Why does Sup Forums defend this?
70s have the comfiest movies by far, name me more to watch, I binged on cheech and chong yesterday
Who ya got this year, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on her performance in Rogue One?
Felicia has already lost thousands of fans after announcing she's pregnant. With the baby on the way in 1 week...
Ha ha... small dick white bois ain't gonna like this joint
The most powerful sith was killed by being picked up and thrown
Hey user I want an arm wrestle
Why do I love this movie so much?
How rich was bilbo baggins, translated to real life networth? a million dollars? 10 millions dollars...
"It does not matter that the nazi-demon-alien mutilates, tortures...
How did they fuck up so badly? Several people killed and the entire boat destroyed...
1-2 = finding its feet, show is a little off but shows promise, some strong episodes
Why are Marvel shows so good and DC ones so bad?
Who knew that such a pretty mouth would smell so disgusting?
1 hour looking for a good torrent
What is your opinion on this man?
Reminder that the Disney Star Wars will never have a scene that can top this
Comedy shows with forced drama episodes
People on Sup Forums actually like this shit heap of conservative propaganda
90s coming of age film
Is there such thing as a comedy film that counts as kino? Because most only have a few laughs at best
Hah! No blasted letters today
Does it?
Film can never be surpassed by podcas-
Why did they fashion grind into a wolves head when wargs were there animal mascot?
Luke, did I ever tell you about Darth Tenebrus? Darth Tenebrous, also known as Rugess Nome...
XXx return of xander cage
ITT: movies where the protagonist is actually the bad guy
What a fucking cuck
Be me
So the point was that they arrive and she figures out some time bullshit and she tells the Chinaman to not attack them...
What are some good movies that include acrophobia?
Why are the savage white people now picking on the innocent Muslims?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: movies that could never be made today
It was better than most capeflicks
Look Who's Back
Hmmm really gets those neurons firing
What was her fucking problem?
Bravo nolan
Where tf do i find this movie, ive searched everywhere??
Sends you to Ketchikan, Alaska
Does the Young Pope kino?
Best Robin Hood adaptation coming through!
It's another musical episode
Who is the hottest female power ranger of all time?
Im in season 2, watched a few episodes but this is still meh, does it gets better or no?
"wait, so your "Hobby" is to waste 7/8 hours everyday watching movies and tv shows?"
User which one of us do you prefer?
Never ever watched this. What the hell is it? Looks like some boring "LE SEXY ROBOTS IN THE WEST"
There's maybe ten movies worth watching every year
Finally the only leak I wanted has dropped
High School Murder Mystery
How close are we of getting the first tittyfucking scene in cinema history?
What are some signs you're watching a Zombie Simpsons episode?
How did Gus survive the initial blast? It blew off the door for fuck sakes
What did she exactly bypass?
What went wrong?
What the fuck was his problem?
Walk into local kinoplex, find Bestest Emma staring at you, "Hey faggot, come here so I can bite you"
Itt movies that you watch at least once a year
Do you agree with the President Elect's top 5 films?
I think modern art's almost total pre-occupation with subjectivism has led to anarchy and sterility in the arts...
Tfw 3 hour meditation on faith, suffering, limitation, and isolation
Was Vin Diesel ever ripped? People always assumed that back in the day because he was an action hero...
Name a more dishonest film besides Birdman
Are sex scenes really necessary in films ? for what purpose ?
ITT: TV shows that really makes you think
Np netflix general
/got/ general
Name a more redpilled and uncucked Hollywood actor than Leonardo DiCaprio. I'll wait
What was her fucking problem?
Anyway, how's your sex life?
God damn they really cant let this Rogue One fucking go can they?
How did this overrated, ugly bitch get to be one of Sup Forums's favorite actresses...
There will never be a sequel
Jean-Luc, did I ever tell you about the time a transporter accident created a clone of me...
Thoughts on these fucking tits?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Dubs Plagueis the wise?
What did he do for all that time he was alone?
Mfw I started smoking because mad men made it look cool
This little lady cant act!
Wasting all that ammo on an invisible target
At 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man named Thanh Lam on the street, and using a large wooden stick...
Are there any films that accurately portray race relations in Southern and Eastern European countries?
30 Rock
Just got out of an early screening of The Masterpiece...
Spent the Korean war as a swimming instructor, has the audacity to write...
Which actor has had the most death scenes?
When did you realize that The Force Awakens was far superior to Rogue One
Is sherlock good? For tv?
Have you ever used a pick up line from a movie?
I've been thinking Sup Forums, why are there no funny right wing comedians?
What are some films that require repeat viewings to understand/appreciate?
Any kino about the positive side of pedosexuality?
Jonas...son of a bitch
What actress has the best smirk?
What's the best playback speed so that the dialogues can still be understood and the voices doesn't sound too funny?
Thoughts on this hiney?
ITT: Movies that where too smart for you
Mel gibson directing
What happens to her after Rey?
72 years old
Who is your favorite Prequel-era Jedi and why is the only correct answer Kit Fisto?
In Terminator 2, John Connor is playing Missile Defense just before the Terminators show up
Thoughts on this fucking hiney?
What is essential YTP kino?
Fifth Element is the best depiction of the future in the history of film. Prove me wrong
Hey, Sup Forums
So does Emma Watson still have a career?
What did i mean by this?
It'll be a flop like the original except this time the movie itself won't be good
Am I the only one who liked it?
What did I think of it?
I just watched American Psycho for the first time. Anyone care to explain what happened in the end?
I don't get it
What's the stupidest mechanical thing in Star Wars?
Why does everyone love this """"""film""""" so much...
My thing's sound effects
Itt: post obscure actors & celebrity new from third world countries
Best shark is running for prime minister of canada
Left or right Sup Forums?
Is this a real fucking show?
Try to watch the Americans
Power Rangers General
They must be dead by now... destroy what's left of them
ITT: only Anastasia-class actresses
What was this guys fucking problem?
Late night home alone rubbing your lamp
I didn't watch this for the longest time because of "le black science man" memes
Favorite episode?
Wonder Woman is a Disaster - Inside source says
Tom Hardy
DAMN.. Maggie Gyllenhaal looks like THAT?
Master Sifo-Dyas is dead? Pardon the language Master Kenobi, but what am I supposed to do with all these fucking clones?
How do you rate Michael Caine?
Why are they fucking up so bad?
The music stops. He walks out. Within the first five seconds of his monolouge
All these people hate Trump
Taboo Thread
Circle the conservative
How would you fix them?
You're at the squiggly show and this old guy in the seat next to you starts trying to tell you about some old sith...
Sup Forums who is the most talented, hottest actress in 2017 and why is it Bryce Dallas Howard?
1970's Noir Kino
Can anyone talk to me about Taboo?
So, this guy KILLS Superman and starts fulfilling his promise to murder all Humans: "every last one of them...
Ham Margera
Hello darkness my old friend
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...