Have you guys seen Primer?
Have you guys seen Primer?
Yeah I have, three times.
Maybe, in the future.
I unironically love this movie. Watched it on acid so maybe that's why it struck such a chord with me. Either way it's worth a watch.
lol drugs man
*puff* *puff*
I see what you did there....
Quick tip: if you have nothing interesting to say and you lack any discernable character traits, tell everyone you do DRUGS LMAO
I marathoned this movie last night. I didn't really understand what was going on because I spent most of the time on my phone.
Overall 4/10
Coherence > Primer
I saw it earlier tomorrow morning
What about Upstream Color?
>I watch le trippy movies on acid bro xD PLEASE UPVOTE
go back to the r-word
Maybe it's good as some kind of a puzzle, but Primer is not a good movie.
Sup Shane? When's The Modern Ocean dropping?
Yeah. The fact it's budget was $7,000 and Shane did pretty much everything is inspiring when it comes to wanting to make films.
Is this the most complicated movie ever made?
I watched this with three friends while two of them were strung out on heroin. I was the only one who enjoyed it.
Basically a math teacher insulting the film industry. Big fucking time..
I also watched it, but I was having a cocaine induced heart attack so I don't remember most of it.
best movie done on a budget of $7000 I've ever seen
I watched this film with 18 friends. One was drunk, six were on LSD and ecstasy, three were on poppers and giving eachothers blowjobs, two were taking methodone to curb their smack addiction, two more were taking heroin to curb their heroin addiction, four were sober but taking turns to chop off their own penises for the release of endorphins and I was shitposting throughout
Yes I have. Thank you for asking.
saw it in theaters
No talent. No experience. Complete dogshit results (heyy in my opinion, of course). >Ratings on imdb and everywhere > 1/10
Primer is inoffensive though, I don't give a shit if people like it. The other one is I N S U L T I N G !!
Not as good as A Topiary although I did like the Glint crossover scenes.
why are neets and virgins so triggered if you say you do drugs?
he did a drug that altered his perception, so he mentioned this as it may have had a big influence on his opinion of the movie, which OP clearly wants to discuss
I'm not autistic enough to enjoy it. Upstream Color was better. The budget was definitely a factor though