>it's professor peterson is scared of snakes episode
It's professor peterson is scared of snakes episode
>Professor Peterson smells his own farts video
>le alt-right smarty guy
Fuck off and stop shilling yourself, Fagson. Go make another crying video
He's not alt-right
not alt right...
or are you just baiting
If you watch his lectures, he's more like a wiccan than a political guy.
I only watched a couple of his videos, including the latest one, in which he cries for 40 minutes that degenerates and womyns ruined muh western civilization. Yeah, he is
is he the only sane leaf?
You don't have to be alt-right to hate SJWs
that's not alt-right, just being rational.
>you walk into a job interview
>whats in there?
>a better question is whats not in there!
>your future!
>the future of your grandchildren
>your idea of reality
>it's unknown
>the unknown is a giant snake!
>a snake eating it's tail!
>monkeys are afraid of snakes!
>there's a snake in harry potter!
>snakes represent women
>women are duality
>mother and child
>the place from whence all new things come
>all things come from the unknown
Go easy on the coke zero Jordan
>It's a peterson and Sam Harris podcast where Peterson spregs out and Sam is left thinking what his audience is made up of
made me chuckle
Read it in his voice, thanks user
How is this even a thing? Americans are fucked.
>it's a professor peterson transforms into kek episode
Link to that podcast pls
Where this?
>>there's a snake in harry potter!
Not out yet, will be soon.
>It's a only sane leaf in leafland loses his fucking mind because his leaf leader is a lisping gommunist, even though Solzhenitsyn debunked gommunism in his nobel peace prize winning "the tl;dr archipelago" episode
I went to high school with Jordan Peterson's son. It was one of the most artsy left-wing high schools in the city strangely enough.
wheres this from?
Is Dr. Peterson reaching mass effect? I keep seeing more and more threads about him every day.
Because he knows most of his students have read harry potter and very few of them the bible.
He likes to bring up LOTR and Pinocchio a lot too. Pretty good way to teach kids about Jung and archetypes.
>it's a le christian professor is emotionally unstable episode
He makes Christians look bad. I appreciate that he's not a cuck though.
>dude the soviet union and mao's china lmao
>chaos and order
>dr peterson, what are your thoughts on X?
>20 minutes later
>and the damn post modernist want to strip away your free speech because it happened throughout the 20th century and the snake is devouring its tail and i had this one patient who has mental issues but he/she was able to see the humanity in everyone but the damn lefty/righty cant even do that
>uhh thanks dr peterson
He's not wrong..
There's that word again, fuck off with your shitty bait
Would you care to list the points he makes which you disagree with and why they are wrong?