Reminder that the Disney Star Wars will never have a scene that can top this.
Reminder that the Disney Star Wars will never have a scene that can top this
What 90s video game was this?
haha Le ebin cgi vidya gaem joke I geddit xDD
God tier sound design. The only thing that really bugs me is how Fett fires a constant barrage of blaster fire at Obi-Wan, and at one point it even looks like he's pounding him repeatedly, but he only hits him once. I'd call this a good chase scene t b h.
HOLY SHIT that CGI is really good. Makes me wanna rewatch the movie
AotC is fantastic, just fantastic.
>boba fett hits obiwan about 200 times with his blaster cannons
>stops firing to shoot some shitty missile that is about 1 mph faster than the ship it is supposed to kill
>we will never get a good clone wars movie
>could have just made another Luke and Han Solo story
>instead expanded the universe to give actual fans answers they desperately wanted
>used his time to not only expand the characters drastically but he also expanded everything in Star Wars greatly
>The Jedi council
>The Sith
>All those planets and technologies
>Even if the execution wasn't always perfect - This was a massive project
It's really not easy to give the OT characters a past, drastically increase the lore of the universe AND make all of that work out somehow.
It means Lucas either had an idea of all those happenings already back in the days when he made the first Star Wars movie or he really figured all that out after finishing it.
Compared to what Disney did with TFA this is simply an amazing work.
Agreed. Prequel lore is best lore.
John Williams was also on the top of his game.
Its hard to guage the relative distances. Obi probably got too far away, or Jango needed to focus on the asteroid field, so he deployed the missile.
b-but there's no tension!
we already know Obi Wan isn't going to die! this is totally different than any action movie where the hero always survives!
Delta-7 Aethersprite's have deflector shields. He isn't missing they're being deflected until the shields fail.
Why didn't this occur to me
Can Disney's Star Wars ever match the bass that Jango drops?
muh practical effects :((( dae hate the prequels because literally everything is cgi? upvote if you agree
Until this moment in Star Wars it has never, ever been hinted that a ship of that size can deflect blaster bolts from anything other than rifles, every other ship that gets hit from another ship goes down in one or two hits, on first viewing everyone thought it looked retarded.
I think watching this shit over and over again as a kid may have caused my ADHD.
The cartoons are pretty good desu
>give actual fans answers they desperately wanted
what questions? i don't remember asking anything about termites or boba fett's dad
>used his time to not only expand the characters drastically
what characters? obi-wan? anakin? both are from the OT and both were botched and tainted in the PT
>he also expanded everything in Star Wars greatly
expanded what? i thought your argument was that the PT is great because it has things that weren't in the OT, not because it "expanded" the things that were
>The Jedi council
embarrassing garbage
>The Sith
garbage. also existed before the the pt
>All those planets and technologies
isn't what makes a movie good
>Even if the execution wasn't always perfect
gross understatement
>This was a massive project
who cares? that doesn't make it good
>It's really not easy to give the OT characters a past
a shitty one
>drastically increase the lore of the universe
you mean damage and shoddily retcon
>AND make all of that work out somehow.
>Compared to what Disney did with TFA this is simply an amazing work.
tfa's being shit doesn't make the prequels any better you delusional revisionist
You sound like a massive autism, as expected by an OTbaby
>ur autism
not an argument you moronic prequelnigger
This. Embarrassing.
your farcical apologetics for the prequels is the only embarrassment here
The D is silent
Your nostalgia denial is embarrassing.
Aluminium Falcon is shot dozens of times in the OT and no one cares that a hole never appears
there is nothing nostalgic about the prequels. they were trash then and they're trash now
Get rid of Boba and this scene becomes better
Then why didn't Vader's tie fighter explode in ANH?
He saying you're overly nostalgic for the OT, and if you watched them with the same critical lens that you do the PT you'd notice a fuckton of flaws too
>good chase scene
>there was no threat
It never gets shot 45 times in a 10 second period though.
You might want to work on your reading comprehension buddy.
Vader's tie never gets shot. The tie next to it gets shot, veers to the side, and slams into Vader's.
As opposed to the dozens of great chase scenes where you know the hero and villain aren't going to die yet.
>He saying you're overly nostalgic for the OT
and that's his defence of the pt? and how does that refute anything i said in which has nothing to say about "nostalgia"
you might want to work on your grammar "buddy"
delta 7 best starfighter in star wars hands down. fight me you faggots
>you need to work on your grammar
>no capitalization and poor punctuation
O I am laffin'
They're right. This is a great scene ruined by your autismal hatred of literally anything PT because it is blatantly obvious that you would not apply the same level of scrutiny to a fucking star wars film with sound in space, space wizards, and ships with no periferal visibility of the films in question were from the OT.
this isn't reddit
i said nothing about the scene in the op. way to build a strawman in your mind. try again
You're not even trying anymore.
still not an argument. try again
>>He saying you're overly nostalgic for the OT
>and that's his defence of the pt? and how does that refute anything i said in which has nothing to say about "nostalgia"
Can't speak for him, but I would say more or less yes. They're just films. I enjoyed watching the OT, but if I watch them over and over I notice there's little silly things that are a bit dumb (for example, Leia's hair gets braided when she's captured by the Ewoks in ROTJ. A species who uses spears and rocks and worships 3po presumably because he's shiny know about the finer points of human hairstyling). But ultimately, I don't care that much.
Same thing for the PT. I know when I rewatch them there's dumb things about them. I still enjoy them. meh, to each their own.
You said the PT is all garbage. By default that means you think this scene is also garbage. Either way you don't seem to take issue with the poor acting in the OT or any of its short comings.
Hahah you anticipated the criticism so it's no longer valid.
What kind of shitty space missile that homes on the tail of the target? Even modern 21st century missiles are smart enough to lead their targets and try to intercept the aircraft.
Guided byheat off of thrusters also being incredibly autistic anout star wars tech. Why build AT-ATs for snowy uneven terrain instead of something on tracks?
>You said the PT is all garbage.
no. i responded to this post point by point
>By default that means you think this scene is also garbage
brilliant logic
>Either way you don't seem to take issue with the poor acting in the OT or any of its short comings.
because we're not talking about the ot. i made no critiques specific to anything about the ot. read again. you are randomly inserting the ot into a discussion about the prequels because the only way you know how to defend them is to accuse their detractors of being "nostalgic" about other films, which is not an actual defence of the prequels and not an argument
>he actually managed to make a spaceship chase through an asteroid field boring
this guy
still no argument? yawn
still no argument? yawn
>it's another originalfags vs prequelfags episode
But why
Is this not you?
Just watched Revenge of the Sith last night and it's a fucking gorgeous film
>The opening scene going from dogfighting to lightsaber dueling
>Palpatine lets the mask slip a few times
>Grevious with the four light sabers..why the fuck not.
>Anakin and Obi-Wan's light saber battle is probably the best in all Star wars movie
>Yoda and Palpatine dueling in the Senate. pure kino
>Dat youngling trying to fight off the clones
>We get to see Kashykk and the Wookies
>Darth Plagueis story
>Mace smashing the Windu with his saber and then falling through it
>That last pottery scene with Padme and Anakin both on tables. Headcannon is that Palpy sucked Padme's life force to rebuild Anakin as Vader
Either Sith or Empire is my favourite SW movie.
>implying the aluminum falcon is as small as obi wans fighter, which could almost fit in the falcons cockpit
because ever since tfa released these prequelfaggots have been shitting up this board with their nonsense and i'm fucking tired of it. they're trying to rewrite history and create some sort of groundswell of support for a "reappraisal" of the prequels, on the grounds that the criticism was untrue or some sort of popular fad led by redlettermedia; that we were all duped and brainwashed into it, and the prequels are actually brilliant cinema, or misunderstood, or something in that vein
How fucking new are you
much longer than you. fuck off revisionist
If you watch the prequels now, with an open mind, then most people will find they are pretty alright and by no means OMG the worst movie ever. This isn't a Sup Forums meme, you'll see the same sentiment coming through in most fan websites too.
TPH: comfy sunday afternoon family flick
AOTC: disjointed but if you're a fan of Star Wars, you'll find something to like
ROTS: Excellent film on par with the original trilogy.
>ROTS: Excellent film on par with the original trilogy.
nice meme
So 1 month or 2 months?
Woah fan websites are full of shallow manbaby fanboys that enjoy the prequels?? WHODATHUNK IT
You fucking loser.
it's not got the same feel as the OT, but the opening and last half hours are some of the best action sequences in any of the films.
>i like the action :)
and how does that make it "on par with the original trilogy"?
you're the one who's frothing because some people enjoy a film.
you can enjoy whatever you like. just don't come here and try every day to meme people into liking it
The hairstyling is a sign of intimacy and friendship, and that she's being treated well. You'd know this if you weren't an autist meme regurgitator.
It needs no explanation beyond that, but if you must, then tribal art with hairstyles is one of the few things such a low-tech society does indeed have control over and creativity in.
He said it was a silly little thing, user. You didn't have to point out how it's not a big deal.
>The hairstyling is a sign of intimacy and friendship
you lost me here, friendo
please leave
all that sound in space kills any tension tbqh. it would be much better if there was no sound except for the vibrations of the engine or when those mines went off causing the ship to shake.
>calling others manbabies while crying like a literal 5 year old because people don't agree with his opinion
Literally the point. It's a trivial thing that has no real impact on the enjoyability of the film. Unless you're rewatching it and looking for things to criticise you don't care.
Same with 95% of the criticisms of the PT. Yeah, it ain't perfect. Dialogues is mediocre to at times cringey, characters aren't introduced or developed extremely well, and action scenes are over focused on flashy effects and spins. Doesn't need a 70 minute youtube video going over every single triviality to explain it
Well yeah but Star Wars has always featured sound in space so it would be weird to ditch it for one chase scene.
If anything a dense asteroid field might well and truly be the only time where there's enough matter around there could be some sound
>disc shaped blast
So, why didn't he steer the ship up or down and quickly escape from it? Shit is as dumb as that chopper scene in the 90s Godzilla.
in the SW universe, there is a gentleman's agreement between all quarreling factions to only fight in the same narrow plane while in space and never leave it.
He didn't have much time to get out of the way and the blast causes the asteroids to explode so he has to avoid that shit as well. Also realize he was still trying to keep track of where Jango was so he couldn't just fly a mile ouf of the blast's way or he's lose him.
>TPH: comfy sunday afternoon family flick
Watched it with the family during christmas, and everybody found it silly and terrible.
The OT were widely praised upon release for their action scenes and special effects
>Unless you're rewatching it and looking for things to criticise you don't care. Same with 95% of the criticisms of the PT
bullshit. the prequels' faults are glaringly obvious to anyone not outright stupid. you don't have to be hypercritical to notice it. and they don't hold up to criticism even remotely like the ot does
and what does that have to do with their contemporary legacy as great films? they are remembered and praised for more than just their effects
I like the sound design
Contain your autism, user.
>le autism xD
still not an argument
I had that Obi-1 ship on Lego when I was 9 years old. It was good christmas.
Wasn't it discovered that a lot of the prequel apologists were just astroturfing from Disney?
Even our "primitive" heat seaking sidewinders fly an intercept course m8. Do you know how much fuel a missile would need to chase a target as depicted in Hackywood? They would be much easier to dodge too, and not to mention how much faster missiles can fly and maneuver since they don't have human occupants who are physically limited by G forces.
Check this classique missile physics scene out
Vs real missile
>inb4 someone says B-buh it's a kids movie
Do you want your kids to turn out retarded by teaching them dumb shit?
>le autism xD
still not an argument
yeah, which is why you should stop using it
>Jango starts the battle by dropping sound-bombs in space
yeah, which is why you should stop using it
i haven't called anyone autistic
i haven't called anyone autistic
The asteroid interior looks particularly bad today, I have to say. Also, I never realized how crappy that kid's acting was until now.
Do those seismic charges have WotW tripods in them?