orange is the new black
Orange is the new black
drumpf is an embarrassment
why does Trump have white skin in some pics but then he has orange skin in others
Bow tie > neck tie
lighting. You are on Sup Forums. You should know this.
depends on how recently he was last in a tanning bed
kind of scary that a guy his age is still going to them regularly
inb4 skin cancer
There's actually two Trumps. One is an imitation. Usually blue-tie Trump is the orange one who is prone to sniffing, and red-tie Trump is the white Trump Prime
bigly the new niggly
>using someone's name of foreign origin to ridicule that person
Not very politically correct of you.
There's Trump and then there's Bigger Trump. One is a phony imitation.
nobody really uses Drumpf unironically chill out
i'm already tired of winning
bring back obama. I want to suck again
f*ck drumpf and f*ck white people
>Implying even half of this board watches films
One is a trump from a parallel universe. He gained too much speed and crossed over.
Pretty Facebook, but it'll make Sup Forums butthurt, so I'll let it slide.
>a wall is a wall you can't say it's only half
>not liking orange
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
it depends on how far he's charged his rage meter
This is reddit-tier humor
We have a reddit tier president
I also saw this joke on Facebook
On November 9th, 2016.
So it belongs with the rest of the trash on here?
why do you niggers love that Obamonkey better? because he's a """"cool guy""""""? giving brofists and raping in night shows? Is that your ideal presiddent? what a retarded country you are!?
We actually did it
We finally elected an internet troll as president
Alabama has an illiteracy rate of 15%
It really fucking is.
Imagine being Sup Forums in this situation and having to be all like "damn, Sup Forums, you fuckin' relevant, all on-topic with your politics and stale pepe memes. I would totally have reply to your thread, both as user and the real me." when all they really want to do is post another photo of a 16 year old in her dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Sup Forums and not only browse the board while Sup Forums flaunts their disgusting twitter outrage in front of you, the website format barely concealing the reddit leaking in from /r/the_donald, and just sit there, post after post, hour after hour, while their perfect their tantrums. Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking twitter screencaps but their haughty attitude as everyone in the thread tells them they've STILL GOT IT and DAMN, Sup Forums POSTS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their off topic fucking threads contort into shitflinging you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been posting nothing but a healthy diet of star wars and bane and later alleged underage actresses for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in LOST threads. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on their sweaty brows as they explain that everyone is a cuck, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in their "redpilled (for that is what they call them)" views, the views they worked so hard for by reading badly made jpeg infographics in the previous months. And then the mods refuse to delete their threads, and you know you could shoot every single person on this board before throwing them out of a plane, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Sup Forums. You're not going to lose your waifu threads over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Can I have that minute I wasted reading that back?
No you can't. Faggot.
Dr. Carson I'm POTUS