Am I the only one who liked it?

am I the only one who liked it?

unironically it was good

I did like it too.

Call me casual, but I don't understand the hate for this flick

I enjoyed it too, but it was hardly a good film. Exactly on the line of "mediocre" if you ask me

I think it was just one of those things people bandwagoned hatred on.

I liked it and I never played the game

it was weird but I watched it twice.

Ben Foster was terrible in this

he's usually good but damn what a miscast

A few pacing issues, but I had a blast with it. You can tell the people making it actually cared about the source material.

Nah, I liked it too. Can't wait for the sequel desu.

It was OK. Good fun if you've played the game(s). I definitely do want to see a sequel.

no, it was good

As someone whose only vaguely familiar with the Warcraft universe, I enjoyed it and could very much tell it was made for the fans(something I can very much respect as it could have easily been some shitty cash grab that did not give 2 shits about anything) and I do look forward to the sequel, but the same time I have doubts because from what I hear, it's going to aimed the Chinese market

and you know what that means? Fucking Panda(rians)

are the orcs supposed to be the good guys?

I never played the game, I don't know anything about that universe, but I enjoyed the portrayal so, I hope there's a sequel chance for a closure.

it was already madly successful in china - no need for pandering

stick to the source material and dont cast any nigs in lead roles = china will love it

I hate just about all blizzard games (Overwatch is fun for a while and Diablo 1-2 were great), but I thought this movie was decent. Not good enough to rewatch, but it was enjoyable.

>dat sexy half orc woman

>and dont cast any nigs in lead roles = china will love it
Fuck off.

China is more racist against nigs than Sup Forums

>sorry to be the one to tell you

>I don't understand the hate for this flick

The human acting is awful and their equipment looks cosplay tier (inb4 that's what it's supposed to look like). They put in way too many characters so none of them really had the screentime necessary to develop. They jumped from scene to scene in a hectic pace and the plot is quite simply dumb. The characters are black and white, just on different sides (Metzen writing in action) , the only ones kind of grey are Orgrimm and Blackhand.

Furthermore, it didn't deliver what people wanted. WoWfags and WC3fags didn't care about the First War. Those few who actually did found it grossly inaccurate.

Now for personal opinions:
>no iconic Warcraft I units, no warlocks, archers, catapults or conjurers
>no mention of the Burning Legion even though it was the principal agent of everything that happened
>no red eyes on the orcs
>brown orcs
>dumb as fuck changes to the story

TL;DR; they should've just adapted pic related but Metzen wouldn't let them since ORCS DINDU NUTTIN, DEY GUD BOYS

He didn't say he didn't like movies with nigs cast in them, he said china doesn't.
And they don't.

>You can tell the people making it actually cared about the source material.

How can you say that with a straight face?

i thought it was very enjoyable. i don't play wow anymore but i did from 2004-2010.

as said, it's the hivemind contrarian hatred from Sup Forums and any game-related movies not really having a good track record. it's kinda understandable that it pisses people off when they change anything from the source material (even something small) to the movie even though the outcome was the same but told in a way differently.

i thought the cgi was going to be abysmal from the trailers but after watching it, it did blend in with the real life actors in the movie.

i think they should have picked someone a bit older.

i'd like to see a sequel with orcs only.

>I hope there's a sequel chance for a closure
You wouldn't get close to any kind of closure if they follow the storyline as closely as they did in this movie. They really did start at the beginning, years away from their strongest stories.

I liked it ok. I do have a couple friends who completely hated it though because they were such Warcraft nerds that the differences between the movie and "game lore" pissed them off to no end.

Sacking of Stormwind could've been the closure but they didn't have the balls.

It was alright. I expected it to be pretty much what it was.

Annoyed me that it ends without a resolution, but I suppose it had to go that way.

I don't know why anyone would hate it unless it just wasn't their kind of movie. Some faggots want all movies to be serious and depressing. The film student types.

China's patrician taste save us from a disaster so the sequel is confirmed.

>never gonna get that everquest movie now

heck make up a story. like conan the barbarian or something high fantasy

Well there was an abysmal world building sequence to kick things off, a terrible cast of villains, hackneyed romance with disgusting Hollywood OC girl who couldnt decide on her accent, Medivh's butchered character, completely forgettable soundtrack, cringe dialogue that somehow failed to emulate the quipfests of capeshit, incomprehensible pacing choices, not one but TWO grandiose drawn out stilted setpieced "big sacrifice" scenes featuring characters the audience has forgotten the names of, meanwhile Khadgar and whatshisname are broing out and killing le epic golem boss, "Guldan does not fight fairly!", constant video game tier CGI, and an awful unresolution of an ending since the filmmakers knew China would clamor for a trilogy of this shit. Perfect for Sup Forums

Liked it, didn't play the original though.
Glad it's getting a sequel thanks China

i don't think it's popular enough

there was even a final fantasy movie with that actor from breaking bad that was released during 2016 that no one talks about or forgot completely.

if anything, if they make another game-related high budget cgi-fest of a movie it would be LoL related but it won't be an american studio to produce it because of its lack of accessibility. hypothetically, it would be an asian studio.

could you make another post that is somewhat legible, unbiased, unexplained opinions and without the buzzwords and memes?

i'm not reading that wall of shit.

>i'm not reading 4 lines of text

Oh, wait, you are probably a phoneposter

I played the games for twenty years. I enjoyed the movie, though I went in a with low expectations. My wife hates all things vidya, especially Warcraft, and is an ulteacasual but she liked it too. The orc half was about as good as it could have been, but the human section was weak and could have been casted better. Maybe Garona would have been better to CGI. Lastly, I think they should have started in a different place in the story - either the very beginning or something like Lich King. They were about ten years too late to cash in on this franchise and it's disappointing we won't get any more of the story.

damn you got me

i respect your opinions but the seething reeeeeeeing in your post is revolting.

It's not even my post, I just agree with it

I felt like the orc storyline was more compelling than the human storyline.


I'm still wondering why it hasn't been done digitally, it costs less and bliz are the fucking best if all time doing this, no one can match them, they're ahead of everyone since they were a shitty studio and it doesn't seem that'll end soon seeing the legion trailer. Real shame they didn't go the digital way.

>it costs less
>bliz are the fucking best if all time doing this
>no one can match them

Please stop being an underage blizzdrone. They had high quality cinematics. They were also the most expensive and took the longest to create. Nowadays, those cinematics are cheaper but the guys that made the old ones are long gone.

Saw it like a month ago, and thought it was okay. The scenes with the orcs are great. Too bad every human fucking sucked in the movie. Also the romance between Lothar and Garona was fucking horrible, and they had zero chemistry between them.

If you didn't get shivers down your spine with the wod trailer, you're a souless cynical person. Fucking beautiful.

>playing WoW
>timetravel/alternate dimension fuckery

It looks good. Story went to shit right around Burning Crusade.

It was horribly paced, but it was also cut to shit because it was so long. But the human actors were fucking garbage, I was really surprised by how good the CGI orcs actually were though.
One of the better video game movies I've seen. But it really was like watching a two hour long cutscene, just completely blunt with little to no humor or self awareness.

I also like the complete disloyalty to the lore despite having fucking Blizzard on-board for the whole thing. Why the fuck did they give Blackhand a literal hand weapon and why was Doomhammer a Frostwolf? The changes made absolutely no sense and all kinds of potential was lost by not following the games. Seriously, what was the point of Magni existing at all? Just to give Lothar a blunderbuss? Stupid. Stormwind didn't even burn to the ground, it was the literal WoW Stormwind which was the reconstruction of Stormwind. Also not a single nod to the RTS games with references to units of any kind, not even a fucking Peon.


Ah yes, I remember they gave us 4 dollars to survey the trailer at the mall. All I said when they asked me was questions were incoherent mumbles and how I thought the goblins or gremlins were cool

Everything orc in the movie was great. They really captured their ferocity, great animation. The human parts were cringey and not enjoyable. Ben Foster was awkward

My stupid horny nerd ass would of asked where all the sexy blue space goats were.

wotlk was also great, everything else was unfiltered shit

this from a fag who played the rts and has played off and on since vanilla

I enjoyed it, but I play WOW, so thhbbbttttt

Na, seems a lot of low IQ American types enjoyed it.

Pretty colours and big swords seems to be all those morons need to be satisfied.

You and the Chinese.

Ben Foster's worst role imo

I liked it too.

t. Chinese

i really want it to be good. i really do. but i didn't even care about the human cgi mix but i kinda wish they eithe rmade it all CGI, or all cartoon instead. right now i just don't see any further warcraft movies down the line. i really want to see the Frozen Throne storyline at the big screen though

it was ok