how do we fix Sup Forums
How do we fix Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
quit hiding all the threads
Kill it
>hiding threads
found the lil babby
Put in more posts about movies, tv. stop just shitposting
More actual Sup Forums threads
You don't, leave it as containment
We really can't, the mods need to step in and take control.
This is insane, theres no other board on this site that gets hit as hard as Sup Forums
Quit posting in the spammers shitty threads and they'll stop being at the front or top
Just hide and move on. Don't feed the god damn troll
More BBCs fucking tight white pussies. I want one in my wife so bad.
Blacked threads show up when lefties get ganged on and BTFO on Sup Forums threads.
>hidden threads
By getting laid. All the betalords that are posting their cuck porn clearly aren't getting any action. What better way to stick it to them then by sticking it in someone?
the BBC threads are Sup Forums threads
a fucking Sup Forumsedditor calling someone else a redditor?
This. Stop crying about racism and let Sup Forums purge this board of the nigger problem.
there are more conservatives into cuck porn though
>only 16
The threads are made by an anti Sup Forums poster that supports child porn, animal cruelty and women abuse threads.
After he got called out he started spamming
>doesn't know that image hashes don't change when saved
Sup Forums should be deleted.
>hiding threads
Reddit is that way ==>
>image hashes
a fucking Sup Forumsedditor everyone
why isn't the porn spammer range banned?
Retarded faggot
agreed, they've infected every board with their racial insecurities, they're the reason this obsession with cuckolding took off in the first place
>he want's to see BLACKED porn
i want cucks out of my board
those are generated by Sup Forums
the hash doesnt change simply because someone saved the image :^)
Safe space faggots are a bigger problem.
bring moot back so he can bring wt snacks back
There's nothing to fix, this thread is a prime example
Where the fuck are the mods? Why wont they delete these threads when the board is clearly blue?
Cause i don't wanna see shit threads im a problem? eat my shit nigger
>tfw to intelligent for current Sup Forums
ive seen about 5 times as many blacked as pol threads and yet the bitch moaning about it continues. I guess nigger cock is less offensive then pol threads
>hidden threads
>muh hugbox