Are these the objectively correct Sherlock power levels?

Are these the objectively correct Sherlock power levels?

They made someone much smarter than Sherlock? Is he in the books?


>Watson 10
>Molly 625

Mycroft is in the books

yes, and?

If Mycroft is so smart why doesn't he solve crimes instead of Sherlock ?

>Lestrade that low

He's a lazy fuck apparently. He's been known to solve shit for Sherlock in the books but he doesn't want to run around playing detective.

He's literally a human computer. Just a lazy fat fuck on top of that tho


Who the fuck is that?.

Moffat & Gatiss newest fanfic character

one of my favorite pastas

Watson is a doctor ...

This is stupid as fuck but sadly it's a good sinthesis of this show. It's the "there is a strong enemy and when you defeat that there's a stronger enemy" thing from Dragon Ball, but with "intelligence" instead of strength

>implying Lestrade isn't playing 6d underwater space-chess with everyone


They made Mycroft looked like an absolute retard in TFP

in every iteration of sherlock holmes watson is not very bright

In the Guy Richie movies Jude Law's Watson is very sharp, almost as good as Holmes.

The Guy Richie movies are actually the best portrayal of Sherlock, Moriarty and Watson. Watson's portrayal may not be faithful to the books, but Watson in the books is a poorly written character, so it's worthy of a change.

watson in the books is just a vacuous protagonist, not a poorly written character. The intent is so that 19th century fan-girls (see: the queen) could self-insert into watson.

Where's Irene and Mrs. Hudson?