Downloading the entire series, can you tell me what i'm in for Sup Forums?
Downloading the entire series, can you tell me what i'm in for Sup Forums?
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Circles and half circles.
Ebin reaction images.
Speaking of
The version I have doesn't have those subtitles in that scene and the quality is sub par over all it seems.
Would anyone care to link me to the version that has these subs?
Help a lad out anons
pretty good series
You'll be a full time shitposter on Sup Forums by the end of the week.
A book in visual media told from historical perspective.
Its long, boring and amazing.
It's worth watching, but it's never 100% certain what it wants to be. The pacing is awkward and the dialogue is preachy and pseudo-intellectual to the point of almost being cringe.
Having said that, it's a delightful spectacle to watch and is truly one of a kind. Worth seeing, if only once. I try to remember how unique it was at the time, and still is.
Thanks user. I really wanted to enjoy, but the sub quality of what I dl'd were pretty shitty, just couldn't keep with it.
Good to know, just watched the first 10 minutes i'm enthusiastic so far. Love the art style already
I've been here since 2008, i dont even shitpost i just lurk. Sup Forums in general has been shit for conversation for years
So the best kind of media? Can someone confirm is this going to be kino?
A new disdain for representative government.
Fuck off to weeb fags
A worthy and earnest but mostly boring historical soap opera, punctuated by a few incredibly intense scenes
It's good until Yang Wen Li dies and then it's shit.
>100+ episodes
man, the days when i could waste that kind of time watching something are long gone. it will take me longer than i have time left in my life to finish watching that shit
Fuck you. Sup Forums is a post-apocalyptic pedophile wasteland.
Oh stop being so dramatic you fucking nancy
the episodes are only 20 minutes long, it's practically nothing
Unironically yes.
Episodes are only ~24 minutes long.
I thought the same but the episodes are short, could probably finish like 10 a day easy
Thank you user, the visuals really are magnificent i can see myself liking this alot. thanks Sup Forums youve answered my question.
It's really good but but relies a bit too much on elongated sometimes cringey "anime monologues". Could've been unironically the GOAT sci-fi if it was live action
>can you tell me what i'm in for Sup Forums?
quality storylines and memorable characters
A 100% hetero experience.
Job Truniht did nothing wrong
It's sometimes scary how accurate it is of recent and current political situations.
>le I don't have that kind of time XDDD
>has time to shitpost on slash tay vee
Kill yourself.
>10 a day
i thought there were other normies here
guess that's just a meme
As if Sup Forumsfags can spare the time to watch it when there's twitter and reddit accounts to monitor.
shitposting takes seconds
19th century romanticism
Do you work 18 hours a day 7 days a week or something? How do you not have three hours of free time at least once a week?
the whole point of the show is that if you will go the other way than you need quality men to lead you and we have no quality men so there is no Kaiser to heil
I watched all 162 episodes
and dancing fat women
anything beside the main series is fucking trash though
The best anime ever made and something better than most tv series too.
Live action LoGH on HBO/Netflix when?
? Sup Forums is so pure these days that they don't even post sad panda
new love for the death star and better understanding of hyperspace routes
live action is overrated. a lot of stuff is better animated, for example capekino
Boredom, you won't make it past the 3rd episode
The entire series is filler
One of the greatest endings ever written.
>Live action LoGH on HBO/Netflix when?
Hopefully never.
Fake and gay
>Live action LoGH on HBO/Netflix when?
seeing how they couldn't even get the fucking Monster adaptation out of development hell for the last 10 years probably never, especially after the GitS movie bombs hard and buries any anime-related Hollywood plans for another decade
Aren't they remaking it this year? At least that's what the rumors have been stating for a while.
I liked early days in the academy. drug subplot was weak but still atmospheric
Yeah, it would never work. Not enough women, minorities and LGBT characters. People would whine about lack of diversity these days.
>Live action LoGH on HBO/Netflix when?
Shut the fuck up before you ruin something good
Not that, but because the West is shit at anime adaptations and should never do it in the first place. They already bled the Western "geek"stuff dry.
Yeah they announced a new adaptation a couple years ago, but no new info since afaik. I've heard that it will more likely be an adaptation of the Manga rather than a remake of the original series or direct adaptation of the novels. Which could be cool or terrible, I have no idea because I haven't read the manga.
TV is a really shit medium for adaptations, even worse than feature films, literally the only ones in history to not turn out complete trash are Fargo and Friday Night Lights, television is much better suited for original content
A treaties on the pros and cons of an democracy and a monarchy.
Oberstein did nothing wrong.
>TV is a really shit medium for adaptations, even worse than feature films
No surprise you'd find such a backwards answer in a thread like this
its funny because they are friends but out of context webm makes it look strange
I've been watching it on The Youtubes. You're in for the least shitty anime I've ever seen, but I'm still slowly burning out and I haven't even gotten 10 episodes in. It's not quite adventurous teens saving the world, but both militaries are completely inept and retarded. Talking Star Trek levels of stupidity here, only it's worse in this case since it's a war show as opposed to only occasionally getting it in Trek.
If you're already a disgusting weeb you'll be fine, but if you're a right and proper human being and find anime disgusting then it'll be borderline.
This is true. Oberstein, Ruenthal and Dusty are best characters.
This show prompted a long discussion between me and my friends about the benefits of democracy vs. authoritarianism.
would recommend.
Some Sup Forumsutists say the actual show is not as fun as the screencaps/reaction images. Is it true? I want to watch this show but its 100+ episodes
He did wrong but one may say it was wrong that needed doing. not the people who died but im sure a historian would say that
how the fuck would i know
This is wrong, invest your time in something good
Don't do what I did and get the whole series because some pleb weebs lied on the internet
You'll regret it.
like you would want a live action LOGH
they had to make that shit animated to make it appealing.
Have you ever sat through an entire screening of Syriana?
becuase thats basically what you are asking for
110 episodes of syriana
Obviously they're a bit spread out when there's 100+ episodes, but it definitely has a general sense of humor - sometimes unintended as well.
Just don't go in for it solely for that.
you can always drop it. show is bit slow so it really depends on if you love the characters or not. I kind of burned out around ep 65 and took a 3 month break before finishing it. I don't regret my time with the show and I saw origins of many science fiction staples some of which have been lost to time and others which become iconic
Yes it's true
Those Sup Forumsssholes are clearly smarter than the ones on this board
Mittermeier a best
That would be my reaction if I wasn't relegating it to one or two episodes before bed, usually on my phone. Been alternating between reading a few short stories and watching this. First few episodes I had high hopes for but the longer I see the main characters the more anime it gets.
Most recent episode I watched had the emperor cutting flowers and saying "WELL IF COUNT LOGJAMMIN' IS PLANNING TO OVERTHROW ME MAYBE IT'S TIME AND THE EMPIRE WILL END ON MY WATCH~" despite the fact that he still seemingly has a loyal army on his side. He's acting like he's throwing in the towel but as far as everything looks there's no reason for that to be the case. This after the 50th time in 8ish episodes where an older admiral or commander does something stupid while the young dude is right about everything.
Cast all of them
I think, if done properly, fassbender would be a wonderful reuental
oi cheers m8s
I'm about to finish this show that I'm watching. I'll check it out when its done.
Saw this channel on yt with English subs. Jesus christ this is going to take a while kek
kiricheis would be a tough one ruppert grint?
It's first and last 3rd were the strongest for me.
It filled a hole that GoT left after it turned to garbage
I was legit shocked when he died. I mean I saw it coming that he might die, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon and affect Reinhard for literally the rest of the series.
Too bad the whole sequence where he's killed is the most retarded shit ever.
does not mean he won't fight back or others won't want the job. he is weary to the bone
Fuck no, Kircheis is supposed to be extremely handsome.
Mcconameme - Bittenfeld
Michael Sheen - Oberstein
Dakota Fanning - Annerose
Elle Fanning - Reinhard
The first few books in the series this anime is based on have finally been translated into English
I highly recommend them, but only after having watched the series
a star wars story asking "what if sheev was hot"
poetry readings and music, followed by political purges since some works are associated with ideology
I think it's very similar in structure to a normal book like the book it's based on or for instance War and Peace. It's very slow moving and a lot of it is 'tell don't show' rather than the reverse.
And just like a book there are many long stretches of boring stuff that you have to work through, just to get to the equally long parts that you can't help but watch in one long sitting.
The only really boring parts for me are the space jews and the terraists
age old "x can work if we had the right people" but no communism
>Suddenly this scene after dozens of episodes of ships neatly blowing up
mind blowing
Mads Mikkelsen as Oberstein.
Hugh Jackman as Schenkopp
Nicolaj Coster-Waldau as Mittermeyer
Oscar Isaac as Dusty