"Here's your fresh cinema pasta, sir."

"Here's your fresh cinema pasta, sir."

Don't over order the pasta. I had a long ass hair in mine when I went and saw Rouge One

Is that hot? I don't want to hurt myself.


One tub of Yaki Soba with Cheese powder please.

Fresh pasta is the damn best.


How much extra for marinara sauce?

At my cinema it's $1 per pump. Pro tip is it put a straw on the pump nozzle so you can distribute the sauce all throughout your pasta bucket.


Excuse me, the sauce well seems to have run dry.

But I ordered chowder...

"Don't be such a fucking bitch, sir."

cinema threads are better than bane threads ever were

there is actual creativity going on in these, with baneposting it's just taking something, anything, and adding cia or bane or pavel into it

C-can I a-at least g-g-g-get some c-crab legs?...

I hate when the pesto squirting machine is out desu and I have to use the bolognese machine REEEEEEEEEE

Thank you, do you perchance have a napkin m'lady? My cape is woven of the finest silks.

And may I inquire as to the price of the falcon pellets?


>Ordering the spaghetti and marinara sauce
>Going past the marinara vat and filling your spaghetti bento with butter from the popcorn section

D e v i l i s h


At least you have a bolognese machine.
We have mandatory tomato smashing tubs we have to use to make our sauce.
>tfw taking off your shoes to smash the tomatoes and all the girls laugh at your toenails that you haven't cut in years...

Did you just asume my gender?

>sir, if you require Raw Fresh Cinemilk™ , the KinoCow is over in its pen by the Pasta and Sniper Rifles kiosk
>the left udder is strawberry flavored, the right is honeynut

>tfw someone just uses the ketchup packets in the cinema instead of the bolognese sauce

>order the rigatoni
>cashier gives me spaghetti
>$39.99 sir
>too awkward to say anything
>my falcon goes through security while i go to the mandatory search and shower
>manage to avoid getting water in my spaghetti for the most part
>finally get some seat
>some asshat took the bar out of the theater gym with him
>deadlifting in front of the projector
>i ask him to stop but he keeps doing it
>sit back down to enjoy my spaghetti
>someone is eagle seating has his eagle fly over to me and steal two talonfulls of my pasta
>my falcon puts up a fight but is no match, and is killed by the eagle
>theater security informs me that my falcon needs to be alive for seating in the falcon section and forcibly removes me from the theater
and i never did find out how gone girl ended. was the worst theater experience of my life.

>Pasta and Sniper Rifle kiosk

>that feel when your local cinemas fluffer is off sick

why the fuck else would i go see la la land?

You didn't miss much. Also your bird sounded like a fag.

hehe, meme

tony fought valiantly. alas the eagle is a far more elegant and dangerous bird of prey
pray twll do they ever find the gone girl
last scene i remember was batman staring down superman

amazing story


Star Wars and pasta you say?

oh my, I'm swooning. such a gentleman. care to take mlady on a date? :)


>tfw running late so no time to carbo-load on cinema pasta for the big half-marathon race to determine who sits where

i had to sit near the apiary and i couldn't even hear the kino because of all the fucking bees

>finally going to see Suicide Squad
>the finest of kinos
>bring my finest cape and most beloved falcon
>order the escargot as usual
>they're all out says the dashing young negro at the kiosk
>have to settle for the ratatouille
>fiftyfuckingnine dollars
>head towards the pet check-in
>hand my falcon over for inspection as usual
>forgot his clearance card
>I cry a bit as they prep the branding iron
>wasn't really that bad, but I have to sit up front
>as I walk into the showroom I get pulled out of the line for a random cavity inspection
>forgot the lube for the security guard
>luckily I got a hemorrhoid pillow for only $15.79
>get to my seat
>some 14 year old douche behind me
>rapes my falcon and kicks me in the back of the head
>lose my ratatouille
>movie wasn't even that good

>mfw you find a beta-looking falcon and throw Junior Mints at the back of his head

shit was jokes

best in bread award

>go to my nightly cinema viewing
>decide to spectate the kinography known as "the Arrival"
>equipped with a backpack filled with several boxes of strawberry pop-tarts and a few diet pepsis
>before i entered the viewing room, i journey to the concessions stand to obtain a tall glass filled with ice (to enhance the taste of my diet pepsi)
>local cinema had a daily deal for a jar of mashed potatoes, only 20 dollars
>buy 3 jars
>enter viewing room and prepare my dishes for consumption
>halfway into the film i realize they did not give me any condiments for my mashed potatoes
>stomp out of the room and back to the concessions stand absolutely furious
>demand they give me the condiments any dish of mashed potatoes should be joined with
>they give me 2 tubs of gravy, one chicken and one beef, along with a pound of cheddar cheese
>assuming they forgot, i remind them to give me some ketchup as well
>they begin laughing at me, they ask if i am kidding
>they seriously thought i was kidding about ketchup for my mashed potatoes
>upset by the nature of their response, i sweat profusely before ejecting a little bit of poo to ease my frustrations
>i take the gravy and the cheese back to my viewing station, accepting this great strike of adversity that life had sent my way
>my condiment stash coincidentally had no ketchup either, as if life was playing a cruel joke on me
>begrudgingly consume my 3 jars of mashed potatoes without ketchup
>my fellow kinophiles leave the area before the movie is over, i assume in protest of the awful standards my local cinema maintains, based upon the looks i received -- empathizing with my cursed fate

Did you get any mustard, lad?

Are those all (You)?


only the top is mine

No, but I appreciate that (you) gave me one.

>go to cinema to watch Rouge One
>buy ticket
>buy popcorn
>enter the viewing room
>watch commercials
>watch movie

you guys go to some weird cinemas

where the fuck are you watching movies, Somalia?

"I'd like a plate of your finest chili and sea bass please"

fuck poor people

Actually, I do, but I fail to see a relation

in america we're more civalized than that

But what do you guys feed your Falcon?

>haven't been to the KinoSphere in years because of the No Singles Policy

feels bad man

I always circumvent the no-singles policy. By getting dubs >> check them.

the Kinododecahedron is much better anyway

just pay for the fucking falcon license like everyone else
Better a one-off $200 payment then paying a $30 whore and buying her ticket too everytime you want to see a new kino


Do you at least get to bring your thai cinéma-pedicureist slave?

String cheese and pop-tarts.

"This is a cinema announcement. The showers must NOT to be used to clean dishes and cutlery. This is a serious breach of Health and Safety regulations. Offenders WILL be sent to the popcorn mines. Thank you and enjoy the flick!"

When is Danny D making a kino set in a Sup Forums like kinema