I don't get it

I don't get it




That's a big leaf

I know this is a shitty meme but


Can someone explain why Lisa had such an outburst when she is otherwise so fixated on achieving aesthetic and social harmony?

>I don't get it

Don't worry, I'll get it.

The only thing I dont get is why you would still be watching the show?

Its targeted to 10 year old family guy fans, if you are old enough to be on the site you left their target demo years ago

While we're on the subject, can someone please explain this joke to me?

"chuck's fuck & suck"?

It used to be Chuck's Feed and Seed but that didn't rhyme

I wish that I could

that doesn't make any sense, wouldn't it just be "Chuck's Feed & Seed"?

I don't get it.

Yes. the joke is that this Chuck guy had a store name that didn't rhyme, but then Sneed came along and it all fell into place

Ah, well that makes a lot more sense than whatever that other guy was saying. Bit of a dull joke, though, if I might add.

I'm going to go more in depth on this joke, just because I see people get confused by it a lot. Sneed's Feed & Seed share the last three letters, so when they say Chuck you're led to believe that the last three letters will be "uck".

Which is why it's Chuck's Fuck & Suck.

Why would the last letters suddenly change? The store would still sell feed and seed.

Exactly, business models don't revolve around rhyme schemes in their names, I'm not sure what this user is talking about.

Maybe it used to be a brothel?

Maybe she quickly realized how talented and intelligent she was and would rather just go play by herself

boy you sure do got a pretty mouf

Wouldn't it be "Sneed's Fuck and Suck" then? I'm still not understanding this line of reasoning.

OMG it's so down wiv da kids how do they do it

Sneed was a good christian man that didn't fall into the ways of degeneracy, and needed to keep at least 2 of the letters to cut down on costs

But if he converted a brothel into a Feed and Seed, how could the 'Feed and Seed' formerly belong to Chuck as the sign suggests?

So close

formerly Chuck's Fuck & Suck

the guy before him didn't have to have the exact same type of store


But the sign implies that the "Feed and Seed" was formerly possessed by Chuck, hence the old store would have been name "Chuck's Feed and Seed".

She means that The Simpsons is a shadow of its former itself, and the fact that it's still on the air is a sin against nature.

I still don't get it

>season 26

jesus fucking christ

it doesn't say "formerly chuck's feed and seed", it just says "formerly chuck's"

Well since "Sneed's" is on the sign, and "Formerly Chuck's" is below it, we are lead to believe that what is currently Sneed's used to belong to Chuck, I.E the "Feed and Seed".

it's on season 28

Watching an episode from the very early Simpson seasons and today's is a wonderful example of the decline of morality in America (made even better since those early episodes were at the time considered extreme).

cuz jazz is all about individuality and she was tired of dumbing down her music for the other kids

>Homer was born in 1978 was 18 in 1996
>Marge was born in 1981 was 18 in 1999
>Bart was born in 2007
>Lisa was born in 2009
>Maggie was born in 2016