>being gay is a minor part of Turning life
>make it the focal point of the movie
>Turning really didn't give a shit about being castrated
>make him fall into deep depression in movie
>accidentally inhale cyanide from incorrectly storing lab chemicals
>he bit a cyanide apple sonsad and tragic goyim
Being gay is a minor part of Turning life
Other urls found in this thread:
is cucumber gay irl serious question
Actually, being gay wasn't even a big thing in the movie. Also, he did care about being chemically castrated. It made him depressed, which is why he killed himself.
Also, his name was Turing, not Turning.
>Turning really didn't give a shit about being castrated
Contain yourself poltard.
Being gay wasn't even close to being the focal point of the movie. But it definitely was an important aspect to his life since it had such an impact on his future at Blechley and in history. Did you even watch it?
Also "Turing didn't care about being castrated"
>Being gay wasn't even close to being the focal point of the movie.
Wait, were there two alan turing benedict cumberbatch movies?
Did I misinterpret that last part of the movie, or did they actually castrate him for trying to have sex with little boys?
I thought it was supposed to be about him being gay, but the movie made it seem like he was actually just a pedophile
chemical castration was an alternative to jail time if you were a sodomite.
Yep he fugged 14-15 year olds.
>being this triggered by the most menial things
This truly is the face of autism
>Inb4: N-n-no! Y-y-you're triggered!
>I thought it was supposed to be about him being gay, but the movie made it seem like he was actually just a pedophile
What's the difference?
>make it seem like they're trying to break Enigma
>Enigma was already cracked by the polish years earlier they just needed a machine to process it fast enough
>also the machine as developed from a polish design
>and the co-designer wasn't in the movie because Alan Turing is literally a homosexual saint and we can't possibly take any credit away from him
Get back in your cancerous board faggot.
Speaking of autism, why was Turing made into an autistic in this film?
Because that's the only character Cumbersnatch can play
Cry more.
this was the worst oscar flick that year. it was tedious.
You have to go back.
You're impotent rage is so delicious
He was a gay nerd
Shit movie that couldn't have been more paint-by-numbers for Oscar bait. So many stupid scenes
The movie does put more importance on his sexual life than it should have, to the point that they make stuff up blatantly in order to push their agenda (muh homosex).
For fuck's sake the machine was called Bombe and wasn't named after his dead lover. This could have been a cool WW2 historical drama/thriller but instead we got a bland LGBT propaganda piece.
>minor part of his life
>the government destroyed his health by forcing him to take HRT despite being a national hero
ebin my Sup Forums brainwash victim friend
ayy lmaos dont have a sexuality
Pic related, it's you
It's your time, boy.
Honestly I think they did that on purpose.
Can't be having a movie about how world war 2 was won because the allied powers knew when and where every piece of the axis war machine was at any given time. it makes D-day look like a pointless sacrifice!
Did you even watch it? Do you even know anything about the real Alan Turing?
>break the law because you're mentally ill
>go to jail or take this medication for your illness
>take the medication
>kill yourself because you miss being mentally ill
You can't make this shit up.
Besides, it was a black woman who actually did all the work and he just copied it and said it was his...
They don't show this in the flick though, typical.
you first
>be a faggot
>know it's illegal to solicite other men and have gay sex
>"don't care lol"
>get caught
>I'm duhh victumm here
Fucking faggots breaking the law. Have some self control and you wouldn't of been castrated poofta