Luke, did I ever tell you about Darth Sidious, better known as Emperor Palpatine...

>Luke, did I ever tell you about Darth Sidious, better known as Emperor Palpatine? He is arguably the most powerful Sith lord to ever exist. He was so strong in the dark side of the force that he was able to slay 4 Jedi Masters singlehandedly! Even though I was able to detect Vader's presence on a moon sized battlestation, and sensing someone's strength in the force is a basic Jedi technique, I never detected Emperor Palpatine's enormous power level in the prequels, not even when I was standing next to him. Neither did Master Yoda, or anyone! We were all good friends.

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Missed the part about the emperor diminishing the power of the Jedi eh?

And for some EU stuff:
>"there are techniques in the Force, where one can cloud the memory of others, make their presence so small as to be unnoticed." - Kreia

How did Yoda and obi-wan ever expect Luke to defeat the emperor. He couldn't even beat his dad in a proper fight. Vader was holding back in both duels.

>power-level concealing
DBZ says hello

>Missed the part about the emperor diminishing the power of the Jedi eh?


What's your point?

>Luke, did I ever tell you about Jar Jar Binks. He was a clumsy Gungan, exiled by his own people, my master Qui-Gon Jinn and I met on Naboo. He was present on Tatooine when your mother, the queen of Naboo and your father, a slave born of immaculate conception met. Jar Jar came with us to Coruscant and became a senator in the Galactic Senate. He then proposed legislation which gave Senator Palpatine emergency powers, practically making him the Emperor and allowing him to create a clone army of stormtroopers and usher in the dark age we now live in. And he was a good friend.

When you describe it like that it sounds ridiculous.

Jar Jar is the key to all of this.

Yoda and Windu complain about their use of the force being diminished. It's implied that Palpatine is using his space voodoo to cloud their abilities. The Jedi even kinda saw it coming, saying that they sensed a plot to destroy the Jedi but they couldn't pinpoint where from.

watch attack of the clones user

How was Palpatine able to Sheev-spin and kill 3 jedi masters in two seconds but 20 years later all it takes to kill him is to pick him up and throw him down a shaft? the dude can literally fly

don't say it's cause he got old that's bullshit

Reminder the Jedi built their temple on Coruscant on top of a Sith temple as a "fuck you" to the Sith, but then the dark side crept up and clouded their connection to the force so they ended up fucking themselves


>Luke, did I ever tell you about Dexter Jettster? He was a mustachioed Besalisk that ran a 50's themed diner on Coruscant. When I was trying to track down the bounty hunter Jango Fett the entire Jedi archive was of no use to me but Dexter was. He identified the Kaminoan poison dart Fett had shot into the shape shifting bounty hunter Zam Wesell by hand. He was a good friend.

Vader grabbed him when he wasn't looking. How was he supposed to escape? He was raining lightning down on him but Vader wasn't going to let go until he was ready.

>tfw you realize the Jedi were legit retarded and worthless

wow i didn't know all it takes to kill the most powerful force user in the galaxy is to grab him when he isn't looking

How could there not be just an armorer droid at the Jedi temple who I couldn't just scan the dart and tell him what it was. If the autists on /k/ can identify a weapon with no difficulty why couldn't a computer do it?

He didn't consider vader a threat after having him under his thumb for 20 years. His overconfidence was his weakness.

Luke, did i ever tell you about gabbagool?

Sheev was right.

Grabbing is a good trick.

How would we have come to know and love Dexter that way user?

God I wish George Lucas would be forced to read every good friend post ever made. Fuck that guy and his shitty prequels so hard.

Because all records of Kamino were purged from the Jedi library, the most expansive library in the galaxy, and the dart came from Kamino.

>Fuck that guy and his shitty prequels so hard.
fuck you user, you fucking queer.

Force Stealth. It's the same reason why Vader and Sidious never sensed Obi-Wan and Yoda in exile, because they focused on keeping themselves hidden. On the Death Star Vader had no reason to do so, and Obi Wan wanted to create a distraction.

Luke did I ever tell you about noobs? Newbie was a Gungan word used to describe any newcomers who entered their swamps. The word had since spread across the galaxy, describing anyone new to an area or a job as a "newbie."[1]

By the time of the Fel Empire, an unseasoned recruit of the stormtrooper corps' 407th Division was pejoratively labeled a noob by his fellow compatriots. He was a good friend.

the cgi holster on the right glitches lol

That isn't CGI though.

Vader just run out of energy in the second figth he couldn't handle Luke in apeshit mode

>glitches lol

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the giant Jedi library we had that housed all the known information in the universe? It was a good plot device

Dellow Felegates...

It housed all the information the Republic had, because you need somewhere to store information, just like the Empire did.

>Luke, did I ever tell you that we forgot about an entire planet and I had to go to my good friend Dexter Jettster's diner to find out where it was? This was not good writing.

The Jedi Temple is literally built on top of ancient Sith ruins

This is how their power has diminished

>Luke, did I ever tell you about Tan Divo? He was a police inspector in the Coruscant Security Force during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
>He was involved with several cases your mother was involved with during her time as a senator, including when Greedo, a rodian who hangs out at the bar in Mos Eisley, kidnapped Baron Papanoida's daughter.
>Somehow he became a high ranking lieutenant despite his grave incompetence, annoying new york accent, and police droids that didn't carry guns.
>He was a bad friend, I wonder how many Jedi he locked up?

Ben are you okay? Why are you saying numbers randomly? And what is Fel Empire?

>Luke, did I ever you that your father used his Force choke on your mother while she was still pregnant with you? He was a good friend.

Jar Jar was a stealth Sith Lord in episode 1 and Lucas was forced to abandon the plot line in episode 2 after people told him fans would hate it.

comrade skywalker...

i find your lack of knowledge of the force most disturbing!

Canonically, why did Jar Jar give Palpatine all the power? It doesn't make any sense unless Jar Jar was getting something in return

Because Jar Jar was retarded and I'm pretty sure someone told him to do it.

Because he's a fucking idiot and thought he was making the right decision and could then virtue signal it until he died.

how was Mace windu able to dispatch Jango get and Sheev easily but 20 secs later all it takes to kill him is to turn on your light saber and cut of his achilles hand? the dude can literally out duel anyone

i mean, it'd be one thing if darth vader had killed sheev by stabbing him with his lightsaber, because it kills someone pretty much instantly.

but vader picked him up (with one hand) and slowly walked him over to the shaft. and all-powerful palpatine just took it like a bitch without even trying to move? like nigga use the force or just move your body out of vader's one good hand lmao

The plot got old

How come there is still no article on wookipedia about gabagool?

Well I would assume that Vader retained his power, and thus was pretty strong compared to the withering old man and caught him off guard. Using physical muscle + the force to carry him and throw him.

Jar Jar is a sith lord.

what the fuck did they mean by this?

>hm...ever since Sheev took office, our prophecies don't work

>no nightmarish demonic posession themes in Star Wars
Make it happen you have my money

Imagine Palpatine campaigning for Senate. Millions of sentient beings willingly chose to "Vote Sheev"

Luke, did I ever tell you about Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe and Joey? They were all great friends. Especially Joey.

I marked out for the spinning attack

Read that in Obi Wan's voice

Luke, did I ever tell you about Lt Barclay? He was a puppeteer on Star Wars who who routinely shove his hand into Yoda's anus and disengage safety protocols. He was a good friend

1 in 100 people would get this. I did. I need a gf.

Broccoli needa a gf too daeshu banzai.

Palpatine did it

>How was Palpatine able to Sheev-spin and kill 3 jedi masters in two seconds but 20 years later all it takes to kill him is to pick him up and throw him down a shaft?

That's just because the fight scenes in the prequels were much better choreographed than anything in the OT. They just didn't have the technology to do cool spinny CGI fights like that back in the 70s and 80s.

Force Scream bro, it basically freezes everyone scared shitless and you can slice them like if they were dead fish. Bravo Lucas!

Jesus christ those movies were shit.

Flat, static lighting makes it look like a made for tv movie.

For some reason this made me laugh until my eyes watered

For some reason this made me laugh until my eyes watered.