Reminder that blacks being good at math was so unusual they made a movie about it

Reminder that blacks being good at math was so unusual they made a movie about it.

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i dont think they have the rights for the story of inventing the peanut butter

Reminder that only one of the women in that movie actually played a significant roll in NASA, and even then, it wasn't such a huge roll.

niggga you can't make green off math

>Glorified typist entering numbers given to her by white men and women
>Celebrate this as some glorious achievement

Pretty pathetic

reminder that it takes very little to trigger you

Idk man but janelle is cute


>blonde hair blue eyes

what did the jews mean by this?

they made it look like she's thinking about space n' shit because without the drawings it would look like she is happy those white nerds are talking about her bootylicious bundakino

When are Hollywood going to make a movie about Hispanics being good at math..

Well, that's white hair, which even black people get with age. Also, many blacks have blue eyes.


we're not that good at it either

Well there was the one where James Edward Olmos goes to an inner city high school and connects with the kids.

>blonde hair

Isn't she in Moonlight as well? Hottest black woman alive.

>going to the moon, just another dayin the 60s
Nigga, you trying too hard.

Every year they make one of these shit films about blacks. Last year it was Selma, 12 Years a Slave before that, Django before that and on and on and on

I hope Dunkirk kicks off a demand for more WWII movies so history films will stop being all about "Civil Rights" issues

>blonde hair

>many blacks have blue eyes.

they do not, only half breeds like Obama, 100% pure nigs cannot have blue eyes, its very very rare

she was born with blonde hair you dumb nigs

on the other hand, you can't even spell role

You are literally retarded

That whitey stairing at her ass looks pretty buff. Shouldn't he be a skelly?

Was it the 3/4 white one?

Damn, I didn't know Bernie worked for NASA

>being this angry of a nig

you can clearly see her whitish features, light soft fair hair, light skin, blue eyes

she is a half breed after all (or 1/4), why are you so angry about this fact?

better than another movie glorifying nigger gangster culture

if we could fix black culture i wouldnt mind them

This guy deserves one if any of them do imo.

Only black guy important enough to be taught about in my engineering class.

No they don't though.

>pointing out she didn't have blonde hair is being angry

Nice straw man there guy XDDD

ah the libyan

did he invent peanut butter?

here she is again on right

i like how the fat one is in a perpetual rage and the other one is always smiling

That's not her she's hardly even an octoroon

From Chicago

>By 1964, Carruthers began employment for the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., where his work focused on far ultraviolet astronomy. 1969 was the year he received a patent for his invention, the "Image Converter," which detected electromagnetic radiation in short wavelengths, and in 1970, he made the first examination of molecular hydrogen in space. Two years later, Carruthers invented the first moon-based observatory, the Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph, which was used in the Apollo 16 mission

Inb4 he was part of a team

He was the head researchers on all of these projects

>Getting this triggered by seeing her in her youth

C U C K :D

Well being good at math is the #1 symptom of autism. And autism is mostly a white person disorder.

A minority, harassed, victim of racism who, despite all the socio-environmental difficulties, succeeds in math deserves a movie.

>Well being good at math is the #1 symptom of autism

"facts" right out of ur ass


>white bois getting this triggered over a movie

>the smartest black in the history of America was 7/8 white
Really fires those neurons

Why shouldn't they? It's racist historical revisionism.

Django was fun though

Pointed out in this thread alone that that not true

George Caruthers made the first moon based observatory.

I dont give a fuck about whether niggers contributed to NASS but hot damn do I want to unveil that foxy mama's hidden figure

>working as a living calculator now means you were vital to the NASA space effort

Man, they should really make a movie about the lunchlady as well, or the guy sorting all the mail.

stand and deliver is Teacherkino

>Also, many blacks have blue eyes.

Being good at math is all about hard work.
By math I mean actual mathematics, using sets and logic to prove your claims. Sure you can be naturally bright at it, but the best and brightest mathematicians are more often than not people who dedicate their lives to the study.

Mathematics isn't about memorizing formulas or knowing how to graph "complicated" functions in your mind (most functions have no graph anyways). Mathematics is about discovery and unlocking your mind by proving theory using axioms, definitions, and rules of inference.


And they say non liberals are the racists ones lmao

>many blacks have blue eyes

But you can sell weed with it and black people love weed

We never get any movies about the hardworking Asians who hold many scientific positions in this country. I'm Vietnamese and offended by this.

but there's nothing in this movie that's historically wrong