Why is the UK so weak?

They're even weaker than Italy.

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We're not

Now US military, that's a whole other level of incompetent

>no source

nah sorry

>US number 1
>can't defeat rice farmers or goat herders
Top kek.

>muh total numbers

Literally means fuck all. Training and the quality of the equipment is all that matters.

The UK has never had a very large army but makes up for it by being very well trained.

Even when Britain was the foremost world power it's army was relatively small, but it was effective enough to build and maintain the greatest empire ever built

by being very perfidious*

By being smarter than everyone else*

>Israel below pakistan
Feel free to delete your post anytime.

Canada has an army?

yeah, ours

shitskin countries with big population

You have more people than Thailand and you are

>Poland can destroy germany

thailand is a shitskin country

germany is full of american bases
poland is the meat shield for western europe

nothing will happen as long as america controls them

>we're behind fucking Japan and India
Fuck this life

>we're behind fucking Japan and India
>Fuck this life

you are soooo fucking weak

>Weak korea

We just can't compete

Shitskins, empty lands and pooinloos .... I mean, it was big but non impressive. They didn't fight great civilisation, only oogabooga level.

>big, strong australia
>tiny, weak canada

next time a canadian shitposts we might have to bash them

>They didn't fight great civilisation, only oogabooga level.

Britain was usually at war with the likes of the Spanish and French, two of the other greatest empires the world had ever seen, while maintaining an empire.

how's it even possible to be militarily weaker than a country that is supposed to have no military


Offer em 1 outs tell America no jump ins
