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International #786
Mfw i was banned for writing wh*te
Dear brazilians, stop coming to my country to rob banks, thanks
Why are italian girls so qt?
Be me
Why do people like blonde hair so much and fantasize about it...
Why does being bald only works for asians and blacks but not whites?
Tfw 19 middle school dropout
Would you feel safer traveling to eastern europe or america?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Americans have the most privately owned guns
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your country
/nachtschicht/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Animéupplagan
/éire/ /eire/
>your cunt > Mayweather or McGregor?
Faces of Sup Forums: electric boogaloo edition
Why 90% of latinos in Texas look like this? It's not even a joke
Americans actually aspire to live like this
Can Russia send us some qts so we can have superior children? Thanks
Daily reminder that the UK is weaker than Italy
Do you hate Japan?
Blah blah mudslimes hurr durr killslam
What is your country's >WE?
Finns are the original white people, not INDO-european
Do you love Japan?
Do you truly believe that blue eyes are superior?
What the fuck is wrong with italians?
Why do Anglos have an inferiority complex toward them?
Countries in green cannot be 1st world nations
Will Japan even exist in 50 years?
Why are Americans so short?
Look at how mighty empire has fallen
Anywhere on the internet where English is spoken
Why do americans hate us?
Turk girl thread
1. Your cunt
How would your parents react if you brought a colombian girl home?
Which one is the superior?
ITT:We talk about toilet of europe aka pooland
Slovenia, a god forsaken post-communist country, is above Iberian countries when it comes to standard of living
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Name one famous person (dead or alive) from the country above you
Which Latin American hellhole has the most violent culture?
Jesús in different languages
Who is your favorite figure from your country's history? Tell us a little about him/her
Perfect country with perfect people don't exi-
Decline in violence
1. Your country
American tourist asks me for directions towards the restaurant
Jesus christ she is thicc
Finland is a muslim country
/ita/ il filo di Umaru
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Be american
Post yours
Frogs fall for this
Why is Japan a safe country?
/lang/ - Language Learning
How does someone even have sex with a cute girl in your country without paying them or drugging them and/or plying them...
/v4/ + friends
No other urban park in the world comes close to the beauty of Central Park
What phone do you have?
Summer's coming to an end
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
China will be the next superpower
/deutsch/ + friends
Girls ranking
Edycja pomocnego spinacza
Help me plan my vacation to europe Sup Forums
Wake up
Post men who could clearly only be from your country and nowhere else
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
National Anthems
Why are so many posters saying "sweetie" unironically lately?
Wildcats are a thing that still exist
/balk/ + /mämmi/
Really want to pee after masturbating to interacial gay breeding tumblr videos
Tfw born in the right place at the wrong time
Kurva anyátok
I have to learn portuguese to get portuguese citizenship to get my ass to the EU
My country is ruined forever, but where can I move instead?
Post what is called a 10/10 in your cunt
If you could go back in time and live for a decade in any era of history, which would it be?
Have one shot at life
Wake up
How will we be stop cyber bulliyng
Portugal was actually a finnish colony
Could this norwegian school class pass as locals in your country?
/polska/ + /deutsch/
How do you punish gays in your country?
/ita/ il filo di Umaru
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Are these cunts bothering you at this very moment?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - >falla av upplagan
Why do you hate my country so much Sup Forums?
Turkey is richer than half of eastetn europe, whole south america(argentina, chile), mexico etc...
/esp/ + /lat/ = /hisp/
/NEDERDRAAD/ + /carib/
One shot at life
Sister is pregnant by an Indian man
Start an argument on Sup Forums
Are southern european women the ideal women?
Hilo latino rebelde irreverente antiestablishment y con aguante
What does the future hold for Germany will Germans always lead their country? (serious answers only please)
I'll never get to experience a white homogeneous sweden
Why are Koreans so tiny ?
Iceland has never lost a war
Culture Pals /cp/ gen46
Which had the more successful empire?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
The ISIS threats to Spain after terrorists attacks
Was slavery the biggest mistake in American history?
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
French vs Italian, which to learn?
Post about your state
1.Ur cuntry
Tfw you are from venezuela
/ita/ il filo di Umaro
American history overall
ITT: historical enemies of your cunt, you respect the most
Do you love Turkey?
Why did the twin tower catch fire?
What are feminists in your country like? Are there any qts?
Why do Turks hire foreign actors from the Balkans in their TV shows?Are they so ashamed of their Middle Eastern looks?
I always wanted a trap gf so I convinced a young teen guy from /r9k/ to become a female they cried to their mum now...
Tell me about this place Sup Forums
Greatest warriors throughout history:
They don't sell loaves of sliced bread in europe
Yes these people are French. Deal with it
Mass immigration / refugee phenomenon / blackening of Europe depresses me so much. Europe has been destroyed forever...
Cheese culture
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Is this the famed finnish autism that I've heard about
What are some good examples of natives to a land taking back their country from foreign invaders...
Yfw you realize that you have nothing to offer women
/MeNa/ ''Jewish propaganda''-edition
>>78653256 قديم
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Simplified Chinese Hate Threas
Is this the future for all wh*tes?
Yfw you realize that almost half the European flags on Sup Forums are shitskin diaspora of various types
What's your country/state/city/town/street's equivalent of "Central Park"?
Jews have absolutely no hate for whites Sup Forums are all just crazed luna-
It is 100% legal to fly a swastika in Australia
I'm /brit/ ba ba dee da ba die
Guessing Game Thread
Why are Americans attracted to fat butts?
How do you say "pickle" in your language? :D
Nazi China Rising?
Goodmorning Sup Forums
/ex-ussr/ general
/fr/ - le fil de l'amitié franco-française
Hello everyone. I am a 29 year old man. I have a high paying job but have been unable to find a wife...
/v4/ + friends
/éire/ /eire/
Let's name American things you fucking hate:
/flattering White youtubers/
Kurva anyátok
I wish my parents moved to a nice country like Sweden or Canada when they left Mexico
Mention fair labour laws in front of an american
Guess which cunt is invited to their fourth consecutive Eurovision contest
Tfw I wasn't born Swedish
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
/nusantara/ - Edisi ASEAN
This Korean place was built in 2009
> wh*tebois talking in ebonics
I want to be more American
Are Native Americans as butthurt as blacks?
This is a very serious question that I have for people who are experts on this topic...
Would a wealthy country of 5 million people with conscription (where more than 80% of the male population participates)...
Now that the dust has settled can we agree Francisco Franco was too merciful?
You wake up in Medellin, the best city in Latin America
Why can't my country produce good alcohol?
Is it true that Asian ppl are more discriminated by non Asian cunt?
Why do Anglos have an inferiority complex to them?
Why are asians so hot?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Brazil will explain this!
So is it
WTF is wrong with China?
Is this map accurate?
Pfft, rare flags?
Do you like Qina?
How do you fucking favela monkeys write 100% perfect English?
Why are finns smart?
Why only Japanese people get their names reversed? You wouldn't call this man Jongun Kim right?
/cum/ + /c/ Canada USA Mexico + Croatia
1. Your country
I want a one world government :3
His language has dental fricatives, uvular trills and/or voiced sibilants
Are mexicans the only latinos that play football?
Mods, ban me, or I'll post titties
This is Yumi Lambert, she's from Belgium and is 3/4 White and on 1/4 Asian (Japanese)...
How do we make South America a free market, right wing area?
Do you ever dream about going to other countries?
Is BOAR hunting popular in your country?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Soon Very Soon
Americans use punishment methods created by religious zealots in the 1600's
Slovenia, a god forsaken post-communist country, is above Iberian countries when it comes to standard of living
Do you have this brand of rhum in your country?
Poo tried to scam me
You wake up in Dagestan
Why isn't genocide a realistic option for Europeans when dealing with the Middle East?
Why do they love Oasis so much?
What happens here?
How do Americans here feel about this?
You have 10 seconds to act as Italian as possible
Norwegians are depresse-
Grew a beard
How are you holding up Sup Forums?
Is being 29 too old to change your life?
Is it true that Black people in the Caribbean are happy that their ancestors were enslaved and taken out of Africa...
How to find european gf if i am russian?
Hilo español latino hispánico de cojones
Please tell me of the thing called Al-Andalus
Why do Anglos look so fucking weird, like pakis without the tan?
Every US state has decline in white % since 1990 except DC and that's still a nigger-filled shithole surrounded by...
Why do Italians and Indians look the same?
Is it true European don't eat tuna melts?
This is how a true Brazilian looks like
You wake up in Rwanda 1994
Between German and French, which language one is more useful to learn?
Daily reminder that South Italy is THE REAL Italy even though Italians keep on denying it
Mfw another Estonian escaped from my basement
How tragic was 9/11 in your mind?
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
How old should be marriage allowed by law?
/mena/ - gooks with sandnegress fetishes edition
Could these Norwegians pass as locals in your country?
His country doesn't have more than 70% forest coverage
World of polska
Tips for Japan
/voc/ - Vocaroo Bread
Sverigetråden - Forntida finländarnas upplaga
Question for all the Brazilians on Sup Forums, since my cunt is going down your direction in terms of race
/ita/ il filo
Post weird facts of your cunt
Comfy Landscape (and also city) Thread
You criticize the South, but the South > the Midwest without contest
How can Ukrainians be fascist if we're not even white people?
1. you are a cunt
It's another haha finns are so autistic xd thread
Where normies concentrate in your city ?
How do we stop this mass inmigration to Europe?
Old albino moose in Norway gets super popular and all the local hunters let him live year after year
/éire/ /eire/
Fuck Turkey General
Are you pro-EU or anti-EU? I want to hear the reason for your opinion. What would make you change opinion...
>the finnish name for hungary is unkari
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Post yfw Turks unironically thought over 50 years that this was actually gonna happen
What are you think of your cunt army?
Your cunt
Are you joking or is it the truth?
Decide to learn my a second language (monolingual burger here)
Anglo asks "how are you?"
Why are medcucks so envious of Germanics on Sup Forums?
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
When will france finally be removed from europe and world
This BASED Lebanese-Brazilian president is going to privatize a company. He is like the Brazilian Thatcher
Kurva anyátok
How is NEETdom in your country?
Why are japanese so racist?
What was Europe like in the early 00's?
Why do they LARP as Arabs they are basically European
So what do you smoke int?
German supermarket removes all foreign groceries from shelves to make point about racism
What is the attraction of black women?
Post what prostitutes look like in your country
Sverigetråden - rannsaka er själva upplagan
Never commited a single terrorist attack in history
Military Ration
Do u love Russia?
/deutsch/ und /antihellvetia/
Tell me a curious fact about your country
Why are English teachers the most obnoxious and rude people?
Is there any alliance in this very world as succesful and white as us?
The beginning days of the internet
Which country has the biggest number of roasties?
Average classroom
I never know what it's like to live in a commie block
Do you love Italy?
The French
1 meter autism space
/Burgunden/ ehemals /deutsch/
If I got married with white girl
Norwegian hormone skiers crying
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Mixed people are genetically superior. Let's remove all white people and ascend them toward a superior state
1. Nation
Doing little research on net and looking at lists,most people found these 10 cunts to have most beautiful women
This is how japanese girls boob size change
Would you rather live in ancient Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan or China?
Do you love Holland?
USA please nuke this shithole. Only a nuclear apocalypse can purge this land
What are Russians like?
Breaking news:An Italian man holding a gun barricaded 3 hours in Nagoya,Japan
Do you love Japan?
To whom are original Jews more related genetically and culturally? Arabs or Iranians?
How do we bring it back?
Go to an INTERNATIONAL board
Is it normal for people in your country to own figurines like pic related?
Re-Uniting Medditerannian?
America wtf?
Is this really how British people see us?
What do real Asians think of people that try to look white?
How does one acquire the mass of an American?
If you are more than 1 hour away from the next warm beach
What do normies think of English people in your country?
Paint your favorite country and disliked country
Why are these two so much more intelligent than other Asians? Srs. Is it genetics?
Post your country's worst leaders
What was your country's reason for joining NATO? For us Americans...
World Map
Why is the UK so weak?
Kurva anyátok
Americans are fat and stup-
Why are there so many sissy boys in the world today? Has anime really corrupted the minds of so many men?
What does the rest of the world think of the james bond shit going down over here?
My sister went to Denmark and returned. She realized she had 4 kroner she didn't spend and gave them to me...
Tfw 22 and still a manchild
What do these two countries think of each other?
/ex-ussr/ general
What is your unequivocal opinion of Japan and the Japanese people?
Can you feel any attraction to her?
Why do Latin Americans hate Native Americans?
Tfw again fapped
Why do italian girls love northern europeans?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What are Turkish women like?
What's your country's excuse for still not having an AIRCRAFT CARRIER?
Are Koreans the masterrace?
Feels good man
Tfw Mexico was colonized by subhuman savages instead of superior Anglos
Ich bin kommt aus Amerika
WTF is wrong with Eurosmokes/Canasmokes...
How does it feel to know we could invade and destroy your entire country within weeks?
Fly to a country I don't have citizenship in
How do you like your potatoes?
Stupid Americans believed that Trump was going to fulfill his impossible promises
So some people say Quebec is socialist while the others say it is quasi-fascist tier nationalist
People from South/ SouthEast Asia please help me out here...
Sverigetråden - Sverigelåliupplagan
Which do you hate, Muslim or Nigga?
Did you know that the majority of crime in the US is committed by white males, and not PoC?
Tell us about your country's rednecks
Birthright citizenship map
Do you fear the Chinese?
Asians are the most masculine race on earth
How do we make all the blue areas red?
MIT Tech Review 50 smartest companies around the world
How much does a 12 pack of domestic beer cost in your country?
Why do Ameriblobs dress like fucking retards?
Murica thread
Do you really like anime or do you just post anime pics to look cool on Sup Forums?
This comic is on the front-page of reddit
Why do muslims raise finger like this?
What do you associate this country with?
Why are germans so arrogant?
Culture Pals /cp/ gen45
Canada is a FRENCH nation
How do I become a Spain?
I'm mostly attracted Asian women
/fr/ - le fil francophone et un peu raciste
/ita/ - il filo di Umaru
Why do the poorest have higher birth rate? I mean, if you are already living in shit...
ITT: Heraldry
What is your opinion on international relationships?
This stretch of land used to have Scandinavian looking people inhabiting it 2000 years ago
/ständestaat/ wird mal zum /deutsch/em Reich
Why do northern european grills love arab type?
Why are immigrants such cowards? Why not fix your shithole first before trying to destroy another country?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
His """"country"""" doesn't have a royal family
You have 10 seconds to explain why your "country" should exist
Would you rather live in a far right or far left society?
If brazil, colombia and venezuela are so white? why are they so shit...
I want to emigrate to USA. Fuck all the hate for Americans, and american culture...
/v4 + friends/
Which country has the least friendly people?
/lang/ - Language Learning
How was the swedish empire like?
Early to Medival: one of the richest in the world, most powerful empire in Africa, built amazing structures...
Black girls were made for ____
What does Sup Forums think of this shithole?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Whitey completely and utterly btfo
Why are Yanks obsessed with putting HFCS in their food?
Best and worst posters
/sad/ thread
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
Which third world shithole is the best for an American to visit?
I'm scared for my cunt, Sup Forums
What is the greatest country on earth and why is it the UK?
Thoughts on Caribbean culture?
ITT: uma delicia of your country
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Ah yes.. dutch cuisine
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Name one (1) non-shit yellow or brown country. I dare you
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT # 1896
Do you have a dream, Sup Forums?
/fr/ - le fil de la France éternelle
Spent my younger years just browsing shitposting on Sup Forums
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Vikingaupplagan
Which are the most cuck countries in the world?
Live in sweden
Owo, this no good
What's your favourite country that is no more?
Swedes were both vikings and a great power. All other countries in the world can only claim one or zero of these things
What's their fucking problem?
How to make Ukraine a good country for live in?
This is our president guys
What is to perfect temperature in your country?
You're cuntry
Foreigners love Commieland
Why do white girls hate their own race?
Why are Asian people so Xenophobic?
Russia thread
Why do we value human life more than every other country on the planet?
Post yfw the Roman Empire could have been revived in the 19th century if it wasn't for the eternal anglo
ITT: Food combinations that are natural to you but alien to foreigners
Why is every Spanish speaking countries so shit? Hell, even Spain is the poorest country in Western Europe
What's your honest opinion on South Korea?
What happens here?
Are bosnians good muslims (as in not crazy islamists)?
Brazil Appreciation Thread
How would you cook this pig in your country?
Compared to my ancestors' architecture, cracker architecture is MILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES away from it KEK
Sverigetråden - Ebbaupplagan
Why do they say they are not European?
/ita/ il filo di umaru
Why does Finland have a Nordic Cross?
Daily reminder that Argentina got RAMPED
/lat/ hilo latino
God gives you two nukes and lets you use them on these three however you want
Like Russians in real life
Why isn't this country as respected on Sup Forums as it is in the rest of Sup Forums?
Why do australians hate the lebanese?
Are you sad Sup Forums
/eire éire/
Why was ß removed from the German alphabet?
Someone is working hard to get somewhere in life while I'm wasting my time posting on Sup Forums
Stop selling racist products amigos. we don't want them in france
You have 10 seconds to act as Greek as possible, WITHOUT making any financial references
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...