When will france finally be removed from europe and world

when will france finally be removed from europe and world

A fucking leaf

>can't even remove Quebec from Canada
>wants to tackle France

well the english almost did it in the 100 years war
they should have just annexed france when they defeated napoleon to remove such an unfortunate country in europe

>When they deafeated napoléon
Hahaha I am laughing

just mad you got btfo by the eternal anglo and cannot accept that you are now an obsolete middle power in europe compared to the uk and germany

>wet anglo dreams


>the english

the english peasants with bows cucked by their french masters*

if france didn't exist there would have been no world war because france wouldn't want alsace lorraine back because there would be no france??
you just not understand world peace
you were the ones getting cucked though

If only...

Day of the rake when

When will germany will be divided according to its racial borders ?

your people was raped by the French Master Race and so was your language

cos im not actually canadian lol

aren't the germans the master race tho??? they pwned you in 2 wars, one of which you couldn't win without us

They treacherously attacked us after we exhausted our manpower.

top kek
ww1 happened because britain was crapping their pants germans were building up ther colonies next to theirs

after you wasted it all in mexico??
wise decision
not just that, germany was becoming a dominant power in europe since france was declining as a power, which upset the balance of power

We wasted it on pic related

cucked by other french people

maybe you shouldnt have sold half your empire to the usa
much better and nicer french people

Angevins are not so different from other french people, tho


Plantagenet, from anjou, litteraly french. Thanks to that the U.K motto is written in French "Dieu et mon droit".

Daily reminder your president is the son of a litteral cuck


Holy shit cannot unsee !

Strange how much that pic denigrates Castro. But I guess it's not surprising, given the flag of the poster, how much they should like to fellate the American propaganda of foreign leaders and revolutionaries. Eternal manservant of the US, as fr*nce is.

>we wuz commie n shiet
alright 1st world pampered up faggot

This is pretty accurate. :)