Post weird facts of your cunt

Post weird facts of your cunt.

>Most Finnish homes have a sauna room, there are more than 3 million saunas in Finland
>Every Finnish grocery store has gambling machines

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If you are a noble and use your noble title on an official document you must pay a fine of 50.000 crowns. Yes, it's still an official law and enforced.

Today this is only a few cents thanks to inflation but at the time the law was made you could buy several appartment blocks from that sum.


>An emergency alarm goes off around the whole country on the first Monday of every month
>We have a national holiday where a tall white man with long beard on a white horse gives away gifts to children with his black workers.
>Despite the popular belief, weed is not legal
>There is a fake village with fake shops and restaurants that is actually a care home for elderly dementia sufferers if you want more

Because the Entente made being nobility illegal in Austria after WW1.

Fuck you and your nobility

t: Entente

>An emergency alarm goes off around the whole country on the first Monday of every month
same here lol

Interesting, in Finland they only removed all of their privileges, noble families still technically exist

They're however going to remove that function and replace it by text messages because """""""progression""""""""

what a fucking retarded government we got

sauna is a sort of siesta for finnish peoples?

>>An emergency alarm goes off around the whole country on the first Monday of every month

Same but wednesday here.

Here you can pay your taxes with artwork

Technically if you are noble and enter Austria you must swear that you are loyal to the republic, accept that you are only a citizen and will not make use of your titles.

This was actually enforced until the mid 60s but it's not anymore kek

Brits and Frenchies really hated our nobility for some reason.

Lucky cunt I'd love to have my own sauna

Here we have alarms on the tv etc too. However they didn't want to show them during the terror attack we had a few days ago LOL. Normally there are loud alarms on tv in the entire country even if it was just a bear sighted in some remote village.

They've been talking about text message alarms but they have some technical difficulties.

It's a hot room, about 100C but next to no humidity so it's tolerable.

It feels great. Like having a hot bath without water, but it takes a while to get used the sensation and the length of time you can spend there.

In certain counties in the South ("Dry Counties"), you can't buy alcohol on Sundays until after 12:30 p.m..
>"That's retarded"
Most people think so too

>even if it was just a bear sighted in some remote village

Yeah can't blame ya'll for being paranoid after the multiple tensions with Russia.
Replacing it with text messages is stupid because

1. not everyone has a phone
2. not everyone has a charged phone
3. many phones are on silent
4. technical difficulties
5. easier to hack

Progression does not always mean better. Sometimes you need a dumb system with a switch that will do the job.

>It's a hot room, about 100C but next to no humidity so it's tolerable.
Wtf? You are supposed to throw water on the hot sauna stove. Finnish sauna is humid af.

the feudal system still existed within the united kingdom until 2008

You have a lot of weird laws.

Especially number 2 and 3

Also this creepy?

sounds like this here

keeping the welshies out of chester is perfectly fine lad

Is it fuck, if it was humid af you'd die in 100C. It's very dry, putting water on the coals makes it feel hotter.

Steam rooms are about 40C and 100% humidity, the other end of the spectrum. I don't like them, you can barely breathe.

You die at 100c.
Actually you die a lot sooner than that.

>Under many circumstances, temperatures approaching and exceeding 100 °C (212 °F) would be completely intolerable and possibly fatal if exposed to long periods of time. Saunas overcome this problem by controlling the humidity. The hottest Finnish saunas have relatively low humidity levels in which steam is generated by pouring water on the hot stones. This allows air temperatures that could boil water to be tolerated and even enjoyed for longer periods of time.

Don't underestimate them

The starting temperature is 110 degrees Celsius. Half a liter of water will be poured on the stove every 30 seconds.

>the whole country
I ve never heard it anywhere but in Paris t b h

Why do you guys have these alarms?

Entten tentten teelikamentten hissun kissun vaapula vissun eelin keelin klot viipula vaapula vot Eskon saun piun paun. Nyt sää lähdet tästä pelistä pois

In case the Americans invade

Well, millions of Finns haven't died so you're wrong. You're not supposed to spend hours in there. Usually the temperature in Finnish sauna is 70 - 100 c.

There was a sauna competition in Finland and the other finalist (Russian) died and the another (Finn) burned severely. The temperature was like 140 c. in there.

lol what the fuck finland

Now he looks like this and has started to go to sauna again

I said that saunas are dry and that if they were humid af like you say you would probably die yet now you're saying that's wrong.

Are you shit at English or just not reading?

That's the world championships. People don't relax at 100 degrees Celsius.

>People don't relax at 100 degrees Celsius

My gym's sauna is at 110 atm and loads of people use it to relax.

I'm drunk af., I'm sorry if understood something wrong.

However, you don't die or burn at 100 degrees even if it was humid if you spend there max 30 minutes or something.

do you honestly fear to use them, in case for example you get stucked in

same here but it's a tornado alarm and it goes off the first Wedsnday of every month

It depends on the sauna. If your sauna is very small and has bad ventilation, 80 degrees feels hot, but if you're bathing in a large separate sauna building, for example, 100 degrees doesn't feel hot at all.

We eat snails and it's fucking good

How would you get stucked in? Of course you dont have locks on sauna doors. Usually the sauna room also has a window that you can open.

I would like to taste some day.

Oh. That explains

Mostly put in place in case of war (bombing), but could also be used for other events like natural disasters or nuclear/chemical accidents.

To warn the population in case of disasters

In Finnish language we have many almost untranslatable words for different things affiliated with sauna, like
>saunatonttu = sauna gnome, the elf-like being that ancient Finns thought lived in sauna

>saunoa = the act of going to sauna
>löyly = the feel of sauna, the spirit of sauna, the feel when you throw water on the sauna stove and feel the hot, moist air hitting you
>kiuas = sauna stove
>kuuppa = the scoop with you thrpow water on the sauna stove
>kiulu = the bucket in which the water is
>vihta/vasta = a bunch of birch branches with which you hit yourself in sauna (vihta is a Western Finnish word and vasta is an Eastern Finnish word, there is a constant fight in Finland which word you're supposed to use)


never heard


wtf is wrong with you

we have a lot of salted cod dishes

we're American


>Post weird facts of your cunt.
Globally we are still irrelevant and only a fulltime imageboarder can point us out from the map.

that's only a good thing

What's up with Funland and saunas?
Sounds comfy

There used to be bath houses and saunas allover Europe but the Catholic church declared them forbidden. Finland was so remote, that sauna culture survived.

might sound silly but is it related to paganism at all
why would the church forbid them

>we drink warm beer

It's more the fact that people realized that sharing the same bath meant catching the black plague and stopped using communal baths, while Finland was remote enough to avoid the contagion

Catholic church thought that being naked was sinful. There was also a perception that water spread illness and thus washing up was harmful.

>Catholic church thought that being naked was sinful
That explains all the statues of naked people and thermal baths that remained active thorough Europe
>There was also a perception that water spread illness and thus washing up was harmful
That was true in an age in which chlorination was unknown and the water in baths would stagnate for days

>That explains all the statues of naked people and thermal baths that remained active thorough Europe
The statues aren't from the Middle ages.

>The statues aren't from the Middle ages.
This is from the Dome of Modena, sculpted around 1100, I think that's as Middle Ages as it gets

You can legally own a tank but not a butterfly knife.

>we have annual ice swimming championships
>people swim in winter as a healthy hobby here in the north, even if it's -35
>we call everyone by their first name, teachers, bosses at work etc everyone
>we have a war/emergency siren that goes off once a month (Monday 12.00 ) called "hesa Fredrik" (hoarse fredrik)
>we also have lot's of saunas, not as many as Finland but still a huge amount

Also it's legal to sell sex but not buy it.

>Its very common to salute both women and men with a kiss on the cheeks.
>Our breakfast is very light in comparison to other countries, usually a cup of tea, coffee or "mate" with some cookies or toasts. We eat a lot in the lunch.
>Still can't figure how we are still here after a lot of unstable situations.
>If you are a foreigner, you need a PHD in economics to understand our economy.

> The word faggots can refer to a kind of food that's something like a meatball. Not very common anymore, but you do occasionally get older people saying aloud "Oh, I love faggots!" when reminded they exist. It also used to refer to bundles of sticks for fires, in that sense it mostly just makes kids laugh in history.

> The Queen has no passport. All passports are actually issued in her name, a sort of 'by permission of her majesty I'm allowed out of the country' thing. She gives herself permission. Similar reasoning means that she's technically immune to the law, though realistically that would be tested with an unpopular monarch who did something insane.

> She also doesn't have a surname. The royalty in general go a bit weird on this, since in the modern age you sort of need them for a lot of things. Windsor is the royal house and generally that or Mountbatten-Windsor is offered up if ones needed, but the Prince of Wales uses Wales as his surname for a lot of things too.

> There's an annual race near Gloucester call the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling And Wake which has been going on for approx. six hundred years. A large cheese wheel is rolled down the hill, with contestants attempting to catch it and win the cheese. Given that the hill is a very uneven 70 degree slope there are an understandably large number of injuries every year.

This one's more for Americans, since I assume this is the norm over the exception:

> English accents change noticably every 25 miles or so on average, and in some places it can be as small as every 10 miles. There said to be something like 56 "main" accents. Where I live it's easy to tell if someone comes from across the damn river.

> Despite this, Americans are constantly surprised we can tell they are American. Not realising that literally everyone in the room can tell.

> They also constantly tell us they don't have an accent. This never ceases to be funny.

>it's a tradition to spend half of your income of december on presents for the poor
>if you're sorting books in a libary upside down, you can be charged a 15€ fine
>you need a license to buy a computer, which can take up to 2 month to get

> Despite this, Americans are constantly surprised we can tell they are American. Not realising that literally everyone in the room can tell.

I've been mistaken for a kiwi a few times.

>>They also constantly tell us they don't have an accent. This never ceases to be funny.

But it's true. American English is the default English to most people

i have heard that some schools like Eton College
have their own accents is that true?


Either way the 'default' is still an accent

Everything you think is American is probably Canadian

In case you don't know hot air rises up so all sauna's have quite cool floor level temperature. So even if you got stuck in there by some miracle (no locks on doors) you wouldn't die.

a few years ago you could legally murder your wife if she cheated on you

Sweden made the good saunas (the houses with proper stoves) during the viking era as a washing routine (old norse washed a lot). Before this Finns had their retarded ground mud hole thing. So in Swedish:
Saunatonttu=Bastutomte (I guess)
No specific word for sauna feel

Should be said we use these words for other things. Judging from the similarity it seems finns use swedish loan words but only use them for saunas.

Also Swedish saunas are traditionally wood fired and built of pine/fur/spruce whatever you call it unlike the Finnish leaf tree preference. I like the traditional Swedish ones more cause of the smell but the downside is the fire hazard and that there's always hot pine resin on the walls. Swedes consider the perfect temperature to be precisely 87C and anything above this is considered being a show off. We don't whip each other with birch very often but rather use a bucket of ice water. Traditional snack is obviously a light beer and "ölkorv" which is a smoked, salted, very fatty very dry sausage.

Nowadays though most saunas are electric and finnish style and not very esoteric at all.

We like musk sticks
The platypus and echidna are the world's only monotremes, meaning they are egg laying mammals.

We make things from beaver musk and my province has 4 types of snakes that give birth to live young, which is very rare.

What part of the US are you from? In most places people don't even know what our accent sounds like.

>If you mention the sweden democrats it's instant social suicide even though they have 22% of the votes atm
>Only 3% of the world population has less sunlight in winter than the average Swede. In summer parts of the country have daylight all day
>Almost all Swedes celebrate a pagan fertility ritual called "midsommar" where people dance around the dick of the god Frej that is fucking the earth for good harvest
>Sitting next to someone on the bus if there's an empty seat somewhere is considered very rude
>Sweden was extremely culturally diverse with accents that could barely be understood until politicians in the 1900's decided to force everyone to speak "reich Swedish"
>Due to social engineering, it is now traditional to eat tacos on fridays and watching Eurovision is comparable to the superbowl
>Everyone watches the same Disney cartoons on christmas at 3pm which include a scene from robin hood and donald duck on a camping trip and afterwards Disney plugs their new movie trailers

In some parts of Costa Rica people eat turtles and turtles eggs even though is illegal and they are a in extinction danger

Election is coming up very soon isn't it? I don't understand why liking a political party will mean the death of your social life. Especially if 1/5 of the country agrees with you

I don't think the college itself specifically has it's own accent. Very old schools like this do tend to have unusual phrases or sayings that can mark someone out as having an Etonian upbringing.

I would assume generally that an Etonian would be speaking what's called 'Received Pronunciation' or informally 'the Queen's English' (though she actually speaks a slight variation of RP, probably because of her age), which is slightly unusual as accents go because it's more associated with class than location.

Basically, RP is 'posh' english and people of a certain social background will speak it or put it on.

The BBC in the early years had a policy of speaking only RP, so it's also associated with early television (nowadays they have gone completely the opposite direction to the disgust of everyone with standards, and now we tend to have ridiculously thick regional accents on TV and children are exposed daily to the hell that is the Geordie accent).

Default doesn't mean no accent. It's weirdly common for Americans to insist they have no accent whatsoever and be shocked that everyone everywhere can tell.

(its also super common for americans to call english accents hot - which is especially confusing when it happens to me because my accent is an unholy trinity between three different accents from three different corners of the nation.)

Also, frankly, if you want to label American English 'default' english on numbers alone then you're going to have to speak to the Chinese.

Chinglish is spoken by more people than Americans and England combined, but no one is going to be arguing for it to be the standard.

It's in 2018. Media in Sweden has a long tradition of being extremely one sided. Back in the day the state allowed two state run TV channels only, and these called themselves "revolutionaries" (esp the 2nd one. Something that was an actual info bulletin on their main website until recently) and broadcast east German propaganda for children. As such the established media (which is now diversifying due to the top dog DN fucking up regarding press ethics) has whipped up a climate comparable to the medieval dark ages where they (esp. a few jewish family enterprises who own much of Swedish paper media and a few other major publishers with connections to the far left) act as the vatican, the 'establishment' being the priests, and far left groups being more or less equivalent to the spanish inquisition.

Due to fear of being excluded from career opportunities, people can not touch anything considered heresy or blasphemy. However, online anonymity and a few popular old white men dropping le red pills (janne josefsson, GW Persson, Hans Rosling etc) have contributed to the most proverbial elephant in the room I have ever heard of in modern times. 22% of the populace would VOTE for a blasphemous party, and the vast majority of the populace when polled actively disagree with what everyone says at the lunch break. The situation at this point is pretty bizarre when you sit with a group of people nodding in agreement with the one refugees welcome person and you know that statistically 80% of you disagree.

The US only has two real parties. All the lunatics on either side get folded into those parties.

The disadvantage with two party systems is that the political scene is more or less stuck with them. They know they aren't going fucking anywhere and know that a lot of people will vote for them simply because its right vs left. So the 'left' or 'right' party can be as fucking insane as they like or completely betray their values and not really care that much. And because the other side is exactly the same, they can suddenly collaborate on things like preventing the political system being changed to a state that would lose them power, or collaborate on things they both agree on that the public doesn't like (like spying on everything you do) without really giving a shit.

In a multi-party system, multiple left and right parties can exist and it makes the whole thing more changeable. Smaller parties can make stands on certain issues can suddenly gain a great deal of power. In my country we commonly get called a 2 and a half party system, there are the liberals (left wing) and the conservatives (right wing - but for you still very, very left wing), then the lib dems (who are basically the 'lefter wing') and a smattering of other very small parties.

The disadvantage is that the totally fucking insane people can form their own party. If America had this, the alt-right would probably have a seperate party from the Republicans. Now imagine saying you voted for that party, which is basically entirely Sup Forumstards, without being able to hide behind the respectability (dont laugh) that is the rest of the Republican party. That's how it can be social suicide to vote for them.

The other issue is that smaller parties can often wield disproportionate influence tie-breaking the bigger parties. This can be good or bad, but on the bad side tends to mean those weird racist parties occasionally have to be treated like adults by otherwise quite serious people.

> I don't understand why liking a political party will mean the death of your social life
Have you ever been on a college campus? You live in a country where you get called a retarded neo-Nazi for supporting the President of the United States

Prehispanic cultures here had saunas called temazcalli but the Spaniards banned them since it was immoral that many people went naked into the same room

At temperatures of -35, the water is a hell of a lot warmer than the air.

We also have that siren thing, at the same time even.

in my country you can see everyone drink this, at anytime and everywhere

It's normal to make out with 10~15 girls in one night here in a nightclub or at a random party. Nothing wrong with it, no one will judge you for that.



I wish I had a sauna on my home
Instead I have to go to the gym to use it..

It's true though, there's a "making out" culture here in Brazil.