Soon Very Soon


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No, I don't want that piece of shit

why sven its rightful your's


Pay reparations

finland belongs to sweden this is objectively true

If by 'soon' you mean 'never', then yeah. You're right.

If all the Finns move to Russia, I don't want Finns within my borders.

You already have, despite your genocidal campaigns. Pay up!

I honestly hate Finns though, I want you to leave my country as much as any Arab.

why you hate finns sven?


They are just like Chinese people, survive by lies and deceit. Subhuman slopes.

Tough luck. Sweden Finns are not welcome in Finland.

explain futher

Finland used to be a territory of Sweden until Russia came in and took over. The Finns were super discontent under Russian rule and decided to go to war, which they won, but some Swedes feel cheated because if it hadn't been for Russia, Finland would still be Swedish clay (though I would argue the winter war was inevitable rather than circumstantial).

You many things completely wrong.

calling it a territory is insufficient
The east was a fully integrated part of the realm

Finns are Slavs, fuck off

Sorry, brah. I was just talking off the top of my head. Could you correct me?

As long as I don't have to hear their ugly-ass language, i don't mind em

what is your last point about the winter war happening about?

"Integrated", as in paying taxes for no reason, as Sweden was too weak to protect ""it's lands"". Not to speak that the borders were pretty nebulous most of the history and went more south- and westward

Basically the Finns went to war with Russia because they felt culturally distinct, yet unrepresented by the USSR, so the Winter War was fought to attain a solid Finnish identity. As long as Finns and Swedes were different, Finland would've felt unhappy and eventually attempted to gain independence, though perhaps a war wouldn't have been needed given Sweden's reputation for pacifism.

Finns didn't start Winter War. We had been independent for 20 years when it started.

what? the russians went to war with the finns not the other way around.
Culturally we are very similar
i doubt that they would gain independence from sweden, though it would have been possible

Ah, thanks for catching that. It's been a while since I read up on the Winter War, so some of the details are getting muddied with other similar wars.

maybe you're thinking of the continuation war fought a year later
the finns started it in cooperation with the germans to retake territories lost in the winter war.

This is my last post in this thread, as it's really late here.

Russia gave Finland autonomy at the start of their reign and Finnish government was pretty content for most of the 19th century. At the end of the century nationalism was on the rise in Europe and some Finnish elite got more enamored of the idea of independent Finland. Combine this with the attempted "russification" of the Finland at the time.

Some decade later during WW1 Finns sent some youth to Germany to attain military training (the standing army in Finland was Russian), but after the Communist revolution in Russia Finland got out of the Empire without fight among some other Eastern European countries (Lenin thought the revolution would spread to Finland anyway). The "jäegers" coming back from Germany, among some German troops, helped Finland during the Civil War of 1918.

Winter War has wholly other, geopolitical reasons, which has mostly to do with existence of st. Petersburg (founded early 18th century). Basically Soviet union attacked, because they thought they would get away with it and had divided Eastern Europe with Germany according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact.

I see. Thanks for correcting me!

"Second to last", it seems.

Basically Finland's hand was forced at that point, as it had got military aid from Germany after Winter War (as such resources were hard to get by in warring continent and Germany offered them to Finland). After the Winter War Finland had some Soviet troops on its soil on rented locations as stated in the peace pact. So after Germany and Soviet union went to war, Finland had soldier on its turf from both countries, so despite declaring to being neutral, it was time to pick a side. It's true that many saw it as a chance to get back the lost clay.

Fuck napoleon desu

I want åland back. I don't care about the rest.

I studied with a girl from Åland, she was super cute.


Finns lived in Finland long before Swedish rule



ITT the fabled Scandinavian rivalry
>glorious Finngolian restoration soon

soon brother, soon

Will Russia ever give back Karelia? Will you take it back when they collapse for real?

>Will you take it back when they collapse for real?


Will this be the average swedish soldier?

Nonsense, Finns were quite content under the Russians, until the last tsar decided to be a retard and push for russification,, but that was early 20th century.


I went to Åland to write an entrance test for Åbo akademi. Everyone I met was very nice. The people taking the test at the same time were friendly. I think I was the only swede there, and if so they all spoke swedish without noticeably distinct dialects.

>I think I was the only swede there
Nah, they are all Swedes
We would literally be better off without them

Please do not give Åland to the Swedes.
Our blood was shed for this piece of islands.

Why won't you just accept that Swedish is a multinational language? It doesn't belong to just one group of people. It's a language of international communication, like english, spanish, or french.

It's not only about the language
they don't give a fuck about the mainland Finland, are exempt from the military service, have their own postal service etc.

Well yeah mate. That's what it means to be an Autonomous Region. It's like Catalonia or Iraqi Kurdistan.

Yes, but my point still stands. They are Swedes, not Finns.
Shut up Swedistan, to protect your folk Finland died for you

>Some decade later during WW1 Finns sent some youth to Germany to attain military training
The volunteer jaegers traveled to Germany on their own accord amd were literally traitors up until their position in Finnish society was solidifed with a nationalist, right-wing victor in the civil war.

>tfw Finland was literally built by fascist sympathizers...


And? Germany was the only country that officially gave us their support

Fuck off svedu pellet, you fucking little Parisians

*delusions of grandeur intesify*