Why are these two so much more intelligent than other Asians? Srs. Is it genetics?

Why are these two so much more intelligent than other Asians? Srs. Is it genetics?

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Purity of blood.



>muh blood purity
Koreans are Manchu rapebabies and Nips are half Ainu/Jomon and half Yoyoi.

Aren't American top-tier universities full of Indians and Chinese?


They're very selected and literally 0.5% of the population. Most chinks and pajeets have an IQ in the double digits.

but chinese are pure-blood too

highly functioning autism in alliance with disciplined and obedient population

but he says otherwise

Korea back then was Asia of Africa. recently, an Indonesian representative participating in ASEAN heads of state summit meeting said that any country could be developed up to the level of S.Korea if it were located very near Japan.

That picture remind me that korea is tiny little
Hokkaido tier size

Indonesians are subhumans though

>Why are these two so much more intelligent than other Asians? Srs. Is it genetics?


Indonesia is not really near Japan though

most americanized =/= most intelligent

those horse riding nomads are chinese, so there is no race mixing

60 years ago south Korea was an Africa tier shithole ravaged by Japanese colonization and the later Korean War and became one of the most developed cunts in the world. In 1960 South Korea's GDP was below Nigeria's.

What's Africa's excuse again?

>male's nipple
>low IQ asian
pick one the uselessest existance

well if you're going to claim every conquering as "chinese" after the fact, then obviously you're going to think chinese are "pure" blood too

after japan industrialized south korea and usa gave south korea protection and good trade deals its easy.

this. i don't think they're smarter than the chinese on average

literally all industrial facility destroyed during korean war

no, those two definitely are on average. majority of chinese are uneducated from absolute shitholes. top percentile from all three should be about the same though

and then America rebuilt South Korea. Im so jealous, I wish someone rebuilt China.

And southern part of korean peninsula is not for industry it is for agriculture most of factory is in north

我習近平 君中国的叛逆者 君死刑

flattening your shithole to the ground would be a great start

listen to your master's great advice

Didn't china already rebuilt their country? chinese industry is growing fast today and your gov invest fucktons of money to future


Need more nuke?

It is still third world, with nominal gdp per capita of 8000, how is it rebuilt?

We are not intelligent. We are good at taking exams. Our entire life from birth to university is all about getting a good score. Actually learning anything we can apply in real life is secondary to a good score. Then we graduate, get a job and work for a job where our sole reason to be there is to obey orders from above. Even if we know our boss is a bad idea, we cant say anything. So our production of real work is low. We do this for 16 hours a day and then congratulates ourself for a job well done even though we acomplished nothing. I hate this stale society. Bomb us again.

I am quite sure we also give up creativity in exchange for the ability to cram useless facts into our brains for long enough to take a test.
Thats why Japanese TV is mostly varity shows, and Korean dramas practucally all have the same plot. Its why we are happy playing musou gundams XIII and Final Fantasy One fucking billion (or dragon quest) instead of coming up with new ideas for games.

feels good man

(Intellectually) superior chink genes and highly competitive culture


all our movies are endless sequels too, because it's safe to invest in proven money makers. it's not a sign of diminished intelligence, it's a sign of capitalism

Japanese cars and Korean smartphones are the best products in this world
Why are we so glorious?

ah yes, only good at exam and no real life application

Chinese were fucked by Mongolians and Manchurians.
Therefore Chinese built the Great Wall.

because, their language is most developed.

korean language is made from Japanese.

But I think Chinese are still relatively pure. I am only 10% mongolian

It's genetics

>Son, you go to school or you die!!!
>Son, hand me another beer

US kid still achieves 9/10 the score of the Singaporean.

Actually, Korea is not in the position to preach anyone; it's a kind of exception of a country in many aspects. South Korea was the only developing country that was mollycoddled by the world's largest and second largest advanced economies for geopolitical reasons, and even in the colonial era their situation was nowhere near that of those who underwent European colonialism especially in Africa. Koreans who got Japanese education could exploit connections with Japanese elites and got supports in almost every realm in the post war period as well, and tremendous amount of technological transfer was done. In fact, you can hardly find a Korean industry that has never been in the tutelage of Japanese counterparts in some way, ranging from fucking ramen to heavy industries.
Modern Koreans like to think that Korea got reset after the WW2 and that they did the postwar development by themselves, but in reality only after the 1965 treaty (normalization of diplomatic relationship with Japan) did they experience what they call as the Miracle of Han River (rapid economic growth).

Japan was never conquered by Mongols

there's literally almost no natural resources in sk. they got to rank 12th in global economy purely though a rigorous national education system and human capital. for a country the size of england that's still technically at war, that's plenty impressive

>"Chinese Taipei"

Thailand is smart.

Culture values intelligence more than acting like an ape unlike western countries

>recently, an Indonesian representative participating in ASEAN heads of state summit meeting said that any country could be developed up to the level of S.Korea if it were located very near Japan.

>obedient population
Only apply to Japan

is this a joke? in korea you can't even talk back to someone five years older than you without getting slapped

Why don't they move their country closer to japan then?

>obedient population
>Only apply to Japan


This is one of the most important things 2bh.

In the west being a rebel and doing bad at school is cool till you're 16, while people being academically succesful are appreciated only at the university. Fuck this shit 2bh. People being isolated for being succesful is the most degenerate thing of the west.

No it's not true. Look at that so many a pro-democracy movement in Korea history. They are badass and have pride. You totally misthink it

That's the reason why you are the most successful country in Asia

thank god a thread that isnt a general

I search it and this seems to be an utter fabricated tale made by netouyo as always. I fucking hate these shameless retard in my country..

How did he forget singapore

This is actually experimental /JAP+SK/ general

Superior japanese genetics. Koreans got intelligent, because they were systematically raped by japanese and thus were given the seeds of superior people.

kind of like swedes and finns, remarkable

We're the most intelligent country in Europe though.

have you thanked swedes for that

We thank our Mongol overlords for that daily.

But those aren't China

we aren't at all.

IQ is just one aspect of intelligence, we Asians lack of something individualistic thinking and are more likely computer being with lower consciousness compared with westerners.

is real computer intelligent? while they serve only for retarded human?

If you say so.

lots of creative goofy shit comes out of japan. art, music, literature, fashion, etc. don't sell yourself so short.

and porn

Well, all the mitochondrial DNA in Finland is Swedish but they probably wanted the D. Finns don't rape.

Japs are dumb as bricks and Koreans are insane

Viets and Chinese are just as smart

Only showing math scores in this chart is stupid and deceiving.

They are extremely homogenous

Despite all the rape Chinese gave and took, no one ever had anything close to China's population.
Mongolia barely has a million people. Genetic admixture from them in China is practically nothing.

asians are cheaters desu

>muh chieating

There's really no such thing as a Finn that looks Swedish though. One in a billion.

Racial mixing always creates a new race.

chinese are

It took them thousand of years.

But NK is the world's shothole