Are tunisians white?

Are tunisians white?

Yes. How do I get a Tunisian gf?

Be black

Tunisian women are fond off Congoid muslim .

or Italian

Same thing

pls stop bullying
i'm not a pig skin

Oh you're back to your motherland


fuck off


Thats a big guy

white my ass

Tunisia fig must stop namefigging that belongs to dispora fig

fuck off
i've been here for 5 years now
while you were living your normie life
i have the absolute power here

Dispora fig is germanic with blue eyes and blonde hair so he gets the supreme authority

I've been on Sup Forums for 7 years.


which board
also change your name pig skin
moors don't have blond hair
lmaoing at you
being this feminine

just another type of sand nigger..only ones who are kinda white looking are non arabs aka Persians. Berbers are still arab looking.

A tunisian just stole my truck

He is pure tunisian

Sup Forums
I'm 6'2 (188cm)

Iranians are whitest looking in terms of facial structure

persians shit
nah he is not
i don't trust those dna tests
berbers had never those white piggs feature
inb4 kabylie
kabylie blond hair is meme also it's the least berber group genetically in maghreb

Except that huge Semitic nose of theirs

blond hair is feminine
also lel manlet

Thats a meme. Pashtuns have big nose

Looks like a Persian nose

>blonde haie is feminine

Nice cherrypicking

This pic is standard

choose your poonisian student waifu
i posted a class
you are cherrypicking posting a pic in a rural area of the south
not sure if it's even tunisian

choose your tunisian jew waifu

Persians dont have a hooked nose

it's aesthetic

Don't listen to any Tunisian or American flags ITT, but rather listen to Czech ones.

mind your fucking buisness
oh look it's an algerian
ah the other is a czech
yes they know more about my fucking country
yes believe them but not me
go back to r/pleb pig skin

i'm pure Tunisian you subhuman

i'm more pure anyway
kys subhuman
you can't even speak tunisian
neither know nothing about tunisian culture
neither lived in tunisia or interacted with its people
fuck off pig skin

It doesn't matter where I was raised. I'm still Tunisian.

Can I be tunisian?

whites are not allowed to be tunisian


tunisians are people who can speak tunisian derja
that's what defines a tunisian
if not then Algerian and Moroccans are tunisian too

I'm not white

Can I also be tunisian?

>speaking a dialect of arabic

0 knowledge about tunisia
he thinks derja is an arabic dialect
also i speak a bit chaoui from grandpa so idc about arapic

Tunisian pussies are for italian stallions

Yeah they do