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International #788
What do Brazilians think of Mexicans and vice versa?
If North Korea-USA war happens, it would be to achieve this?
Let's be honest, Runescape was Sup Forums before Sup Forums. Share your memories here
Thank you America
Post a cute British
I'm from Estonia
Do people in your country prefer short or tall women?
Do you live in a peaceful country?
Sverigetråden - Dödsupplagan
Finns are not N*rdic
How dangerous is your country, disaster wise?
When you and your black brotha see a wh*tey around town
Soon you communists and shitskins, fucking soon
Be Italian invading Ethiopia in the 30s
We serve the People edition
Why do Americans like to roleplay as nazis and aryans on the internet?
Which European country has the most remarkable and glorious history?
We aren't fucking whites! Asians are the master race!
Muslim user here?
/Basel/ ehemals /deutsch/
Wake up
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How are fennoswedes treated in finland?
/luso/ fio lusofono
Why don't European colleges have campuses like in the US?
How do you say "you fucking annoy me" in your language?
1. Country
Why does most of western Europe have next to no wildlife?
Who is your country's most famous supermodel?
Why do Europeans form camps to get into Britain...
Be Japanese
All these little countries in here
Russian """"""men""""""
Two bombs wasn't enough
Do you self-identify as a race different to that which you were assigned as at birth?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Old friend from the previous war
Posts in perfect English (Sorry for my bad English)
All memes aside why is American general education the worst in all the developed world?
/ex/- ottoman
Why do australians hate asians?
Do any of you foreign devils have 7-11's?
Do you love Finland?
Next target is GUAM, N Korea says
Why is our language so much CHADian than most of other languages?
Japanese girls appreciation thread
Swiss man = top cuck
This is pretty frightening
/ex-ussr/ general
Post your national heartland
Kurva anyátok
Wtf is it with Koreans and bowl hair cuts?
When will you come to Japan?
Domino's or Pizza Hut?
"user.... why did you destroy my rich culture again?"
Australia is the promised land
Why does everyone hate us
/fr/ le fil hon hon hon
Was 2015 the absolute peak of Sup Forums?
I like Russia but I hate commies
/nusantara asli/ - Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
Asian superiority
Are you prepared for the Asian century?
Wtf I hate Japan now
Average people is ugly in any country, OK
Why is this region of the world so fucking violent with no regard for human life?
Hilo latino
Why would Mexico help the US after everything the US has done to them?
I'm The White Boston King
Whole world obsess with Japan
You may not like Brazil, but you have to admit there wildlife is god-tier
This is Santa Muerte. She's a saint invented in Mexico and not approved of by the Catholic Church...
Post your eyes
What toppings do real Italians put on their pizza?
What other hobbies do you have besides browsing Sup Forums?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Brits are the best, we rule Sup Forums. This is our domain and from now on, when you reply to someone with the GB flag...
His country only speaks one language
Imagine being so beta that you can only drive auto
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
No culture
Pick 1, Sup Forums
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Does anybody here shitpost to make their country look bad?
Why are Brazilians so fucking attractive?
Which country has the biggest victim complex?
/deutsch/ und /antihellvetia/
Which country should I go to if I want to be killed?
Post your cunt's rightful clay
Tfw mexico was colonized by spain
Italians are whi-
Is Sup Forums proof that multiculturalism works?
What would be considered a "nerdy" or "geeky" name in your country?
Tfw 19 years old
Your cunt
1.Your country
Ask a uruguayan anything
Do you love Japan?
Reminder that 100,000 German women were raped in Berlin after it's surrender, 10,000 dying after...
What happens here?
Can I obtain german dual citizenship if my mother was once a german citizen?
Show me your throne, non throne country-lites aren't invited
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Mexican muslims
/v4/ + friends
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber auch /deutsch/
1. your cunt
This is creepy, America
The british empire was(and still is to a lesser extent) the greatest empire the world has ever seen
Memeball Thread?
Your cunt
Dad is being an islamic extremist at dinner again
Ask Me Anything?
1) Your cunt
You're forced to live in one of these cunts for the rest of your life, which one would you choose and why?
ITT: Americanisms that baffle you
Can any finn tell me whats the deal with KC and ylil?
Why do americans hate the french so much?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ il filo
What is the national meme of your country?
/sprengt's dich weg/ ehemals /deutsch/
Your cunt
Say something nice about the UK!
Why British wanted to genocide this?
Has Sup Forums ever experienced racism in person? Or witness a racist incident?
Why did these cucks named their country after christopher c*lumbus ??? wth
Just admit it whites are just bleached Indians
Russia is Asian
How are mixed people treated in your country?
I love Poland, do you love Poland?
/mämmi/ + Sverigetråden
Why are all countries in the world other than Sweden mooselets?
1. your honest opinion on Argentina and Argentines
Tell me everything you know about Manitoba
Anyone else just really sick of Muslims?
Where did all the Turkish posters go??
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Chadupplagan
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Home made carne asada with a bunch of other stuff
So I'm going to be an entrepreneur, I have a business idea, and I would like a little comment on it...
1. Country
Goes to Sup Forums for the first time
Last chance to travel for 2-3 years
Porquoi nous parlons seulement anglaise ici?
Would you racemix with an argentine girl?
Spurdo Sparde :DDDDD
Your flag and what is its meaning?
/deutsch/ + /carib/
Is saying "I dont date blacks" considered racists in your cunt?
One chance at a country
Why do Americans speak English that bad? Damn...
ITT: we spit on Russians for destroying Konigsberg and turning it into a slightly more liberal run-of-the-mill Russian...
If I had a gf, this is where I would propose :3
Do your fellow people support gun freedom?
/ITA/ - il filo
Post spurdo memes
1. Your country
This morning a tourist woman about 40yo expeted that I speak english...
Germany appreciation thread
What party do American Libertarians support in USA...
Why Japs so really bad bad at english?
What's stopping from having a black gf ?
Why does Asia has many population compared with other regions?
White people food lol
Post people socialising while drinking in your country
Pajeet with a couple of questions to the Bros in US and Europe
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ + /mena/
America is third world
1) Cunt
Meanwhile in Germany
/fr/ - le fil francophone
How do we save the Anglo from himself?
Tfw being finn
Sverigetråden mot främlingsfientlighet
At lesat you live in Europe
/lang/ - Language Learning
Sw*den hate thread
Italy: Polish Man Beaten Unconscious and Wife Gang Raped on Rimini Beach, French Migrants Suspected
Why do many Scandanvians have Asiatic eyes?
Deutschistan - Germanistan
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
ITT: We insult the poster above us with the appropriate ethnic slur in your mother tongue
Culture Pals /cp/ General
Tfw im going to die a virgin
ITT : post war songs from your cunt
He doesn't eat pasta at least once every day
How do you call this insect in your language?
Would you fight to defend Poland from EU opression?
More and more finnish women are being BLACK'D, ARAB'D and TURK'D ON DAILY BASES
1. Your country
Do you support your country's ruling party?
PISA 2015 International edition
/polska/ /rzeczpospolitaobojganarodów/
/V4/ + friends
Police state
Why is Italy so shitty?
People from Japan and South Korea, are you wondering about North Korea's nuclear madness...
/ita/ il filo
Has any non Slav worked in Russia before
Baltic Russian is Best Russian
Your country
Be asian guy dating an english girl who lives in america
Thank you, Russia and UK, for saving us from Napoleons tyranny
I declawed my cat
Tell me about the work ethic in your country
Do you like Japan?
/éire/ /eire/
ITT we discuss Finlando and its unique Suomi culture :DDDDDD
How come you can't see them here?
Why are Anglos so cruel?
Really make you think
/ex-ussr/ general
Reminder that English is a obscure extension of German and that every one should learn the Father Tounge
This is the country we the west look up too
Whats the strangest meat you have consumed in your country?
Do you love Japan
DNA/Ancestry Test Results
Kurva anyátok
Guess her ethnicity
Lightly banter a person of European descent
Why are Americans in particular so susceptible to brainwashing?
Why don't white people go to college anymore?
Who is your father civilization?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Be american
Popular pork dishes
How many boobies have you seen?
ITT try to say something in the language of the poster above you, even if you don't speak it
Why Shitskin countries around the world are all dangerous?
Why are Chicanos so embarrassing?
Do most europeans like their refugees?
Any special historical events that occurred this week in Latin America in the past?
1. ur cunt
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Sverigetråden - Dödsupplagan
How do you say faggot in your language
Was this posted on Reddit or something? there have been sporadic threads about this for three days now
Who is this guy?
Spanish commonwealth when?
Tfw entering first year of university at 23 years old (turning 24 soon as well)
When foreigners need to point to states on a map, why can they only ever get California, Texas...
Calling south americans "spanish"
Is this how american girls look like?
Why are whites so weak compared to blacks?
Will Arabs ever be aesthetic again?
Learn Arabic
Mexican girls are _____
Why do they hate us?
Please dont kill yourself xD i care about you
Hilo latino /lat/
How retarded does one have to be to be a nationalist?
/nachtschicht/ auch /deutsch/
Why are school shootings a american phenomenon?
Country opinion thread
Ah yes
Why are g*rms so intolerant? When are they going to legalize gay marriage?
Americans will defend this
1. ur cunt
1. Ur vag
What do you call the USA in your country?
Why can't we be one country?
See a vietnam flag
How do you feel about your murder/homocide rate?
Who wuz they?
Why is the United States of America best at EVERYTHING?
My country is getting destroyed but there are still some gems
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
I don't mean to put anyone down, but have you ever noticed how Mexicans tend to be darker...
Spain was largely controlled by Moors
North Korea launched missiles to Japan
Mexicans are proud members of the white race
/ita/ - il filo
Post greatest and most legendary song from your country, i'll begin:
Your cunt
Say something nice about my country
Rangeban t*rkey already
Finland doesn't make bad deals
What were the biggest fuck ups/best things to happen to your country's history?
Ur country's niggers
Morir es vivir
/balk/ - balkan thread
How is your country going to commemorate one of the most tragic days in human history?
/est/ - estonian thread
Fuck you
The Falklands are British!
Albanians are intellige-
/mena/ Thread
How many posters here have lived in rural areas? How was life there?
Why do Europeans live like ants rather than humans (except for Anglos)?
You can't make this shit up
Would you let someone implant a chip on you?
Can you drink tap water in your cunt?
Best of Sup Forums thread
You move into a house and must pick 5 roommates from 5 different nations to live with you
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/ - il filo
Which countries? What the fuck yuropoors explain this
Why americans dont racemix like we do?
Americans put their eggs in the freezer
Finland's international profile is now on the rise
Finland declares war and attacks your country. What do?
Do Turkey want to be part of the European club or part of the Arab club?
Are Romanians, dare I say it, Nordic people ? ?
Which Sup Forums posters are the:
Your cunt
/fr/ - le francofil blanc
Is it true that Japanese women are huge sluts for big white american cock...
Portugal isn't maghreb
Is this considered anglo culture?
Why doesn't your country produce cars?
Post the most typical modern architecture from your cunt
Which one is better, Sup Forums?
Guess ethnic group/groups
I'm starting to think this woman may be the most attractive one in the world right now
How do I impregnate a Japanese?
Would you race mix with an Anglo?
Why do most Americans hate California?
Sverigetråden - Stefanupplagan
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
These are america and canada
Walk into you're room
Your country
Hey, I am a 21 yo 5'6 tall 50kg gay boy with lack of social abilities and probably autism...
/mämmipizza/ + /umaru/
Have you accepted the truth that North Korea is the only non-degenerate country in this world yet ?
/food/ thread
Do you like the beauty standard of your country? I do not like
Absolute madman
Can you name all your states?
Be American
Why are wh*tes such sore losers?
Illiterate Koreans
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
What do you do if a Norwegian is rude to you? I would insult his country, but unfortunately it is pretty much perfect...
Tell me about Afghanistan
/v4/ + friends
Help translate please
Americans take care of thei-
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ex/- ottoman
Kurva anyátok
Average day in America
Be American
Poles go back to school on September 1st
Russia should've assimilated us in the 1700s. Maybe then we'd have some real history...
We post our view and rate how comfy it is
be american
Tell us about your school days, /int
Racism is dumb. This man is the boy's biological father
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why dont young teens care about games being good anymore they just want fast shooters and the next flavour of the month...
What are Sup Forums's deepest sexual fantasies? Mine is
It's September in two days
What is the average salary in your country?
His ""country"" doesn't have the richest wildlife in europe
August 28th, 2017
Any programmer here?
Was finland better under swedish or russian rule?
So user, what exactly do you do all day anyways?
ITT post your royal family
What's Sup Forums's height and weight?
Why is Japan so evil?
Why are Americans obsessed with race THAT MUCH...
For languages with gendered nouns, what do you call trannies?
/éire/ /eire/
We are not chinese!!!!!
All of these fucking retarded goofy accents
What are some physical objects that you associate heavily with Australian culture?
I am cat's cub! :3 miau miau
Good morning Austria!
Problems of learning English
Americans, what do you learn in your school history lessons? Could you provide an examples of popular textbooks?
Do Western scripts have regional variants?
Rate your country's neighbors
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1898
Can't you just bombard North Koreans with shit like iphone...
How can I get a qt pi white bf?
How do you spell "Japan" in your language?
Why yes hello I'm Briti-
If the earth isn't flat, why are maps flat?
Why are whites so racist?
Korean multinational group now popular in Japan
Kurva anyátok
/ex-ussr/ general
Why don't actual white Hispanic people from Spain and Spanish descent try to dispel the notion that a bunch of shitskin...
His people dont eat raw fishes
When someone tells me australia has no culture
Germany vs Russia
Am I white?
1. your country
What's this part of the country like?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
What if
This is the side of the US they don't want you to see
Will punch every american till they admit a brazilian was the creator of airplane
Why do ameritards see us as savages when they are actually more violent than us?
How does it feel to be brazil, the only country speaking portuguese while your neighbours speak spanish?
WTF I hate Chile now!
Sup Forums squeezes the balls of Spaniards...
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
You fall in love, you lose - international version
Which state is objectively the best?
When you finally realize that your country really are the bad guys
Which cunt is the comfiest to live in?
Daily reminder that if Europe falls in war you can come here, usa will probably be in civil war/communist revolution...
If you had to choose, would you rather trust your life to someone from India or Pakistan?
Why are South Americans so much better and well behaved than Mexicans and Central Americans?
Hey Sup Forums are you white?
The new bolivians
Hilo latino
How do people confuse the two?
1. Your country
Asians are superior to Europeans
Daily reminder that europe is dead
/ita/ il filo di umaru
Ok listen up lads
Do you love Japan?
This was the first flag of unified Switzerland
1. country
You guys OK?
Tell me about Florianopolis, Brazil. I want to know everything there is to know about it, cost of living, weather...
I always thought only absolute subhumans do circumcision only, but aussies do it too? why, my gasoline smelling friends?
Why do Europeans dress like homosexuals?
Why do people on Sup Forums have the fixation to compare themselves with Mexico (usually out of their ass) whenever...
Nachtschicht, später wieder /deutsch/
No friends so the only time I feel like I'm actually happy is when I'm watching Ice Poseidon or other irl livestreamers
How do you save the princess, Sup Forums?
Meet a Finnish Tatar
Do you love France?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Be American
Ask a Polish person anything
What does AMERICAN English sound like to foreigners? Does it resemble any other language you've heard...
/culture pals/ general
Be me, French
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
If I travel somewhere else (especially Europe and Britain)...
American neo-nazis are traitors to their country and should be executed
/fr/ - le fil francophone
>tfw surrounded by corrupt countries
Sup Forums hates non-whites
What contributions has albanian given to the world?
Younger brother is talking about the class struggle and bourgeoise even though we are upper middle class again
These 22 countries are recognized the Ture First World
Tv show/movie has a german character
Latin name
I live in Hamilton, Ontario and to be completely honest, it's scary how many men are into this "alt right" thing now...
Why are finnish posters soooooo gay?
/homonationalismus/ ehemals /deutsch/ und demnächst vielleicht /nachtschicht/
/v4/ + friends
Wh*tes unironically love eating this
Why USA? Why not the UK?
Your country
What does Sup Forums think of Slavs?
This petrifies the European
Hello people, my village just got internets and i am trying to acces international channel 4 to improve english...
Will we ever be friends again?
/ITA/ - il filo
Are tunisians white?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
19 years old
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...