1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Do you have any pet/pets? In that case what kind?

1. Flag
2. Yes, 2 cats

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, 2 dogs


Dogs are shit tier animals and pets

Yes, Austria and Switzerland

2 cats, 1 dog

Pipe down Muhmad

I have a 28 year old umbrella cockatoo,im the second owner,had the grumpy coot for 6 years now.Does not know how to speak,but mumbles in his own language and imitates a foghorn sometime,likes eating furniture.

no, I like animals but fuck paying the maintenance costs

2. My кoт.

one doggo, he's half french shepherd half german shepherd

No not anymore, although, they're fucking everywhere


I want to buy a border colly. Is this worth it? How much attention should i pay it? How much time should i spend to give this doggo proper training, etc.

>I want to buy a border colly. Is this worth it?
No, especially if you live in an apartment. They're pretty energetic dogs.

>How much attention should i pay it?
Shitloads, they're very smart and they get bored easily. When they're bored they start behaving in destructive and stubborn ways.

>How much time should i spend to give this doggo proper training, etc.
They're smart and quick learners but they demand a lot of time and attention.

Well trained kot

1. Flag
2. One cat at this point. Used to have two dogs

Did your dogs die, or you just got rid of them?

They both passed away within a year of each other


Japanese rice fish (medaka)
and some accompanying tiny shrimps and mud shells

used to have cats as a child but those dumb meme gremlins fucking destroyed every interior surface of our new house

cute akita


Hi, I,m Arslan Valeev. I have some pets. 200 venom snakes, 3 bobcat, 1 puma, 1 cat. Yes, i can.