
yank comedy edition

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no.1 - gotta do it 4free


picture rorkes face when he realises that all our posts are ironic

screeching at the thought of this

shan't be posting in the gook edition

somebody could have TOLD ME season 12 IASIP is on netflix now


We need to make a TV commercial for Sup Forums with a young racially diverse cast enjoying anonymous posting on the internet. We can finish on the slogan:

>Sup Forums: Adults Just Don't Get It

what's a good term for a Trump supporter?

Racist prick


Business Idea: Dress up as a tsarist soldier and set fire to communists





you in the middle?

>Adults just don't get it
>if you're not an adult, you get banned
Very meta.


source ?

status quo warrior

>ywn be this *aesthetic*

trump supporter

jon is so THICC

based magapede


sometimes wish I were less attractive
girls only interested in me for my looks and guys don't like me because they feel Inferior

fucking love eggs. such amazing and tasty little things with so many uses.

Mummy's making me cocoa

Blue is the colour
Football is the game
We're all together
And winning is our aim

So cheer us on
Through the sun and rain
Because Chelsea, Chelsea is our name

might boot up the old minecraft

name a couple then

hate everyone



bet you're a twat

can throw them at yank scum

how can people laugh with this? americans are just bad at comedy


dire thread


All the uses within cookery probably number in the hundreds.

also good for throwing at politicians, leftists and yanks.

even me?

Not even close

What's the current zeitgeist of the UK?

especially you


so I was thinking about moving to ireland my grandparents are from there and I have dual citizenship, which end of ireland is the one with all the violence again I forget



big kot


nice trips

i don't think it can fit any deeper

oh wait it can

don't know what that word means sorry


*Turns all the English folk into Scotsmen*

yeah, been storing bottle caps for while

He literally lost inches in height as he lifted, freaky guy



Found our this girl my mates been interested in for a long time actually really likes me, asked her out jokingly and she said yes. I've got her number and she's texting me nonstop paragraphs.

Haven't told him yet, might not tell him because he'll be upset. Should just cum inside her then ghost her, then pretend it never happened.

Fortunately nearly all of the executioners met bad ends

doing a wank to gay porn
no homo


I can't help but squirm if I picture my tender bollocks right under the left plates. Just imagine how the strength of >100Kgs of still could damage the weakest part of your body. There would be nothing left of your masculinity but a bloody pulp covered in the black man's sweat

fucking state of modern english morality

Bit rude
No need to hate my ugly troll-like friendo

>tfw no gf to change my nappy and breastfeed me


>"I don't watch sports"

The mong admission

New bluewhisper has just been uploaded, she looks gorgeous

they were long dead by 1941

considering a tug

>when girls want it


shame georgie didn't meet his cousin's fate for sending 900,000 britons to a pointless death

vaguely know this feeling.
legitimate autist and the only time a girl has started a conversation with me was (apparently) because she was desperate for a shag and had misinterpreted my silence for being a cool emo type rather than a retard.

suffice to say after falling asleep in my flat to the sound of a lecture on british railway signalling in 1975 we've not spoken since.

Well you gotta look after yourself haven't you my man. Is it wrong to put yourself first before other people? Its like the most basic human instinct, to put yourself first.


That picture was of generic communists being dealt with.

Also i think two lived on but died bitter and poor, the west were purged or murdered

it's fate trying to fuck you over, don't let it

i swear my phone is listening to me.

have had a couple of casual conversations with mates and wanting a holiday somewhere and just now i've gone on facebook and its showing holiday deal adverts.

fucking spooky lads.




I haven't watched since season 6 or 7. Is it shit now?




that plan probably wont end well, either give up on your friend (cowardly) or give up on the girl (noble)

War is war, what is injustice is that lenin died peacefully.
At least stalin died writhing on the floor choking for air

why yes I love watching tv shows especially breaking bad, game of thrones, big bang theory and rick and morty

lol did the bolsheviks take your tsarist grandad's farm

dont think I've ever used the circle line before

such a true illustration of nowadays society...
as a 16 year old boy who doesnt own a fidget spinner i really hate my generation...

forgot to note: other people outside my family have told me that i'm attractive and also did the inferring of intent on the girl because, as noted, i'm a spaz.

don't care about terrorist attacks
want the normoids to suffer
