What party do American Libertarians support in USA...

What party do American Libertarians support in USA? They are closer to Republicans economically but to Democrats they are closer socially.
Picreleated are Kichanova and Gnilorybov, famous libertarians here.

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They have their own meme party that gets a few percentage points worth of the popular vote.
If you mean the two main parties then they have to go Republican because a large chunk of Democrats are vehemently opposed to the idea of the states rights; the GOP will at least humor it.

>What party do American Libertarians support in USA?
the Libertarian Party

>but to Democrats they are closer socially.
LOLbertarians are not Libertarians, they are just edgy kids that read Ayn Rand and want to legalize drugs and spend too much time on those computer gizmos
t. Hoppe

Hoppe is not a Libertarian, he's a quasi-fascist who wants his own private state to enforce white sharia for him that libertarians bring up to not be accused of being pro-open borders on Sup Forums.

t. Ayn Rand pro

Libertarianism is a joke.
It relies on Democracy but the majority will never vote make the rich richer.

since the 2010 bielections, an absolute fuckton of grassroots fiscal conservative movements have put tea party or tea party tier republicans into office
obama's large-scale spending bills (which were arguably necessary) and the fact they were passed without a single rep. vote scared the shit out of tea party lads and catalyzed the movement of the tea party into the mainstream

Libertarian are always neoliberals, republicans

>it relies on democracy
it relies on constitutional law

the tea party isn't libertarian you tard

That doesn't refute what I said.

Libertarianism is insanity, but they don't fir in any American political party so I wondered who do they vote except their meme party.
Libertarians are MUH FREEDUM on steroids so they are obviously close to democrats socially. Here in Russia libertarians are openly pro-LGBT and anti-religious for example, pro-weed, pro-abortions, etc etc. I think considering how liberal USA are they go full retard with it.

yes it does, learn to read you fucking idiot weeb


What does tea party has to do with libertarians? They are far conservatives.

>Libertarianism is insanity
dude fuck having rights and shit lmao

What's the ubermensch ideology that gives you free pussy?

"Ah yes, [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness]... Life? What 'right' to life has a man who is drowning in the Pacific? The ocean will not hearken to his cries. What 'right' to life has a man who must die to save his children? If he chooses to save his own life, does he do so as a matter of 'right'? If two men are starving and cannibalism is the only alternative to death, which man's right is 'unalienable'? And is it 'right'? As to liberty, the heroes who signed the great document pledged themselves to buy liberty with their lives. Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost. The third 'right'?—the 'pursuit of happiness'? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore. Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can 'pursue happiness' as long as my brain lives—but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can ensure that I will catch it."
- Starship Troopers (Robert A. Heinlein)

I know, I was just shitposting
Dude I have the right to do whatever I want lmao

not a single pixel was even gazed upon

Communism/Anarchism for teenagers and early 20s, after that politics won't get you jackshit

yes, you should actually
imagine being this cucked

Constitution Party. I vote Republican tho

You just can't be that stupid to believe that giving absolute freedom to business wouldn't lead to corporations running the state directly without any democracy and shit. Libertarianism is a liberalism pushed into autism.

Enjoy being harvested for organs after a megacorp invades your neighborhood

I'm sure one day the majority will trust people such as yourself to run government.

If a corporation did that independent media would report on it and people would stop buying their products so they would lose power soon which is why they wouldn't do it in the first place.

>Libertarianism is Anarcho-Capitalism
oh so you're just another retard from Sup Forums that was introduced to the concept of small government by ancap memes. You should have said so.

Don't have to run the government if there isn't one

>I vote Republican
Doesn't Trump right wing conservative social narrative scare you? I mean, he has a lot of people behind him who would like to ban abortions, are anti-weed, racist and other non libertarian things.

a lot more likely than some empty-header ninny that can't even put together a coherent argument without pedophile cartoons

>small government
That is not "dude do whatever you want". And who is going to stop the government from becoming a big government? All governments start small and gradually expand, that's what has happened thorough all history
Unless the corporation also bought the media

paleolibertarian is the only way tbqhwy alas its impossible to achieve like the rest of the memes

fascism is okay to sustain a healthy and virile society whilst not succumbing to decadency

>independent media
Would be bought by corporations or scared by them.
Dude, money is the power, if you give them absolute freedom this power would be absolute.

The Libertarian movement was taken over by anarchists like Rothbard who tainted the name of Mises forever.
The libertarian movement and Mises institute in the US is basically an anarchist club who also happen to believe in lots of conspiracy theories (Lew Rockwell especially)

I'm just trying to delay the collapse of my country for as long as possible desu, Republicans are marginally better.

The cum sucking faggot party, the only fitting place for libertarians.

It's bullshit, you can't talk about le freedum while being socially ultraconservative. I mean, you can physically, but it would be schizophrenia.

All political systems made up a priori by some philosopher are inherently trash, as they try to reduce the impossible complexity of human sociopolitical behavior to simple axioms and mark everyone that does not conform to their hypotheses as enemies to remove or reeducate

>what is going to stop the government from becoming a big government
there are loads of safeguards in the US constitution against it that people just choose to ignore because they want gibs and the comforts of servitude to the state. Technically the US federal government does not have any power which the constitution does not explicitly give to it, those powers are all supposed to be devolved to the states. The federal government is supposed to have a very limited range of responsibilities that include just very basic things such as conducting foreign policy on behalf of the states, minting a currency, and maintaining the military.

define freedom first otherwise we cannot carry on with the convo

That's because they aren't actually libertarian, they're just christfags who hate the feds

It makes sense if one (like all anarchists do) postulates the "natural state", for paleos it coincides with traditional living style since they argue, those are the lifestyles that are compatible with a stateless society, while modern lifestyles can only exist with the support of the state. For example, without a welfare state, people with no children would have a hard time living after they stop working if they haven't set up a conspicuous retirement fund
>there are loads of safeguards in the US constitution against it that people just choose to ignore because they want gibs and the comforts of servitude to the state
There, you said it. States become big because most people have some short-term gain off it. So, you either exterminate all those people, remove the right of voting from them or have to live with the fact that states tend to grow bigger

what does libertarian mean for you? without defining the terms first this thread is going nowhere

>so I wondered who do they vote except their meme party.
That's pretty much it. If forced too.a lot will vote for a more conservative moderate because are "liberals" now are more fixated on taking away the second amendment, increasing taxes, taking away freedom if speech they don't like, etc.

actually all that needs to be done is enforcing the actual existing law. The beauty of a constitution is that it is something which is supposed to withstand tyranny of the majority.

>actually all that needs to be done is enforcing the actual existing law
Sure, but who is going to enforce it when the majority doesn't want anyone to do it, and the majority controls everything?

>is that it is something which is supposed to withstand tyranny of the majority.
Not much use when people aren't willing to enforce the law m8

spot on

the difference between people who are libertarians and people who are ancaps is fucking huge tbqh

on one side you got actual libertarians and on the other side you got semi-fascist pudgy american teenagers who admires dictators like pinochet

>mfw all the libertarians with a decent head on their shoulders just became alt-right when they realized only White people care about freedom
>the only libertarians left now are polyamorous blue hairs

wtf I was gonna make this exact same post

Lolbertarians are socially retarded homosexuals

Libertarian can't be altright because freedom is not compatible with racism. You can't have segregation, institutional racism etc if you declare free competition and equal rights.
Also altrights are the biggest scum in American politics, even worse than sjw - the latter are at least motivated by good ideal of equality and justice, just pushed to the limit. Altrights are driven by pure hatred and desire to make others discriminated to have more power yourself. If this shit appears in Russia someday it would be disgusting.

Libertarians believe in their right to refuse customers of coloured skin, that's why they were Libertarian to begin with.

this in a way, but it definitely goes both ways. As Libertarians come out of reading classical liberal writings and free market/gold bug economics as much as they did out of snarky anti-government leftism during the Bush era. Most young "libertarians" have split the last few years and have either begun to endorse Socialistic policies (Sanders) or Alt Right crypto-Fascism with random statist and libertarian views thrown in. Few people except extreme dull centrists supported Gary Johnson and most only voted from him out of not wanting to vote Trump or Clinton

>proving my point this hard
don't you have an antifa armpit hair braiding party to attend?

What is Aleppo?

Johnson was a joke and will be remember as a part of the reason the Libertarians haven't gotten anywhere

they could've really taken off these last few years if they played their cards right, and I say that without being a Libertarian

Playing their cards right would have been playing cards they didn't want to play.
They are dead on arrival; the only Libertarian societies in history are either shitholes or had a population of one.

>they could've really taken off these last few years
Not with the browning of America. But libertarians refuse to recognize that only White people have ever cared about liberty in an abstract sense. In an all-White country, they could have their free societies. They wouldn't, of course, because a stateless society is a pipe dream, but they could at least be taken seriously.

you're correct

You're retarded, Latin America has been the test site of various neoliberal and libertarian policies for many years, and most of the socialist societies on earth were and are white. It has no correlation to race, you retard.
Libertarians would consider it offending the freedom to buy of another person actually. There was a scandal not a long ago in Russia when radical orthodox businessman refused to LGBT customers and most of libertarians called him a fascist.

>It has no correlation to race
lmao imagine being this delusional
Liberty was invented by anglos. Central and South America are, as a rule, socialist as fuck.


And funny thing about those White socialist countries, they tend to turn out better than the brown ones. Funny thing, huh?