
just saw this on telly edition

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don't mind yanks

just wish they wouldn't host /brit/ threads

simple as



need a nz gf lads

Please tell me this is a parody

All Americans are welcome in /brit/

Ignore the angry jealous Rasheeds

I guess my danish heritage explains my beautifully defined eyebrows



the 1930s really was a multipolar era wasn't it?

britain, france, america, ussr, germany, italy, japan, china were all powerful states but not powerful enough to dominate all others totally like the usa today or the british empire at its peak, or even the duopoly of the cold war

yanks please just fucking leave us alone I'm begging you
when will it get into your fucking thick skulls that we don't like you, we don't want you here and we don't want to conversate with you

please just have some decency and leave us in peace

Don't ever reply to me again you annoying heritaging piece of shit.

can't sleep, not a nice feeling

BBC has gone full cultural marxist. lefties are doubling down. And i think it may be a secret plan to fuel reactionary conservatism.

leftyspic is freaking out about Sup Forums again

So I read that the former United States is so desperate for medical supplies that they have allegedly sent several containers filled with wheat and tobacco. A gesture, they said, of good will. You wanna know what I think? Well, you're listening to my show, so I will assume you do... I think it's high time we let the colonies know what we really think of them. I think its payback time for a little tea party they threw for us a few hundred years ago. I say we go down to those docks tonight and dump that crap where everything from the Ulcered Sphincter of Arse-erica belongs! Who's with me? Who's bloody with me?

Did you like that? USA... Ulcered Sphincter of Arse-erica, I mean what else can you say? Here was a country that had everything, absolutely everything. And now, 20 years later, is what? The world's biggest leper colony. Why? Godlessness. Let me say that again... Godlessness. It wasn't the war they started. It wasn't the plague they created. It was Judgement. No one escapes their past. No one escapes Judgement. You think he's not up there? You think he's not watching over this country? How else can you explain it? He tested us, but we came through. We did what we had to do. Islington. Enfield. I was there, I saw it all. Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists. Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go. Strength through unity. Unity through faith. I'm a God-fearing Englishman and I'm goddamn proud of it!

nice picture

Super stressed and anxious again. Thinking over all my problems and bad moments. Rethinking my life

Going to wake up tomorrow and be really nice to everyone

*hugs you*

Fuck you for making me scroll up to check who you're autistically replying to. Shame on you.

i'm enjoying myself though

just want someone to cuddle with ffs

puerto rico is a good fucking lad, at least he shows respect and knows his place unlike you vile yank cunts

i'm in love with the shape of shit

Piss off back home yank

They really are unabashedly trying to rewrite history now. They aren't even trying to deny it anymore.

Literally no problems with yanks unless you're a leftycunt (aka newfag, leave instantly) or islamist

you just had to bring it to the new thread
but didn't post this or how you admitted to covering your snowflake eyes that's nice 'ismo yank, but I'm off to sleep soon you're not getting Yous anymore

t. the gay commie who literally just asked him for his snapchat last thread

why do our children hate our grandfathers, lads?


please just go and never come back
you've you had your fun but it's time to call it a day

Don't dwell on bad history. Observe your thoughts, be like a policeman of your mind. Choose what you think about, and consciously enforce that.

americans lost the vietnam war because of one on one hand to hand combat? you're retarded


>all american flags are the same poster
again, that isn't me you fucking retard. literally the only brit here that talks to you is a gay commie LOL

He is a yank

doing a bloodborne

wonder if anyone has ever visited Sup Forums and come out more left wing than before


choon lads

I see you

that's a cute ebby :3

mate you bombed them with napalm and machine gunned entire villages of people. one on one they fucking crushed you

love paddies love puerto ricans
simply fucking hate yanks
go away!!

>talk about American politics constantly
>always talk about cuckolding and black cocks
>painfully stupid
>no self awareness

Puerto Rico
>top lad
>actually tried to fit in with the culture of the general

it was a tie

crafting a masterful gimmick lads, will keep you posted xoxo

Puerto Rico is rightful American clay

t. gay commie with a crush on a spic


people who come here with the idea in their head that we're all stupid probably become more left wing because they're obsessed with being contrarian

nothing is more disastrous to the left-wing way of thiking that open and free discussion

so no

no I'm not
>>all american flags are the same poster
they might as well be, it's very clear when you're samefagging and if not that's even worse, you guys are like a retarded hivemind repeating the exact same shit
kinda like reddit, how ironic

fuck off knobhead i've seen this puerto rico kid and he's a cunt

I imagine so considering Sup Forums used to be leftist

>it's very clear when you're samefagging
>you guys are like a retarded hivemind repeating the exact same shit
is this the lefty cognitive dissonance I've been hearing about?

I see how you Britons are.
Most of you are not alright folks.
I am displeased.

not m-me

Puerto Rico is a horrible leftist cunt



You wake up in Canada.


rip you glorious bastard

Why don't you guys just have a filter for US flags when you're in /brit/

sperging about people you could literally just be ignoring doesn't help


i'll fucking bang you out

off you pop then fatty



that isn't me from last thread you sperg


>Puerto Rico is a horrible leftist cunt


thanks x
at least hate me for something other than my ideology
thailad is a massive rorke and I like him

any battyman in

Love how much the mere sight of my flag triggers this autistic wanker


it's a bit depressing that black music used to be wonderful but it's devolved into shit-flinging race-baiting low-brow (c)rap these days

Ahhh yes, another spic vs yank late night episode. Getting a bit sick of this


Nonce yourselves.

hello :)

Imagine caring this much about Sup Forums


Why do yanks post here? Universally despised posters, same with the mexican cunt

What do you think of them?

commerce proposal: instead of putting x at the end of a sentence put an o

haha o

>same with the mexican cunt
it's puerto rico you racist twat

alright then lads

enough shit

let's get back on track


you are waaaay too obnoxious sometimes surrounding politics but clearly intelligent, sharp and probably have potential to be a normie

can bet you're one of those racially ambiguous people who wear circular glasses and have leftist cunt mates. is that even a thing in Puerto rico

Another thread of whining... oh joy...

good people the ones ive met


My eyes hurt

not a fan

fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die
fuck off and die

absolutely shit episode

Why is every single Northerner I see a marxist college student?

I could run through you in a millisecond. I'm built like a rhino, try me

calm down