How dangerous is your country, disaster wise?

We just had a dust devil yesterday, it made national headlines.

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It's not. We only have a couple of weak storms that doesn't do much damage at all, rarely kills any single person at all, and we kinda forget once they're done.


We get small floods from time to time but that's it.

We have the most dust devils of anywhere in the world.

no floods
no volcanoes
no earthquakes
no extreme weather of any kind
it's alright


America is a perfectly safe country.

There are absolutely no natural disasters here, and 0 chance of them ever occurring.

>t. Yellowstone-chan

We had a "big" storm 5+ years ago that fell a big pine tree right next to our house. But I bet an American would have thought it's just a regular windy day. Finland is probably one of the safest countries in the world when it comes to disasters.


There was a storm month ago that fucked shit up

Hello my name is Pratel and Im from India. I like safe and rich country. I want to study in Finland.

Aha juuh

Not at all

it didnt reach this far north so i forgot about it

We never have tornados, earthquakes, volcanoes, massive forest fires, hurricanes, volcanic events, floods, etc.

Wasn't there some slurry dam in the 60s that burst during flooding and wiped out a town?

How are your water supplies? Will they last. I heard Jordan and Israel we're draining the dead sea and lakes.

Oh we also don't have ice storm that bring down trees onto houses, cars and power lines.


that happens every other month where I live, and I live somewhere that rarely has bad weather by American standards

Fellow Northeast bro?

isreal is draining the dead sea*
as for water supplies,almost non existant,we don't have shortages or anything though thanks to projects like this