Be Japanese

>Be Japanese
>Send a fax


stop making these gay ass threads and just not responding at all after making the post. lmao good threads get bumped down for this.

>be Japanese
>install Windows 8 from floppy

>be italian
>make gorgeous car
>can't afford it except maffia

>Sup Forums
>good threads

actually I have a fax in my house

it's funny because he's not kidding, japs still use fax machines

>be Japanese
>have lots of girls with big tits
>fuck pillow instead

>says the american

I unironically have a fax machine

>Be Japanese
>Work at a black corporation

they have twice the amount of fax machines you fucking dipshit, of course we have more faxes sent with 3x their population

I've never used a fax machine in my life (though I have one that is integrated into our home telephone set) but I can understand why people still use them as our culture values your skill of handwriting on documents very very highly.

You have the second biggest amount of fax machines per capita, my numerically impeded friend

>actually you're number 2

okay that's settled thanks

>wanting 3DPD
>wanting hags
>wanting cow tits
You are scum.

El paedophilo, senores

Most businesses still do, you stupid fucking ignorant American. They remain the most secure way of creating an accurate facsimile of confidential documents.

you can't hack a fax m8

FAX is faster and easier to handle than pdf files attached to emails.

It's true considering the fact 99% of Japanese companies are small businesses

Do you love Japan

>FAX is faster and easier to handle than pdf files attached to emails.
It's not since paperless is a thing. There's no advantage to using fax except to cater to おっさん who can't use computers to save their lives.

Sup Forums figured it all out


In a developed full sized country like Japan (unlike your fucking town) the overall cost of a technological shift is overwhelmingly huge.

When fax transaction is working perfectly fine in your local small office, why do you have to get rid of it and introduce less secured and more cumbersome means of documentation?
To pretend you work with a group of hundreds of professional staff from Toyota or Hitachi?

Japan is the one lagging behind. This is like still using telegraphy saying they still work fine and changing is expensive.

The advantages to going paperless far outweighs the cost of ditching faxes. Faxes are NOT secure.

>The advantages to going paperless far outweighs the cost of ditching faxes.
So what are they?

Printing costs, faster document sharing and collaboration, more convenient for people away from the office, archiving and searching documents is far faster and takes up less space.

I used to think the use of fax shows that Japanese office job is very backword compared to the rest of the world. But fax is convenient and i started to think it's superior or at least has advantage to e-mail or other web services.

>be italian
>kiss a stranger
>get arrested

>be italian
>be a barricaded suspect
>get arrested

Looks like Japan cannot handle our colorful and spontaneous culture, very sad

Agreed, fellow Italian: very sad indeed.


>Printing costs
You fax documents that have to be printed so what's the point of not going the direct path?
>faster document sharing and collaboration
It's MUCH slower.
>more convenient for people away from the office
How come so? They need to find a printer anyway when they have to.
>searching documents is far faster and takes up less space
And not very safe

You let your flag out in the sun too long, my fellow Italian

I don't think you know how non-Japanese companies operate if you can say those things. I hope you'll be able to stop being 井の中の蛙 someday.

>be Japanese
>leave your wallet and laptop unobserved on a table
the joke is that no one takes them for some reason

What kind of documents does your company handle through your paperless system?


I don't think you understand the American mentality. They solve a problem then throw out the solution a decade later because somebody somewhere has introduced an even more complex and costly way to address it.
Just look at Amerishart websites. The whole world figured out how to serve hypertext documents in the 1990s, but Americans weren't satisfied with that. Now you have to load MBs worth of scripts just to read a news article, because it's uhh... innovative!

The only reason Sup Forums is even remotely tolerable is because it's based off of Japanese design. If Americlaps coded Futabally there'd be accounts, threaded replies, and karma.


>he's ok with the internet not progressing past the 1990s in terms of design and function

This explains so much about the ugly jap internet

>be British
>carefully adjust the knobs on your hot and cold water taps so you get water that is the right temperature

>how non-Japanese companies operate
We mix old tech and new tech for the best outcomes and non-Jap companies are probably stupid enough to throw away anything old because it could be seen as a sign of boss's incompetence in IT fields.
Japanese companies tend to give the employees more assured job opportunities and not be driven by short term results.
That kind of strategy actually works when the labor market is shutting materialistically aspiring immigrants out.

>be Italian
>drink water and wash his ass at the same sink
>cannot flush used toilet paper and just put it into bin

>calling the bidet a sink
>drinking from the bidet
Also, the bin is for stuff like soap bars wrapping papers and used up toilet rolls

>cannot flush used toilet paper
The fuck?

Amerifaxes BTFO

Yes Japan is not like the one you gaijins imagine.

stupid 70 % of gaijins still believe in Samurai at this moment, a survey says.

>the bin
this is a toilet of Colosseum

pro-tip: next time use a location that actually HAS toilets

>the bin
toilet at San Pietro in Vaticano

What kind of fucking retard goes to a public toilet in R*me?

toilet at Milano Malpensa Airport

>San Pietro in Vaticano
Not Italy :^)

zitto animale

Thank you Finland

Are we not gonna mention that the nip either spent two weeks going around public bathrooms taking pics in 2009 or at least knows someone who did?
Because that's way creepier than the plumbing issue he's complaining about, which does actually exist in the balkans.

I have to send faxes every fucking day

>no school, no job
retard neet, what are you doing this afternoon?

>jap girl took those pics while she was visiting Italy
>impressed how dirty their toilets were
literally shit tier

We Use Fax too. What's wrong with Fax?

They are dirty because of fucking tourists like her, she could stay home and we wouldn't have to deal with tourists fucking everywhere and she can have the clean toilet at her home

>What's wrong with Fax?
Still using paper at all is borderline barbaric. Not to mention a gigantic fucking hassle to deal with.

Calm down, shitalian
A Japanese female tourist complained about your dirty toilets

>I have never worked in a professional environment

>fucking tourists like her
nah, you did

>let's post a photo from 15 years ago of the city everyone in Italy despises for being a shithole
Damn, you showed me.
Also, Rome has far more tourists than inhabitants

Samurai still exist today, they have simply taken a different form: the corporate soldier.

drink this water

Take a bath here

>3pm on Wednesday in his local time

yeah, that's a nice plant made by General Electric
now get back to your work (if you have any)

>yeah, that's a nice plant made by General Electric
Yep, too bad it irradiated the whole Northern Pacific
>now get back to your work
I will this Monday, I'm still on paid leave (not that a Jap would even know what that is)

el paedophilo senores ajajajajjaja